Buying restaurant supplies


Kota Jakarta Timur, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

May 2018

On-time repayments

9 installments  •  89%

About Me

My name is Yana Yuhana, I was born in Jakarta on August 22, 1976. Since I was a child, I have left my parents, so from childhood I was raised by my adoptive parents, now my adoptive parents are gone and I am forced to continue my life. work hard.

My Business

In 2015, I tried to open a business restaurant or coffee shop located near my home, I chose to open this business because my home environment was strategic and seemed profitable for my business. Hopefully with Zidisha, my business can be helped and can go even further. thank you

Loan Proposal

I will use this Money to complement the food menu that is in my coffee shop. and I need some groceries like: Indomie Boil 2 boxes for $ 200 sugar, coffee, cooking oil for $ 200 hopefully this time my loan proposal can be funded quickly.

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About Me

Nama saya Yana Yuhana, saya lahir di Jakarta pada 22 Agustus 1976, Sejak kecil saya telah meninggalkan orang tua saya, jadi sejak kecil saya dibesarkan oleh orangtua angkat saya, sekarang orang tua angkat saya hilang dan saya dipaksa untuk melanjutkan hidup saya. bekerja keras.

My Business

Pada tahun 2015, saya mencoba membuka restoran bisnis atau kedai kopi yang terletak di dekat rumah saya, saya memilih untuk membuka usaha ini karena lingkungan rumah saya strategis dan tampaknya menguntungkan untuk bisnis saya. semoga dengan zidisha, bisnis saya dapat terbantu dan bisa lebih maju lagi. Terima kasih

Loan Proposal

Saya akan menggunakan Uang Ini untuk melengkapi menu makanan yang ada di warung kopi saya . dan saya butuh beberapa bahan makanan seperti :

Indomie Rebus 2 kardus sebesar $ 200
gula , kopi , minyak goreng sebesar $ 200

semoga kali ini proposal pinjaman saya bisa terdanai dengan cepat.





  • Fufu    Jun 20, 2018

    I would be happy to lend again.

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    • Yana    Jun 24, 2018

      terima kasih kepada tuan fufu.
      saya akan selalu berusaha konsisten dengan jadwal pembayaran yang ada .

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 24, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

1 week


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States


Andrew DiMuro

United States

Ask Yana a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Yana    Aug 29, 2018

    I would like to thank the lenders who have funded my loan proposal. I promised to pay the installments on time according to the provisions. thank you

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  • Yana    Jul 24, 2018

    Acknowledgments To: Mr. Paul Buccheit from the United States and Mr. Andrew DiMuro from the United States for funding my 3rd Loan. I promise to use this money as well as I can and pay on time. Thank you

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    • Fitri    Jul 24, 2018

      Hello, Mr. Yana Yuhana, Please help to remind your brother, Ade Saputra ( to immediately pay his Zidishanya installment. Currently he is late paying 4 installments. thanks.

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      • Yana    Jul 24, 2018

        Good Night, Good, I"ll tell you about it, thank you

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  • Yana    Jun 17, 2018

    I thank Mr. Craig Newmark of United states for funding my Loan. I will keep your trust by paying the installments on time. thanks.

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  • Yana    Jun 17, 2018

    Thanks To Mr. Fufu for funding my loan. on this day I have paid my loan of Rp 272,850 and his plan I will make a new loan proposal to buy my coffee shop supplies. thanks.

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  • Yana    Jun 13, 2018

    this money I have used to buy my store needs. the goods I buy are: Sugar 1Kg Tea Box And Coffee original one pack of semiga with this capital I can raise money to save and expand my business.

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  • Fufu    Jun 10, 2018

    Good luck! I hope your business goes well.

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  • Yana    Jun 10, 2018

    Thanks to Mr or Mrs Fufu from Japan for funding my loan. hopefully my business can go forward and our cooperation can be established smoothly. Thanks.

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