Buy a sewing machine for home-based business

Asep Supriatna

Sumedang, Indonesia

16% repaid



Asep Supriatna

Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

8 installments  •  50%

About Me

My name is asep supriatna prihartono. . I am the first of three children. . Currently I am opening a convection business and need additional capital to buy some more sewing machines. . Becoming an entrepreneur is just a childhood dream. . Because with entrepreneurship we can learn to live independently. . Menciftakan own employment. . No matter how small our business is, we are the boss. . The passion to become a true entrepreneur! !

My Business

My business type is engaged in convection. . I want to buy a machine to add a sewing machine and a mesn obras. . Of course this requires a considerable cost. . Therefore I applied for a loan to zidsha to assist me in providing my business capital loan. . Insya alloh I will trust and keep the installments on time. . thanks.

Loan Proposal

With this loan I will buy some sewing machines so that I can add inventory in my place with increasing inventory can also add to the production of my business. . Therefore I beg to be granted a loan of magnitude. . Besides beneficial for me also useful for people around me because indirectly can provide job field for them. . thanks.

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About Me

Nama saya asep supriatna prihartono..Saya anak pertama dari tiga bersodara..Saat ini saya sedang membuka usaha konveksi dan membutuhkan tambahan modal untuk membeli beberapa mesin jahit lagi..menjadi wirausahawan adalah citacita saja sejak kecil..karena dengan berwirausaha kita bisa belajar hidup mandiri..menciftakan lapangan kerja sendiri..sekecil apa pun jenis usaha kita,kita adalah bos nya..semangat untuk menjadi wirausahawan sejati!!

My Business

Jenis usaha saya bergerak di bidang konveksi..Saya mau membeli mesin untuk menambah mesin jahit dan mesn obras..tentunya ini memerlukan biaya yang cukup besar..maka dari itu saya mengajukan pinjaman kepada zidsha untuk membantu saya dalam memberikan pinjaman modal usaha saya..insya alloh saya akan amanah dan mempertahankan cicilan tepat waktu..terimakasih.

Loan Proposal

Dengan dana pinjaman ini saya akan membeli beberapa mesin jahit sehingga dapat menambah inventory di tempat saya dengan bertambahnya inventory dapat menambah pula pada hasil produksi usaha saya..maka dari itu saya mohon agar dapat diberikan pinjaman sebesar besarnya..selain bermanfaat buat saya juga bermanfaat untuk orang orang disekitar saya karena secara tidak langsung dapat memberikan lapangan pekerjaan buat mereka..terimakasih.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 21, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

5 weeks

Other loans




Göteborg, Sweden





Paul Graham

United States

Craig Newmark

United States

The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States


Craig Newmark

United States


Roddy Murray

United Kingdom

Ask Asep Supriatna a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Yuli    May 1, 2018

    Looks like he has changed his number tlp, because every time in contact there is no response at all

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  • Yuli    Feb 6, 2018

    Looks like father has changed his contact hpnya, because every time contacted no answer at all .. Contacted via inbok, WA and SMS was no reply

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  • Yuli    Jan 6, 2018

    Dear lender many times I tried to call him

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  • Yuli    Nov 1, 2017

    Repeatedly I try to contact the father asep well via phone, wa and inbok but still no response

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  • Yuli    Oct 1, 2017

    I"ve tried to contact Mr. Asep about how clarity why not pay the installment but no response

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  • Yuli    Jul 19, 2017

    Good night father asep how are you, oh yes i see father asep kok not yet paid when it is due why father, what is the problem

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  • Asep Supriatna    Jun 25, 2017

    Happy Idul Fitri day for all Muslims. . Marhaban ya rhamadan. . Forgive me body and soul. . Forgive me body and soul. .

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  • Asep Supriatna    Jun 24, 2017

    I want my loan to be paid off so I can take out a new loan. . thanks.

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  • Asep Supriatna    Jun 22, 2017

    By joining the zidisha I hope I can add some sewing machines to add inventory of existing sewing machines. . As for the price of sewing machine tetsebut is 3,000,000., IDR or about $ 300 for one sewing machine. . Here I attach a photo of my sewing machine to increase trust for lenders to me. . I will not waste the trust that has been given to me. . This is one of the conventional workplace photo shoots I have. . thanks.

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  • Asep Supriatna    Jun 21, 2017

    I thank you very much for his trust in me by giving me the loan fund. . I will try to keep the trust of the lenders in order to always pay on time. . Thank you very much.

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  • Asep Supriatna    Jun 20, 2017

    This is me the way I am. .

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  • Asep Supriatna    Jun 19, 2017

    I am very grateful to Mr Paul Buchheit who has funded my loan. . And for subsequent loans I am requesting $ 400 or about 4,000,000. IDR to buy a new sewing machine. . Please consider it so that I can be fully financed by his loan. . By looking at my seriousness in returning the loan funds is seen from the accuracy I pay on time. . I say many thanks.

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  • Asep Supriatna    Jun 3, 2017

    I can afford to pay bigger amounts in order to quickly pay off the loan and more quickly get a new loan. . thanks.

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  • Asep Supriatna    May 29, 2017

    I thank you very much for agreeing on my loan. . Insya alloh I will be trustworthy and will utilize the loan money to use my business capital. .

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