Buy flash tool to support my phone service hand


Garut, Indonesia

43% repaid




Member since

July 2015

On-time repayments

63 installments  •  27%

About Me

My name is Ari herdiana, I was born on 05.15.1992 in Garut and still live there. I am the second son of three brothers. I graduated from high school in 2011, but did not go further to study because our family is underprivileged. My father is the only bread winner in the family and our family's economy is just enough for living.

Therefore, after graduating from school I decided to look for a job. Finding a job was not easy, several times I tried to apply for a job no one accepted me. Finally at the end of 2011 I got a job at a prepaid phone kiosk (special Kiosk in Indonesia where people can add more credits to their prepaid mobile). My first job lasted for 1.5 years.

I then worked for a residential developer in Garut until the beginning of 2014. At present, I am working at a shop selling light steel products.

My Business

Due to the current working conditions with a fairly small salary is only about IDR 700,000 ($ 53,8) / month, my current salary cannot help much to improve the my economy and that of my family – not enough to meet the daily needs.

I have been doing a small side business of fixing small mobile phone that I can run after I get off work from the steel shop. I can do this because I had once attended a course of education service handphone also since I think it would be a waste if my small skill is used regularly.

I usually do phone servicing work at night. Because of the limitations of the tools I have, sometimes I have to borrow tools from a friend who was also a mobile phone repairer that have more tools.

At present, my customers are mostly the neighbors and friends and due various constraints, most notably limited equipment, I usually ccan only finish fixing one mobile phone service per week. My service costs between IDR 40,000 ($ 3) to IDR 60,000 ($ 4,6) per repair. Therefore I would like to apply for a loan to expand my small business' capacity.

Loan Proposal

In order to support service mobile phone service that I live, I am applying for a loan to I applied for a loan of $ 100 USD or around IDR 1,300,000 if the loan is approved. I would receive IDR 1.100.000 ($ 84,6) because this is my first loan in zidisha.

I plan to use to buy service equipment service including used Nokia's 'flash tool' since many of my customers nearby are using nokia mobile phones. With the 'flash tool' I hope to increase the capacity of my service. I no longer would need to visit to my friend to borrow his, and I can do a service in my own home. This will speed up my service.

As I have mentioned above, I usually can only finish repairing one mobile phone per week. With additional capital I can buy tool that will increase the number of mobile phones can I service in one week from one mobile phone per week to two mobile phones.

I charge for my service between IDR 40,000 ($ 3) to IDR 60,000 ($ 4,6) for a mobile phone. Here is my analysis of my monthly service:

Monthly income projection BEFORE getting a loan
- Service revenue per WEEK 1 mobile phone = IDR 40,000 ($ 3) - IDR 60,000 ($4,6)
- Service revenue service per MONTH 4 mobile phones = IDR 160,000 ($12,3) - IDR 240,000 ($ 18,5)
* Note: revenue does not include spare parts which need to be paid for separately by the customers (if any).

Monthly income projection AFTER receiving the loan
- Service revenue per WEEK 2 mobile phones = IDR 80,000 ($ 6,1) - IDR 120,000 ($ 9,2) every week
- Service revenue service per MONTH 4 mobile phones = IDR 320.000 ($ 24,6) - IDR 480,000 ($ 36,9) every month
* Note: revenue does not include spare parts which need to be paid for separately by the customers (if any).

I also make small profits from replacing spare parts. In one month I can earn additional gross revenue around IDR 650,000 ($ 50 ).

I wish to increase this income so I can help my family, and we can increase our standard of living a little. Ammin (hopeful chant in Indonesian/Arabic).

This is my proposal. I want to thank you in advance to all the lenders and the team members at Zidisha.

Best regards,
Ari Herdiana

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Nama saya Ari herdiana, saya lahir pada tanggal 15/05/1992 di garut dan tinggal di garut, saya anak ke 2 dari 3 bersaudara. Saya hanya lulusan SMU pada tahun 2011, tidak melanjutkan kuliah karena keluarga berasal dari golongan keluarga yang boleh disebut kurang mampu, ayah hanya seorang buruh dan ibu hanya seorang ibu rumah tangga, kehidupan keluarga saya sangat pas pasan.
Oleh karena itu, setelah lulus sekolah saya memutuskan untuk mencari pekerjaan. Mencari pekerjaan ternyata tidak mudah, beberapa kali mencoba melamar pekerjaan belum ada yang menerima saya. Syukur pada akhirnya di tahun 2011 saya diterima kerja di sebuah konter/ outlet pengisian pulsa, itu hanya berjalan selama 1,5 tahun. Selanjutnya saya bekerja di sebuah developer perumahan di kota garut, di pekerjaan ini hanya sampai awal tahun 2014. Dan selanjutnya saya bekerja di sebuah toko produk baja ringan sampai sekarang

My Business

Karena kondisi pekerjaan saat ini dengan gaji yang cukup kecil hanya sekitar Rp 700.000,- / bulan tidak banyak membantu meningkatkan ekonomi saya dan keluarga saya, tidak dapat mencukupi kebutuhan sehari-hari. Saya mencari sampingan usaha menerima service hand phone kecil – kecilan yang saya jalankan setelah saya pulang kerja dari toko baja. Ini saya lakukan karena dahulu saya pernah mengikuti kursus pendidikan service hand phone, saya berpikir sangat disayangkan jika sedikit keterampilan ini tidak dimanfaatkan. Biasanya saya melakukan service handphone ini pada malam hari dan karena keterbatasan alat kadang saya pergi ke teman yang juga tukang service handpone yang mempunyai alat lebih lengkap, saya menumpang disana. Sementara ini pelanggan saya masih sekitar tetangga dan teman. Saat ini karena keterbatasan satu dan lain hal antara lain peralatan, saya biasanya hanya bisa menyelesaikan service satu buah handphone dalam waktu satu minggu dengan biaya jasa antara 40,000 sampai 60,000 per handphone. Oleh karena itu saya ingin mengajukan pinjaman untuk mendukung usaha kecil saya.

Loan Proposal

Dalam rangka menunjang pelayanan service handphone yang saya jalani, saya mengajukan pinjaman ke ini. Saya mengajukan pinjaman sebesar $100 USD atau sekitar Rp 1.300.000,- jika pinjaman ini disetujui yang akan terima adalah Rp 1.100.000,- karena ini adalah pinjaman pertama saya di zidisha, rencananya akan saya pergunakan untuk membeli peralatan service antara lain alat flash bekas untuk handphone nokia, ini karena kebanyakan di sekitar saya tinggal memakai handphone nokia.
Dengan adanya alat flash ini saya berharap bisa meningkatkan pelayanan jasa service handphone saya. Saya tidak perlu lagi harus datang ke teman saya untuk pinjam alat service, dan saya bisa melakukan service di rumah sendiri, ini akan mempercepat pelayanan service handphone saya.
Saat ini karena keterbatasan satu dan lain hal antara lain peralatan, saya biasanya hanya bisa menyelesaikan service satu buah handphone dalam waktu satu minggu. Saya menargetkan dengan tambahan modal ini bisa menambah alat service saya, ini akan meningkatkan jumlah handphone yang bisa saya service dalam satu minggunya, yang sebelumnya 1 handphone dalam seminggu menjadi minimal 2 handphone setiap minggunya.
Jika jasa service handphone yang saya jalankan biasanya saya terapkan tarif Rp 40.000,- sampai Rp 60.000,- untuk 1 handphone, maka berikut ini analisa jasa service saya dalam satu bulan :
Pendapatan tiap bulan sebelum mendapat pinjaman
- pendapatan jasa service Hp 1 minggu : 1 Hp = Rp 40.000,- Rp. 60.000 tiap minggu
- pendapatan jasa service Hp 1 bulan : 4 Hp = Rp 160.000,- Rp. 240.000 tiap bulan
*catatan : itu hanya dari jasa service saja, belum termasuk biaya spare part yang harus diganti jika ada.
Pendapatan tiap bulan setelah mendapat pinjaman
- pendapatan jasa service Hp 1 minggu : 2 Hp = Rp 80.000,- Rp. 120.000 tiap minggu
- pendapatan jasa service Hp 1 bulan : 8 Hp = Rp 320.000,- Rp 480.000 tiap bulan

*catatan : itu hanya dari jasa service saja, belum termasuk biaya spare part yang harus diganti jika ada. Dari pembelian spare part yang harus diganti ini saya juga sedikit mendapatkan keuntungan.

Semoga dengan peningkatan pendapatan ini saya bisa membantu keluarga saya, dan bisa meningkatkan sedikit taraf hidup kami..Ammin..
Demikian proposal ini saya buat, terima kasih sebelumnya kepada seluruh pemberi pinjaman dan kepada team zidisha.
Hormat saya,
Ari herdiana






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 16, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

14 months



San Francisco, Ca, United States



United States


Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Surya Setiyaputra

Sydney, Australia

Ask Ari a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Heni    Apr 24, 2016

    how are you sir??? __angsuran unpaid please immediately payable. __thank you.

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  • Ari    Nov 20, 2015

    General economic conditions being less good, the necessities of life are also higher, for that I lower the amount of installment while. Perhaps up to 2-3 months, then hopefully I can increase them again in order to more quickly paid off. This is also done so that I can be more timely in the future .__ Thanks

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  • Ari    Oct 18, 2015

    I"ve paid in installments, following the last transaction screenshot

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  • Surya Setiyaputra    Oct 16, 2015

    Hallo Ari.. bagaimana kabar bisnisnya?

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    • Ari    Oct 18, 2015

      Thank God the way, but still slowly, because time is still a lot more work for employees .__ attention Thank you sir.

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  • Surya Setiyaputra    Aug 24, 2015

    Ari has an issue with Indosat's Dompetku.

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    • Ari    Aug 25, 2015

      yet, I do not know why pin Indosat"s purse has not existed until now. in the city of arrowroot only griya freeway, no indosat gallery. several times I came to griya indosat same answer, wait from the center. but still no sms. when the first list of Indosat"s purse premium in griya Indosat, only a notice of registration has been approved, but no one notices his pin. disbursement of the loan money is also still settles on account of Indosat"s purse, yet I can take and use. for that once again I apologize.

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  • Ari    Aug 23, 2015

    loan I had liquid, into the account * indosat dompetku* , but until now could not I take and utilized. it is because since registration * dompetku premium* until now I have not been able to pin on the indosat. I"ve contacted the 100 (indosat), I have also come to griya indosat, also send email to service the indosat, but it remains until now there is no sms notification pin *dompetku indosat*. I am confused because I have my loan disbursement and still take in account *dompetku *, whereas today is due to pay the loan, I can not pay, because of the pin dompetku. for that I apologize to zidisha and all lenders, after a pin issue is finished, I will immediately pay the loan installments.

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  • Ari    Aug 10, 2015

    Thanks Lark Ducoeur from United States. You are very kind and incredible. My loan proposal has been fully funded. Thanks to all lenders, and thanks zidisha team.

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  • Ari    Aug 9, 2015

    Mr surya thank goodness, may be rewarded more .__ fitri thanks to his prayer,hopefully funded all in the last 3 days.

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  • Fitri    Aug 9, 2015

    may be funded 100% like me.

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  • Veni    Aug 8, 2015

    remains optimistic, you can definitely get it. for all lenders, do not hesitate to lend to him, he was kind and trustworthy. I"m sure it .__ hopefully can loan funded 100%

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  • Ari    Aug 8, 2015

    thanks to __Mr. mepster San Francisco, Ca, United States and Mr. Philipp Mehlhorn Germany, may be rewarded with a better deal by god. I hope that other lenders would help me to lend it to me, I really hope I can loan proposal funded 100% until the time of publication ends.

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  • Ari    Aug 7, 2015

    lenders there, help me to be funded loans. Borrowing from you means a lot to me. Thank you.

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  • Veni    Aug 7, 2015

    keep the spirit yes ... good luck pobud

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  • Ari    Aug 6, 2015

    Keep the spirit, still hope that my loan funded 100%. confident and optimistic.

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  • Ari    Aug 6, 2015

    Mr. Wissam Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, you"re incredible, thank you once again, you add the numbers. I loan proposal may be funded 100% in the remaining time is 5 days.

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  • Ari    Aug 6, 2015

    Thank you Mr. Wissam Jeddah, Saudi Arabia to help lend to me, may Allah reward the greater good.

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  • Ari    Aug 6, 2015

    Hopefully there is a good lender can lend to me

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  • Ari    Aug 6, 2015

    Hopefully the rest of the six days of this, I can loan funded

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  • Ari    Aug 4, 2015

    Day 2 showing my proposal, the hope of anxiety, whether I will be funded loans or not. Hopefully I can loan funded, thanks in advance to potential lenders. May the good things of God.

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  • Veni    Aug 2, 2015

    Hopefully the loan can quickly funded yes ..__ And could put to good use

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    • Ari    Aug 4, 2015

      veni bu thanks to his prayer, thank you also for inviting me to list in zidisha.

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