Educational toys to help children with needs kh


Bekasi, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

October 2017

On-time repayments

22 installments  •  100%

About Me

my name is juliyah. I am a special needs child teachers. besides teaching in extraordinary schools in the district of bekasi I also open a tutoring institute to serve children with special needs. Currently tutoring I live is still private to come to the home of students who need additional services khusus.untuk mmbantu mengcover what can not be achieved when the service in school.namun because of some time and distance constraints I want to open this guidance agency with a fixed place that allows me not to far2 come to every student home. remembering the time and distance is cukip jauh.sehingga when there is additional capital then I will use to rent the place.

My Business

this is one of the therapeutic activities in the guidance that I founded ..... the learning media tool that I use is still very less in terms of quantity. so big hope sy can be a capital loan again to buy the medium of learning dlm enough so that the service can be maximized. I hope the investors or donors can help the realization of this matter.

Loan Proposal

puzzle price 40.000IDR students who are less able with great rates can get good service too

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About Me

Nama saya Juliyah.saat ini sy bekerja sebagai guru anak berkebutuhan khusus.selain mengajar di SLB Negeri Kabupaten Bekasi.saya jg membuka tempat terapi dan bimbingan belajar bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus.saya bekerja sebagai guru anak berkebutuhan khusus sejak tahun 2004 -sekarang.

My Business

Saya mulai bergelut dalam bidang terapi dan bimbingan belajar anak berkebutuhan khusus ini sejak tahun 2014. hal yang melatar belakangi saya menggeluti usaha ini selain untuk profit tambahan juga membantu anak berkebutuhan khusus yang kurang mampu dan blm dapat bersekolah di SLB karena terbatasnya guru disana.sehingga banyak anak berkebutuhan khusus ini tidak dapat memperoleh pembelajaran yang maksimal. sekarang jumlah murid yang bergabung dengan bimbingan belajar saya ini sudah mencapai 20 siswa dengan sistem pembelajaran individual learning. penghasilan yang diperoleh bisa mencapai 2 jt perbulan. karena banyaknya siswa yang bergabung dan masih minimnya sarana pembelajaran untuk mereka.saya berharap bisa mendapat pinjaman untuk menambah modal dalam pembelian sarana pembelajaran. Besar harapan saya untuk bisa disetujui dan di danai sepenuhnya oleh para donatur dan investor. sehingga dapat mendukung kemajuan usaha saya ini.

Loan Proposal

puzzle harga 40.000IDR
siswa yang kurang mampu dengan tarif besar bisa dapat pelayanan yang baik juga





  • J    Jul 4, 2018

    Neat almost on time repayments.

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 6, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 weeks



Paul Graham

United States

Ask Juliyah a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Juliyah    May 7, 2018

    Thank you for being granted my loan. This money I use to increase the rent a larger place. So that service can be maximal. Hopefully my business is more developed and the students who enter more and more

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  • J    May 6, 2018

    Success with renting the new place. Your loan is now fully funded. Please keep me updated.

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  • Juliyah    May 4, 2018

    Be grateful for the loans given yesterday until the purchase of learning tools can help smooth the learning process. Because quite a lot of students are handled I recruit employees to help therapy activities. And move to a larger place again. So the loan application is planned to pay the rent place to a bigger place. Hopefully this loan proposal can be granted so that children can learn in a wider place than yesterday

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  • Juliyah    Apr 23, 2018

    The loans I get are very useful in helping the development of students. And more and more students are joining my institution

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  • Juliyah    Mar 3, 2018

    I will use this loan to buy learning facilities for therapy activities and special needs children"s learning guidance. This loan is very useful to encourage the progress of the venue and the special needs of children with special needs I have. Hopefully with this loan can help the progress of the business. Thanks to the borrowers who have approved my loan application.

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  • Juliyah    Dec 14, 2017

    thanks to the lenders. with yesterday"s loan sy agency is now growing. so it needs additional in the amount of procurement for learning media. because the comparison of media available with the number of students is not balanced. hopefully with approval this loan can help the development of this institute

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  • Juliyah    Dec 3, 2017

    now students who join the children with special needs already many. and I need the help of funds to add inventory of goods to their learning media. hopefully the investors are willing to give financial support.

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  • Juliyah    Dec 3, 2017

    the inclusion of sy institutions is sufficient to repay the remaining loan

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  • Juliyah    Oct 27, 2017

    Because many special needs students who join after the place themselves even though the lease allows me to pay that amount. For shorter period of installment and allow for the loan for business development by adding my assistant staff in the service and opening up new jobs for people other.

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  • Juliyah    Oct 23, 2017

    Thank you for the loan funds that have been given to the donatur.semoga with this loan funding business learning counseling agencies for children with special needs will develop rapidly.dana this will sy use untik rent place

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  • Juliyah    Oct 22, 2017

    now my institution also needs additional teachers because sdh there are 20 students who join in the institution that I rintis.sehingga enable more increase of employment for others. hope with capital loan from the donors can help in developing this institute.

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  • Juliyah    Oct 20, 2017

    not only generate huge profits, this institution jg help children with special needs that the family economy is less capable. cross subsidized site will be enforced in the institution that I pioneered.sis that his family"s economy is able to help the less fortunate students.

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  • Juliyah    Oct 19, 2017

    guidance agencies for children with special needs sy running sy still need capital for the cost of renting the place to be more comfortable they learn.dan son sdh who have joined the institute tutoring sy already a lot.

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