Buy a refrigerator for ice


Surabaya, Indonesia

4% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

104 installments  •  27%

About Me

Sya is ank trakhr dr 4 brsaudara .. Tp bnyak who say I am the most independent .. My dream from small want to be entrepreneur. I want to increase my merchandise. Therefore, it is my hope that zidihisa will give bigger loan from sebelomnya

My Business

Have a second ank syajak decided to mnjadi mother rmh ladder and open their own business drmh skalan mnjaga ank2. And in order to help swami mnambah earn mnyekolahkan ank sya.maka dri sya want to develop business sya ney.alhamdulillah my business more crowded and I want to add more merchandise. So from that I hope full zidisha can give bigger loan from previous installment.

Loan Proposal

I use to buy materials groceries and add new merchandise that belom da in my shop like buying a refrigerator to sell ice cubes and all sorts of other ice. fortune let me mnambah my income.

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About Me

Sya adalah ank trakhr dr 4 brsaudara.. Tp bnyak yg bilang saya yang paling mandiri.. Cita cita saya dari kecil ingin menjadi wirausahawan. Saya ingin menambah dagangan jualan saya.maka dari itu besar harapan saya agar zidhisa mau memberikan pinjaman yang lebih besar dari sebelomnya

My Business

Smenjak memliki ank ke dua sya memutuskan utk mnjadi ibu rmh tangga dan membuka usaha sendri drmh skalian mnjaga ank2. Dan utk mmbantu swami mnambah penghasilan mnyekolahkan ank sya.maka dri itu sya ingin mengembangkan usaha sya ney.alhamdulillah usaha saya semakin rame dan saya ingin menambah banyak lagi dagangannya.maka dari itu saya berharap penuh agar zidisha bisa memberikan pinjaman lebih besar dari angsuran sbelumnya.

Loan Proposal

saya pergunakan untuk membeli bahan bahan sembako dan menambah dagangan baru yang belom da di toko saya seperti membeli kulkas untuk jual es batu dan segala macam es lainnya.keuntunganya biar bisa mnambah penghasilan saya.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 7, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

18 months



Paul Graham

United States


Sweden, Sweden

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



United States


Craig Newmark

United States




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  • Mama    Nov 3, 2017

    Thanks zidhisa who is willing to give me more loan funds .. This fund will I use to add goods goods sembako I never sell ..

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  • Mama    Oct 26, 2017

    My loan funds that I have previously paid off and want to ask again with a value greater than sebelomnya.dengan loan funds from zidhisa I would definitely use to buy materials and groceries and add new merchandise that belom da in my store like buying a refrigerator to sell ice cubes and all sorts of other ice.

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  • Mama    Oct 26, 2017

    My loan fund that I have previously paid off and filed again with a value greater than sebelomnya.dengan borrowed funds from zidhisa I will definitely use to buy materials and groceries add new dangan new belom da in my store.

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  • Mama    Oct 26, 2017

    With borrowed funds from zidhisa I will definitely use to buy materials for groceries and add new dangan yang belom da in my store.

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  • Mama    Oct 26, 2017

    Alhamdulillah my business rame in ney week then from that I want mlunasinyA in the hope I biaaa mengajukn back larger loan funds

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  • Mama    Oct 17, 2017

    I will reduce my installments in this week because my business is quiet

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  • Mama    Sep 7, 2017

    Thanks for the zidisha who is willing to lend me more funds. . I will use this loan fund to add basic materials such as cooking oil. . Rice. . Egg. . Various kinds of cigarettes. . And others.

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  • Mama    Aug 21, 2017

    Alhamdulillah this week a business so I intend to add the value of the installment let me quickly exhausted the loan and can borrow again. . . .

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  • Mama    May 27, 2017

    For mggu ney the business is slightly declining. . Jdi sya want to mringankan installment sya

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  • Mama    May 21, 2017

    Krn can sustenance sya filed for pnambahn nominal installment for cpt paid

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  • Mama    Apr 28, 2017

    Mkci create yg da mndanai zidisha sya effort. , Bsog wholesale groceries will sya sya For tmbhan merchandise. , ,

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  • Mama    Apr 27, 2017

    Mkci bnyak create mouth tlah zidisha very mmbantu mmberikan pnjaman ney. stelah his money liquid directly sya oil wholesale rice sperti rmh sugar and other household needs.

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