Build investor confidence


Ponorogo, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

September 2017

On-time repayments

36 installments  •  53%

About Me

hello. i am great pangestu 33 years old from ponorogo. I began to pursue the field of building since 2004 as a sales .. at this time I ventured to run this building materials business. even my education is only sma, with strong determination plus excellent customer service, I am sure can expand this business become bigger .

My Business

my business in the field of building materials and technical tools such as padlocks, locks and so on. for fluctuating income when it is crowded 2 million / day when lonely about 1 jt / day. right now I want to add items in the shop and borrow funds from zidisha. I commit to pay on time. hope zidisha can help my building materials business capital. Please investors immediately fund my loan thanks

Loan Proposal

I started a small loan in advance to build investor confidence, I will use the funds to buy a few dozen brushes for resale, thanks

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About Me

halo .saya agung pangestu usia 33 th asal ponorogo . saya mulai menekuni bidang bangunan sejak tahun 2004 sebagai sales..saat ini saya memberanikan diri untuk menjalankan bisnis bahan bangunan ini.meski pendidikan saya hanya sma,dengan tekad yang kuat ditambah pelayanan terhadap pelanggan yang prima ,saya yakin bisa mengembangkan usaha ini menjadi lebih besar .

My Business

usaha saya di bidang bahan bangunan dan alat tehnik seperti gembok,kunci dan sebagainya. untuk penghasilan fluktuatif kalau sedang ramai bisa 2 juta/ hari bila sepi sekitar 1 jt/hari. saat ini saya ingin menambah barang di toko dan meminjam dana dari zidisha . saya berkomitmen untuk membayar tepat waktu.semoga zidisha bisa membantu permodalan usaha bahan bangunan saya. Mohon para investor segera mendanai pinjaman saya terima kasih

Loan Proposal

Saya mengawali pinjaman dengan jumlah kecil terlebih dahulu untuk membangun kepercayaan investor, dana akan saya gunakan untuk membeli beberapa lusin kuas untuk di jual kembali, terima kasih





  • Helen Horseman    Oct 2, 2017

    Thank you for full repayment 100% on time Agung. Best wishes for rogue business going forward

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 13, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 weeks


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Agung a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Shintya Ayu    Apr 17, 2018

    Please to make timely installment payment You can change the installment amount according to your ability if your installment is too big Thank you

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  • Agung    Feb 27, 2018

    Thank you mr.robert has given me a loan. In the last second seconds almost despair there is your help as a helper.

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  • Agung    Feb 27, 2018

    Zidisha please help me

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  • Agung    Feb 26, 2018

    Hai zidisha..sudah 9 days my loan has not funded anymore Please help me zidisha ..

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  • Agung    Feb 25, 2018

    Loan from zidisha is very useful for additional capital of my me zidisha

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  • Agung    Feb 25, 2018

    Loan from zidisha is very meaningful for my building store. Help soon funded i"ve been waiting a long time

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  • Agung    Feb 24, 2018

    Please finance my loan zidisha..i desperately need help for additional capital of my building store

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  • Agung    Feb 22, 2018

    Please finance my loan zidisha. I really need for capital

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  • Agung    Feb 20, 2018

    Please finance my loan zidisha. I really need for capital

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  • Agung    Feb 17, 2018

    Please finance my loan zidisha, so that my business will run again

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  • Agung    Feb 4, 2018

    I applied for another loan after my filing yesterday expired

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  • Agung    Feb 4, 2018

    It"s been 14 days zero hours .. my loan is not yet me zidisha investor

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    • J    Feb 4, 2018

      Your loan request wasn’t funded by a lender and it expired.

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  • Agung    Feb 2, 2018

    This is the 14th day I am waiting for the disbursement..i desperately need this fund. I hope the investors can immediately fund my loan ..

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  • Agung    Jan 31, 2018

    Hello investor .. I am great..i have a small medium-scale building store business .. I am often constrained lack of capital dalak turnover of my merchandise.zidisha I made the first reference because soft loans are very friendly.sudah often I assisted zidisha.kali me the submission of the loan again is 12 days. i hope there will be investors who fund the loan for my business continuity. Thank you in advance

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  • Agung    Jan 29, 2018

    Hello investors ... my loan is sdh 10 days but there is no sign of funding ... please help me, let my business spin back and not jam ...

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  • Agung    Jan 26, 2018

    Hi the investors .. after 7 days I applied for a loan but not yet funded at all .. I use this loan to add capital to my shop .. please help to be funded soon I really need this fund. Thanks zidisha

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  • Agung    Jan 25, 2018

    Hello investor .. my loan has been 6 days since the filing but not yet funded at all ... i really need this fund. Please help par investor. I will commit to pay on time

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  • Agung    Jan 22, 2018

    hello investor .. i applied for loan but not yet funded at all. this fund to increase the capital of my building store .. hope zidisha immediately fund my loan ..

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  • Agung    Jan 21, 2018

    Hello investors, my loan is paid off. Thanks to the help of zidisha capital little by little my efforts have been no progress. Today I apply for more loans as additional capital to complete my merchandise. Alhamdulillah because of my efforts I can help to finance my sister"s school, help my mother and my economy started to increase. Hope zidisha can help my capital back. Success continues zidisha

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