Buy business equipment


Bogor/ Cisarua, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

April 2018

On-time repayments

10 installments  •  60%

About Me

my name is diah arianingrum. I work in a traditional fried chicken restaurant. and have business in some places, I sell fried chicken somewhere. I want my business to grow so that it can improve my life and my family. to promote business requires capital to purchase materials and other equipment. hopefully with this loan my business is fast forward.

My Business

my source of income can be from where I work and my fried chicken trading business. from the income I work for and from the results of my business I use partially for business exploitation and for family purposes.

Loan Proposal

with funds lent I will buy some equipment that can advance my trading business. with the aim that the business progresses faster and has many customers.

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About Me

nama saya diah arianingrum. saya bekerja di restoran ayam goreng tradisional. dan memiliki usaha dagang di beberapa tempat,
saya berjualan fried chicken di suatu tempat.
saya ingin usaha dagang saya bertambah maju sehingga dapat memperbaiki kehidupan saya dan keluarga. untuk memajukan usaha membutuhkan modal untuk membeli bahan bahan serta perlengkapan lainnya. semoga dengan adanya pinjaman ini usaha saya cepat maju.

My Business

sumber penghasilan saya di dapat dari tempat saya bekerja dan usaha dagang fried chicken yang saya miliki. dari penghasilan tempat saya bekerja dan dari hasil usaha saya gunakan sebagian untuk mempeluas usaha dan untuk keperluan keluarga.

Loan Proposal

dengan dana yang di pinjamkan saya akan membeli beberapa peralatan yang dapat memajukan usaha dagang saya. dengan tujuan agar usaha semakin cepat maju dan memilikj banyak pelanggan .





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 27, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

1 week



Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Ask Diah a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Diah    Jul 5, 2018

    thank you for lending. funds in the can be used as much as possible for business.

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  • Diah    Jul 4, 2018

    I have my loan settled. and I applied for the next loan to raise capital for the business I run

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  • Diah    Jun 20, 2018

    thank you for the loan. I will use those funds as effectively as possible for the progress of my business.

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  • Diah    Jun 12, 2018

    want to expand business

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  • Diah    Jun 9, 2018

    at this time my trading business is already running. and plans to expand opening multiple branches again. in addition to open jobs for people who need .. this can also increase my business turnover.

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  • Diah    Jun 9, 2018

    at this time my trading business is already running. and plans to expand opening multiple branches again. in addition to open jobs for people who need .. this can also increase my business turnover.

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  • Diah    Jun 9, 2018

    at this time my trading business is already running. and plans to expand opening multiple branches again. in addition to open jobs for people who need .. this can also increase my business turnover.

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  • Diah    Jun 9, 2018

    at this time my trading business is already running. and plans to expand opening multiple branches again. in addition to open jobs for people who need .. this can also increase my business turnover.

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  • Diah    Jun 9, 2018

    at this time my trading business is already running. and plans to expand opening multiple branches again. in addition to open jobs for people who need .. this can also increase my business turnover.

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  • Diah    Jun 9, 2018

    at this time my trading business is already running. and plans to expand opening multiple branches again. in addition to open jobs for people who need .. this can also increase my business turnover.

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  • Diah    Jun 9, 2018

    at this time my trading business is already running. and plans to expand opening multiple branches again. in addition to open jobs for people who need .. this can also increase my business turnover.

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  • Diah    Jun 8, 2018

    I business selling fried chicken in cart with rent place at some kiosks in bogor and jakarta.makutuhkan funds to develop the business. add variety of menu to increase turnover.

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  • Diah    Jun 8, 2018

    I business selling fried chicken in cart with rent place at some kiosks in bogor and jakarta.makutuhkan funds to develop the business. add variety of menu to increase turnover.

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  • Diah    Jun 8, 2018

    I business selling fried chicken in cart with rent place at some kiosks in bogor and jakarta.makutuhkan funds to develop the business. add variety of menu to increase turnover.

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  • Diah    Jun 8, 2018

    I business selling fried chicken in cart with rent place at some kiosks in bogor and jakarta.makutuhkan funds to develop the business. add variety of menu to increase turnover.

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  • Diah    Jun 8, 2018

    I business selling fried chicken in cart with rent place at some kiosks in bogor and jakarta.makutuhkan funds to develop the business. add variety of menu to increase turnover.

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  • Diah    Jun 8, 2018

    I business selling fried chicken in cart with rent place at some kiosks in bogor and jakarta.makutuhkan funds to develop the business. add variety of menu to increase turnover.

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  • Diah    Jun 8, 2018

    I business selling fried chicken in cart with rent place at some kiosks in bogor and jakarta.makutuhkan funds to develop the business. add variety of menu to increase turnover.

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  • Diah    Jun 8, 2018

    I business selling fried chicken in cart with rent place at some kiosks in bogor and jakarta.makutuhkan funds to develop the business. add variety of menu to increase turnover.

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  • Diah    Jun 8, 2018

    I business selling fried chicken in cart with rent place at some kiosks in bogor and jakarta.makutuhkan funds to develop the business. add variety of menu to increase turnover.

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