Advancing the business of online shop


Pontianak, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

136 installments  •  57%

About Me

I was born a simple family and full of hard work. Therefore I"ve been trained to work making money since childhood. I want to build my own business so I can always be close by. Anak2 and monitor its growth always. In my city for the business of children clothes seems maaih open many opportunities for me and I am optimistic my business will go forward and develop

My Business

If I get the funds I will use to add my merchandise products in the online shop so that in the future I can focus work from home. The turnover that I have got to date is around 3-5jt per month outside of the basic salary I work in the company. I think the children"s clothing business is always in demand until whenever anak2 always experience growth so require new clothes again. And the type I sell is with the price

Loan Proposal

Multiply my merchandise products, providing baby clothes and children products affordable with good quality, and the turnover could increase 50%

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya lahir si keluarga yang sederhana dan penuh kerja keras. Karena itu saya sudah terlatih untuk bekerja menghasilkan uang sejak kecil. Saya ingin membangun usaha sendiri agar saya bisa selalu dekat denga. Anak2 dan memantau pertumbuhannya selalu. Di kota saya untuk usaha baju2 anak sepertinya maaih terbuka banyak peluang untuk saya dan saya optimis usaha saya akan maju dan berkembang

My Business

Jika saya mendapatkan dana akan saya gunakan untuk menambah produk dagangan saya di online shop agar kedepannya saya dapat fokus bekerja dari rumah. Omset yang sudah saya dapatkan sampai saat ini berkisar 3-5jt perbulan diluar gaji pokok saya bekerja diperusahaan. Menurut saya bisnis pakaian anak-anak selalu diminati sampai kapanpun karena anak2 selalu mengalami pertumbuhan sehingga memerlukan pakaian baru lagi. Dan jenis yang saya jual adalah dengan harga

Loan Proposal

Memperbanyak produk dagangan saya, menyediakan produk pakaian bayi dan anak yang terjangkau harganya dengan kualitas baik, dan omset bisa bertambah 50%





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 15, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months


Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Ask Sugiarti a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Sugiarti    Dec 11, 2018

    Good evening, Zidisha ... I"m currently having a lot of trouble with the latest payment methods. Previously, the way payments were changed could still be followed to pay installments. Once it"s good to pay by new payment method, the way the payment changes again and again. For how to pay using PayPal this is very unusual for me. Please be advised that there are other payment options so that those of us in Indonesia can easily pay the installments to completion. It is not Sy"s intention as a borrower to intentionally reduce payments

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  • Sugiarti    Jan 1, 2018

    I changed my nominal installment to the minimum amount to keep my payment smoothly, if you have more funds can deoosit until several weeks ahead

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  • Sugiarti    Nov 5, 2017

    Thanks zidisha loan to my 4 amounted to 6.259.000 already entered kerekening cut service costs. I will keep the trust that has been given to me by payment on time. Hopefully my next loan will get a bigger credit limit

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  • Sugiarti    Nov 3, 2017

    Alhamdulillah finally my 4th loan is fully funded 100%, this fund I will use for the purchase of small children"s clothes for trading capital and raw materials of chicken. Thank you very much to zidisha for his trust in me, I will keep this trust with timely payments so my credit limit is rising

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  • Sugiarti    Oct 24, 2017

    Thanks zidisha .. loan to 3 I have paid off completely. Ascend to the 4th loan which Inshallah I use to support my business the child clothing business and selling snacks anak2 .. many clothes clothes children that I can buy with total pinjama.n it. My income in the child clothing business remains stable even though a month can make a profit of 3,000,000, - the next loan that the greater the amount I will not waste. I will always pay on time to keep the trust of the zidisha and with the bigger loans.

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  • Sugiarti    Oct 24, 2017

    I am glad to have been a great zidisha powerhouse .. the loan loan provided is very very valuable to me. Not only can I start a business but can also be used for other purposes. So far my business in trading children"s clothing and selling snacks anak2 still running .. in the future if I get a larger loan I will use to make a canteen in front of the house so that my work can focus at home only. For the zidisha team I say many thanks for the trust so far has given me an increasingly lucrative loan on every increase in the loan. With unpredictable bonus repayment magnitude.

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  • Sugiarti    Oct 23, 2017

    I am glad to have become a great zidisha powerhouse .. the ojnjaman loan is very valuable to me. Not only can I start a business but I can also use it for other purposes. So far my business in trading children"s clothing and selling snacks anak2 still running .. in the future if I get a larger loan I will use to make a canteen in front of the house so that my work can focus at home only. For the zidisha team I say many thanks for the trust so far has given me an increasingly lucrative loan on every increase in the loan. With unpredictable bonus repayment magnitude.

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  • Sugiarti    Sep 25, 2017

    Dear zidisha .. this morning sy there is installment installment of 150.000, - Please check trimakasih Salam Sugiarti

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  • Sugiarti    Sep 23, 2017

    Thank you for trusting me to give me a chance to borrow, I will use it as well as to keep my payments on time

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  • Sugiarti    Sep 15, 2017

    Dear zidisha. . . trimakasih before I say. . I would like to inform you that my 2nd loan has already been paid and I submitted the loan for the 3rd loan. In addition to increasing the trading capital of clothing that has been running, I also use some to buy raw materials because I also want to open the shop selling snacks ie chicken sempol and corn cheese milk. Hopefully by starting this hawker merchandise business will increase my income. In the future I want to be a housewife who can be full working at home and have their own income thanks to the capital si. sponsored by zidisha.

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  • Sugiarti    Sep 15, 2017

    By selling I earn more than my salary as an employee, and I plan to open a business snack anak2 also to more can earn more income

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  • Sugiarti    Sep 15, 2017

    This loan will be used to buy my merchandise and raw materials supporting sales

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  • Sugiarti    Sep 15, 2017

    Thanks zidisha. . . my second loan has been paid off, thanks very much for the trust so far, may I still be trusted to make loans from zidisha in order to support my efforts to earn more.

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  • Sugiarti    Sep 15, 2017

    In addition to selling clothes, with this fund I will open selling snacks of children to further increase income than just from selling clothes online

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  • Sugiarti    Jun 27, 2017

    Thanks to my loan fund of 845.000, - I have received. The amount will I buy legs shock and child"s negligee

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  • Sugiarti    Jun 24, 2017

    Thanks to the zidisha team, my 2nd filing is approved. . Hopefully can go to borrow 3.4,5dst

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  • Sugiarti    May 23, 2017

    In order to quickly complete and be able to apply for a loan back

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  • Sugiarti    Apr 18, 2017

    Trimakasih zidisha team SDH pijaman funds received Rp 500,000, -

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  • Sugiarti    Apr 11, 2017

    Thank zidisha__Semoga denfan zidisha support my efforts increasingly berkembang__Amiin

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