Buying equipment


Lumajang, Indonesia

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $10 goal


days left




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

8 installments  •  13%

About Me

I am an entrepreneur in the field of wedding organizer and equipment rental receptions such as decorations and others, from lumajang java east Indonesia. I have three children. All still in school, my husband is a coffee trader in the market. We are all happy to this day. At home there are also relatives who come live stay.

My Business

Wedding organizer, serves also rental of reception equipment and bridal makeup. Requires capital to add and expand my business. Every month in my country many people hold wedding parties. That"s where my opportunity to gain many benefits. Because in certain months also in my country taboo to hold a wedding reception. That"s when my income dropped dramatically. Only my beauty salon business continues to survive without being affected by a particular season or month

Loan Proposal

Buying beauty supplies and wedding reception tools. Because soon the month when many people in my country held a wedding reception or other events. So I have a lot of preparation to welcome him, in order to get a lot of profit to close the lonely order month time month where the taboos held a wedding reception.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya pengusaha di bidang wedding organizer dan persewaan alat alat resepsi seperti dekorasi dan lain lain, dari lumajang jawa timur Indonesia. Saya mempunyai tiga orang anak. Semua masih sekolah,Suami saya seorang pedagang kopi di pasar. kami semua bahagia hingga saat ini. Di rumah juga ada saudara yang ikut tinggal menumpang.

My Business

Wedding organizer, melayani juga persewaan alat alat resepsi dan tata rias pengantin. Memerlukan modal untuk menambah dan mengembangkan usaha saya. Setiap bulan tertentu di negara saya banyak orang menggelar pesta pernikahan. Di situlah kesempatan saya untuk meraih banyak keuntungan. karena di bulan tertentu juga di negara saya tabu untuk menggelar resepsi pernikahan. di saat itulah pendapatan saya menurun drastis. Hanya usaha salon kecantikan saya yang terus bertahan tanpa terpengaruh musim atau bulan tertentu

Loan Proposal

Membeli perlengkapan kecantikan dan alat alat resepsi pernikahan. Karena sebentar lagi adala bulan dimana banyak orang di negara saya menggelar resepsi pernikahan ataupun acara lain. Maka saya harus banyak persiapan untuk menyambutnya,agar mendapat banyak keuntungan untuk menutup sepinya order waktu bulan bulan diman orang tabu menggelar resepsi pernikahan.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 2, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

7 weeks

Other loans


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San Francisco, United States

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San Francisco, United States

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Craig Newmark

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Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

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