Buy clothes order reseller


Jakarta Barat, Indonesia


$121 to go

0% funded of $121 goal


days left




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

18 installments  •  100%

About Me

my name is irma liza i am 38 years old. I am a housewife with two daughters. I sell online since 2012. I sell clothes, chocolate, shoes, crackers, rice boxes, birthday cake. all I do initially because the hobby of selling, as well as can help the husband to find additional money. making money from sitting back with a child at home is a wonderful thing.

My Business

I currently have a simple rice stall business on the terrace of my house. in addition I also sell shirts for adults both in retail and dozens. need additional capital to enlarge my business. already since May month i joined with zidisha to get business capital loan. the presence of zidisha is very helpful to me as a trader who needs the help of venture capital. I always make good payments, because all for the sake of smoothness of my relationship with zidisha also as a borrower of business funds.

Loan Proposal

I need this business loan to buy t-shirts to the textile warehouse. I bought goods for one dozen dozen shirts, because many retailers are picking up things or t-shirts to sell from me. hit the capital problem because there is not enough money to spend more clothing stock. I hope the donors are pleased to give me the confidence to give this business loan. I always hold the commitment to pay the installments on time.

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About Me

nama saya irma liza usia saya 38 tahun. saya seorang ibu rumah tangga dengan dua anak perempuan. saya berjualan online sejak tahun 2012. saya berjualan pakaian, cokelat, sepatu,kerupuk, nasi boks, kue ulang tahun. semua saya kerjakan awalnya karena hobby berjualan,sekaligus bisa membantu suami mencari uang tambahan. menghasilkan uang dari duduk santai bersama anak di rumah adalah hal yang sangat menyenangkan.

My Business

saat ini saya mempunyai usaha warung nasi sederhana di teras rumah saya. selain itu juga saya menjual kaos untuk orang dewasa baik secara eceran maupun lusinan. butuh tambahan modal untuk memperbesar usaha yang saya miliki. sudah sejak bulan mei saya bergabung dengan zidisha untuk mendapatkan pinjaman modal usaha. hadirnya zidisha sangat membantu saya sebagai pedagang yang butuh bantuan modal usaha. selama ini saya selalu melakukan pembayaran dengan baik,karena semua demi kelancaran hubungan saya dengan zidisha juga sebagai peminjam dana usaha.

Loan Proposal

saya membutuhkan dana pinjaman usaha ini untuk membeli kaos ke gudang tekstil. saya membeli barang untuk sekali belanja 10 lusin kaos,karena banyak para pedagang eceran yang mengambil barang atau kaos untuk di jual kembali dari saya. terbentur masalah modal karena tidak cukup uang untuk belanja stok pakaian lebih banyak lagi. semoga para donatur berkenan untuk memberikan kepercayaan kepada saya untuk memberikan pinjaman dana usaha ini. saya selalu memegang komitmen untuk membayar cicilan tepat waktu.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Amount requested


Ask Irma a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Irma    Jan 9, 2018

    Why I can not apply for a loan back. While my payment is always good.

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  • Irma    Jan 5, 2018

    What is id id? I do not understand

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  • Irma    Jan 5, 2018

    Why can not I apply for a loan again.

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    • J    Jan 5, 2018

      I don’t know the reason. But I did read that your profile picture must show your face. And that face is then compared with your ID. You should change that.

      Did you also upload your ID? There should be a special link labeled for uploading your National Id.

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      • Irma    Jan 5, 2018

        My fb account irma liza Suprianto. I do not understand what is meant by label id.

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        • J    Jan 6, 2018

          There must be a place to upload your ID so it is only visible to Zidisha staff. (This comment page or the profile picture is the wrong place because then it’s visible to the World).

          Maybe during the loan request fase?

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  • Irma    Dec 25, 2017

    my extra effort

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  • Irma    Dec 25, 2017

    my extra effort

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  • Irma    Dec 20, 2017

    Thanks to the donors for their trust that has given this loan to me. This loan fund is very meaningful to me. I promise to pay the mortgage on time. I will use this fund to smooth my business.

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  • Irma    Dec 3, 2017

    my selling shirt

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  • Irma    Dec 1, 2017

    selling t-shirts

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  • Irma    Oct 21, 2017

    Thanks to the donors who have been willing to provide capital loans for my rice business. I will use this money to buy a fixture shop in order to increase my income. I will pay my duties well so that the donors are not disappointed to have given me a loan.

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  • Irma    Oct 11, 2017

    why my Loan Fund is not also In the transfer, already From September 4th there is no disbursement to my BCA account number.

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  • Irma    Sep 24, 2017

    I need a capital loan for this business as soon as possible

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  • Irma    Sep 24, 2017

    Why my business capital loan is not also In the transfer is almost 1 month waiting for the disbursement

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  • Irma    Sep 23, 2017

    My business capital loan has not yet entered my BCA bank account. It"s almost a month there is no continuation.

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  • Irma    Sep 23, 2017

    My business capital loan has not yet entered my BCA bank account. It"s almost a month there is no continuation.

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  • Irma    Sep 11, 2017

    Cake cheese roll made by me

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  • Irma    Sep 11, 2017

    Pempek fish

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  • Irma    Sep 11, 2017

    Order of bangka crackers

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  • Irma    Sep 11, 2017

    Whats happening with zidisha, my loans not being transferred to my account banking until 1 week. I need it ASAP

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  • Irma    Sep 11, 2017

    I am still waiting for this business capital loan to transfer to bank account number that I have entered. Today exactly 1 week after my loan Dedicated entirely on September 4, 2017. I am very much looking forward to this business capital loan fund so that I can immediately buy the need to shop At my store. I ask that my loan be transferred as soon as possible

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  • Irma    Sep 10, 2017

    I wish to fund my venture capital business today In transfer to my BCA bank account because today exactly on September 11 exactly 1 week from the deadline of the maximum disbursement of this business capital loan.

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