Buy equipment and material supply


Cimahi, Indonesia

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $40 goal


days left




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

7 installments  •  0%

About Me

I desi, I was born of a simple family. I am a housewife with three children, at times like this now tinggat needs and the economy is very high sped his price. so I decided to help my family economy bembantu husband is also working to obtain the maximum financial results. as a parent I want to send my child to the university high,,,, in addition to my hobby is cooking while listening to music I use keahlisan me to process food can I sell, hic, hic, hic funny intriguing, though sometimes sad but I have to pobud passion for the business flow is also the dream of the family. , , ,

My Business

Ulen contents at an affordable price postage also is not too mahal__Selain unique, consumers can enjoy typical food very terjangkau__Di side hobby, culinary ulen this content had never been there before her. __Untuk 3kg cheese corned chicken glutinous rice seasoning seed ulen 180 generate the contents with less cost approximately rp.255000 per day From 180 seed multiplied ulen contents 3000 = rp. 54,000 (turnover) and on average we produce 3-6 kg per day. business cycle

Loan Proposal

To turn bisnis__Menambah buy gas. 70 USD__Membeli commodity USD__100 50%

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya desi, saya terlahir dari keluarga yang sederhana.saya seorang ibu rumah tangga juga mempunyai tiga orang anak, di jaman seperti sekarang ini tinggat kebutuhan dan perekonomian sangatlah melesat tinggi harga nya. sehingga saya memutuskan untuk membantu perekonomian keluarga saya bembantu suami juga yang sedang bekerja untuk mendapatkan hasil keuangan yang maksimal. sebagai orang tua saya ingin menyekolahkan anak saya sampai ke universitas tinggi,,,, di samping saya hobi memasak sambil mendengarkan musik saya pergunakan keahlisan saya untuk mengolah makanan yang bisa saya jual, hik, hik,hik lucu seru, walau terkadang miris tapi saya harus slalu semangat untuk kelancaran usaha juga impian keluarga....

My Business

Ulen isi dengan harga terjangkau juga ongkir nya tidak terlalu mahal
Selain unik, konsumen dapat menikmati makanan khas yang sangat terjangkau
Di samping hobi, jenis kuliner ulen isi ini belum pernah ada sebelum nya.
Untuk 3kg beras ketan+ ayam+ keju+ kornet+bumbu menghasil kan 180 biji ulen isi dengn biaya kurang lebih rp.255000 per hari Dari 180 biji ulen isi dikalikan 3000 = rp. 54.000(omset)dan rata- rata kami memproduksi 3-6 kg perhari .perputaran bisnis

Loan Proposal

Untuk perputaran bisnis
Menambah nembeli tabung gas. 70 USD
Membeli bahan dagangan 50 USD





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 20, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

7 weeks


Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Ask Desi a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Desi    Feb 5, 2018

    I"m sorry, I did yesterday found a decrease in my business ,, so hp was not there. This month my plan started again willing to sell ... and please help me info no no, so i can pay the installment.

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  • Arifah    Oct 10, 2017

    I have also tried to contact him. But mobile phone number is not active.

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  • Petrus Haryono    Sep 1, 2017

    Contact number can not be reached

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  • Arifah    Aug 30, 2017

    Good lenders, I"ve tried to contact him again. But no response.

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  • Arifah    Jun 30, 2017

    Brother of desi, brother has never made payment of zidisha installment. Please advise us of the available constraints so that we can help.

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  • Arifah    May 17, 2017

    You desi, you are required to pay the zidisha installments in a timely manner. Keep zidisha trust. I have tried to contact you but there is no answer.

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  • Desi    Apr 20, 2017

    Thank you very much to zidisha and to the lender, the money is already in receipt of rp.496,595 .. Rupiah up with these loans can be a blessing for business, we also go out and lender amen. and we will use this money as soon as possible to the needs and budgets of our business.

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  • Desi    Apr 18, 2017

    Supplies masak__Biasa tool orders menjakau banyak__100% __ To petrified keluarga__Baik and children need enough berpertasi in sekola__Perayaan christmas

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  • Desi    Apr 16, 2017

    For petrified for meperluas usaha__Sangat capital for the trust his usaha__Terima

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