Purchased a paper


Ciamis, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

September 2017

On-time repayments

41 installments  •  71%

About Me

Name Deni Herdiana Age 26 Years Has Married 1 child, my wife named nurfitri tri ramdani as housewife and bekerka in fishery department, my son named rivaldi pratama son is now class 1 elementary school. My business has been moving for more than 5 years

My Business

I open a business open kiosks that provide services fotocopy, Laminating, print poto, services type and printnya. I also sell pulse, pulse electricity, receive payment bpjs, available card prime and stationery and others

Loan Proposal

Money from zidisha I will use for Buying paper for print and photocopy. Some more I will spend stationery, pulse, to be sold again to produce profits

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About Me

Nama Deni Herdiana Usia 26 Tahun Sudah Menikah punya anak 1, istri saya bernama nurfitri tri ramdani sebagai ibu rumah tangga dan bekerka di dinas perikanan, anak saya bernama rivaldi putra pratama sekarang kelas 1 sekolah dasar. usaha saya sudah bergerak lebih dari 5 tahun

My Business

Saya buka usaha buka kios yang menyediakan jasa fotocopy, Laminating, cetak poto, jasa ketik dan printnya. saya juga menjual pulsa, pulsa listrik, menerima pembayaran bpjs, sedia kartu perdana dan alat tulis dan lain-lain

Loan Proposal

Uang dari zidisha akan saya gunakan untuk Membeli kertas untuk digunakan print dan fotocopy. Sebagian lagi akan saya belanjakan alat tulis, pulsa, untuk di jual lagi sehingga menghasilkan keuntungan





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 23, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

5 weeks



Paul Graham

United States

Craig Newmark

United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



United States


Craig Newmark

United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Ask Deni a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Deni    Jul 24, 2018

    I"m sorry I can not pay, but I"m trying to pay back. Today I paid 20001

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  • Devi    Jul 24, 2018

    Hello my lenders have contacted and asked why can not be paid installment and he said that currently there are difficult financial problems and will change the nominal of his installments please the lenders understand his current circumstances

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  • Deni    May 28, 2018

    Sorry for now I can not pay the installment

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  • Deni    May 10, 2018

    I"m sorry I can not pay big for this sekrang. If my business will be smooth again I will pay off

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  • Deni    Apr 28, 2018

    Thank you for the funds I received

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  • Deni    Apr 28, 2018

    Thank you for funding me.

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  • Deni    Apr 25, 2018

    Please be in the dance

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  • Deni    Apr 12, 2018

    I beg to borrow my loan.

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  • Deni    Apr 10, 2018

    My loan is fully paid, now I file back to add capital in my business in the field of printing.

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  • Deni    Apr 3, 2018

    I already paid the 6th installment. Thank you

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  • Deni    Mar 27, 2018

    I already paid the 5th installment. thanks.

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  • Deni    Mar 20, 2018

    4th installment I already paid. thank you

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  • Deni    Mar 13, 2018

    My 3rd installment I already paid. Thanks.

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  • Deni    Mar 5, 2018

    My 2nd installment already paid. Thank you

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  • Deni    Feb 14, 2018

    Thanks for the funds I have received ..

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  • Deni    Feb 14, 2018

    Thank you for daring me and trust me. The funds I will receive will be used for service vehicles to support my business.

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  • Deni    Feb 7, 2018

    My loan is fully paid, I apply for a loan back

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  • Deni    Feb 7, 2018

    My loan is paid off

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  • Deni    Feb 7, 2018

    I applied for a loan back

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