Purchase additional inventory for sale


Kota Sukabumi, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

102 installments  •  68%

About Me

I eva nurwenda a wife of 2 children and kka from 3 my sister. which 2 people live with me and husband. while one is married I want to have income other than a living from husband. but still can keep an eye on the child at home. because of that reason. I started a business selling at home and lasted until now run want 3 years

My Business

source of funding at the beginning of the project results before I quit work. slightly increased. but every order must wait for other items sold first can order new orders after tau zidisha from friends. Thank God this is my third submission

Loan Proposal

actually because yesterday filing is not in the end finally many orders that I can not fulfill. hopefully my customers are not reduced to the front of it. and hopefully this proposal can be funded. pampers S size, 2 carton M 3carton, L 3 carton, xL 2 carton, 10pcs liquid bath soap, 3 3 lactogrow boxes, 2 boxes of cooking oil. and partly to pay for school ade karna akan soon exam. next year enter smp struggling not to drop out of school until high school graduation hopefully the donor can help immediately

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About Me

saya eva nurwenda seorang istri dari 2 orang anak dan kka dari 3 orang adik saya. yg mana 2 orang tinggal bersama saya dan suami. sedangkan satu sudah menikah
saya ingin punya penghasilan selain nafkah dari suami. tapi tetap bisa mengawasi anak dirumah. karna alasan itu. saya mulai usaha jualan di rumah dan berlangsung sampai sekarang berjalan mau 3 tahun

My Business

sumber dana di awal dari hasil proyek sebelum saya berenti kerja. sedikit2 bertambah. tapi setiap ada pesanan harus nunggu barang lain terjual dahulu baru bisa order pesanan baru
setelah tau zidisha dari teman. Alhamdulilah ini pengajuan saya yang ketiga

Loan Proposal

sebenarnya karna kemarin pengajuan tidak di danai akhirnya banyak pesanan yang tidak bisa saya penuhi. mudah mudahan pelanggan saya tidak berkurang ke depan nya. dan mudah mudahan pengajuan ini bisa terdanai.
pampers ukuran S, 2 karton
M 3karton, L 3 karton, xL 2 karton, sabun mandi cair 10pcs, lactogrow 3 3 dus,
minyak goreng 2 dus.
dan sebagian untuk bayar sekolah ade karna sebentar lagi mau ujian. tahun depan masuk smp berjuang jangan sampai putus sekolah minimal sampai lulus SMA
mudah mudahan pemberi dana bisa segera membantu





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jan 18, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 months



Beaver Nation, United States

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  • Eva    Mar 3, 2019

    The installment money is for the first time. There is a sudden order. And just been paid for the 10th of this month. Sorry if you pay late

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  • Eva    Jun 5, 2018

    thanks to have been given more trust for the third loan sempet shock also fully funded. but yesterday is still 0% I will immediately pay for orders that have been in the previous order

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  • Eva    Mar 27, 2018

    Sorry. Yesterday the stash used for the cost selametan our second child. And there is a sudden payment at ade school. I choose 3 repayments in less. Keep watch. But if finance is stable, the order goods are already redeemed. I will pay according to the original agreement amount

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  • Eva    Mar 17, 2018

    Thanks for lender. My pampers selling stock is now quite a lot. So once people want to buy his stock there. Usually have to pre order first. Milk can nyetok when the need to send to the buyer. We apologize for the late payment this week. Because I do not use BNI I transfer in the help of the application. And apparently there is an application error. I think yesterday was paid to Virtual account BNI but not yet. My new teledor is in check today. Karna usually smooth. We"re sorry again. Most incoming payment later on Monday because his system Saturday holiday week. Thanks to the addition of capital, sales turnover was increased. Can be made for the cost of labor yesterday and soon will ngadain selametan event on the birth of our second child. Once again Thanks to the lender

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  • Eva    Jan 22, 2018

    Thank you very much. Finally stock of goods at home safe. For order. Ade paid school fees already paid off.

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  • Eva    Jan 18, 2018

    Thanks a lot moursund pack I"m really waiting for this money disbursement. Karna is really in need I am very happy extraordinary was check the account want to see the development that live one day more and still 0% funded. And it turns out its status is 100% funded right away I will try not to disappoint

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  • Eva    Dec 29, 2017

    Pesenan multiply, while the progress of the loan is still not growing still 19% mudah2an premature abis. All of it is fully funded It details the items I will buy Lactogen Milk 2, 3x95.000 Sweety s 2x 85.000 Mamypoko m 8x 55.000 Sweety xl 2x 95.000 Sweety L 2x 100,000 Lactogrow Milk 3, 3x 90.000 Soklin detergent 1 box Soklin perfume 1 dus Rinso 1 box of Oil 2 boxes. Etc. I really hope my loan can be fully funded. Thank you lenders

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  • Eva    Dec 28, 2017

    Hopefully soon be 100% funded before its time is up Now only 19% of the time 5 more days. I am optimistic aja Karna I always pay off on time. Although the loan yesterday sempet nurunin installment fees. But finally paid 3x as much and paid off as well as bonuses too. Previously thanks to the lender who has partially funded my understanding

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  • Eva    Dec 20, 2017

    As usual his money will I spend on pesenan pampers and milk next month. Because my subscription increases. Especially the same milk pampers fairly good capital. Maybe partly for my exam fee because next year I want to enter smp. Hopefully pass and there continue to be his cost.

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  • Eva    Nov 30, 2017

    Balance on click bca live 37000. Next week I will double Mau to atm rainy weather every day. Child no one jagain

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  • Eva    Sep 21, 2017

    Thank you to the borrowers who have approved my third loan. I will direct pampers to customers later this month. __I will try to pay on time. I did not expect to be able to get this fast.

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  • Eva    Sep 18, 2017

    Alhamdulilah my customers more and more __Waiting for the third submission of liquid while sorting out the order hehe. __I hope soon to be funded all before the end of the month. Because pesenan pampers for early next month automatically end of the month should have all messages. __Thanks to the gentlemen who still trust me. I promise as much as possible not to disappoint the funder. Thank you in advance

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  • Eva    Sep 14, 2017

    Now my sales racks have increased 1. Sales variants are even more. Thanks to my sales zidisha help so smooth

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  • Eva    Sep 7, 2017

    My many messages have not come yet. So the goods look just a little. __Alhamdulilah little sales start many new customers. __If you want to open pingin open stalls. It"s also a new shelf again. __Thank you zidisha

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  • Eva    Jul 21, 2017

    Money yesterday I bought pampers same milk subscription. Alhamdulilah loyal customers added a lot. __Hanya alone can not be in the photo because the goods have not arrived__Terimakasih to the giver of funds who already trust me for his second time. __On my sales turnover has grown. While there are orders Not too confused should nyari additional capital. __Again thanks for all of them

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  • Eva    Jul 17, 2017

    Loan amount 787500__All me buy pampers 10 ball. The rest of it bought a baby"s cosmetics for sale

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  • Eva    Jul 17, 2017

    Thank you to the lender for re-approving my loan application. __I will directly spend the money to increase my sales product. Especially pampers. Because the capital needed is huge

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  • Eva    Jun 9, 2017

    Still the same as the previous week. __It is used to buy or spend more pampers, bath soap, laundry soap, milk staple child of his subscription orders. Neighbors also __Added by a fair amount of income. A little bit can nube. From 1 kinds of goods minimum profit 2000-20.000 rupiah sometimes if more can discount additional 1 goods profit can 30,000__Yesterday can buy birthday cake for child. Clothes for later idulfitry. Even in the home kitchen and household utensils are not too short. __Ke front pingin open small shop front of house. . Amiin

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  • Eva    May 26, 2017

    Sorry sir. Yesterday I forgot to pay the installment. Seinget me day wednesday pdahal thursday. Malem want to transfer it is almost 12 o"clock at night. Thank God so many pesenan to forget the same obligations :( I paid 2 at a time .. I do have a tendency a bit forgetful .. _ thanks for the bag of his loan.

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  • Eva    May 18, 2017

    The third installment of alhamdulilah smoothly. Selling a little bit there is an increase. Subscriptions also increased. Hopefully more and more my subscription_have imagined wanting to open shop at home. Certainly can be realized later. Amiin

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