
Wendinda Raymond

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso


$0 to go

100% funded of $103 goal


days left



Wendinda Raymond

Member since

January 2015

On-time repayments

9 installments  •  78%

About Me

I am a young person with a disability since my young age of two years. I live with my harmonious family who have helped me a lot and still support me. I have suffered a lot but thanks to volunteer coach Sawadogo Souleymane, I say today thank you God because he has helped me with him in a center for disabled persons where I was trained as a welder after two years of training in mechanics on two wheels, and particularly for bikes.
After my training in welding, I got employment in a large association in Ouagadougou where I have good conditions and an acceptable salary treatment. With my new employer I work from 8 am to 2 pm. This gives me another opportunity to exercise my profession mechanics.

My Business

If I have a financial support I will pay for some mechanical tools that I will work after my decent to my employer.
In Burkina Faso, there many two-wheeled vehicles and as I know the work I am sure to increase my revenue and thus be able to improve my life and also create employment for other people.

Loan Proposal

With my loan I will complete my work equipment, at 11 000 and some CFA, and contribute to the funds of the members, in order to be able to best continue to benefit from the more substantial loan for the rest of my activities.

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About Me

Je suis jeune vivant avec un handicap dépuis mon jeune age à deux ans. Je vie qvdc ma famille harmonieuse qui ma ma beaucoup aider et me soutien toujours. J'ai beaucoup souffert mais gràce au coatch bénévole Souleymane Sawadogo je dit aujoud'huit Dieu merci car il ma amer avec lui dans un centre de personnes handicapées où il ma former comme soudeur après deux ans de formation en mécanique à deux roues,et en particulier vélo.
Après ma formation en soudure , j'ai eu in emploi dans une grande association à Ouagadougou où j'ai de bonnes conditions et un traitement salariale acceptable. Chez mon nouveau employeur je travail de 8 heures du matin à 14 heures du soir . Ce qui me donne ine autre oportunité d'exercer mon metier de mécanique .

My Business

Si j'ai un soutiens financier je vais payer des outil de mécanique que je vais travailler après ma decente chez mon employeur.
Au Burkina Faso, il beaucoup d'engins à deux roues et tel que je connais le travail je suis sûre d'augmenter mon revenue à fin de pouvoir amélioré ma vie et aussi créer un emploi pour d'autres personnes.

Loan Proposal

Avec mon prêt je vais complété mon équipement de travail d,un de 11 000 et quelque cfa, et contribuer au fond des membres, afin de pouvoir mieux continuer a bénéficier des prêt plus consistant pour la suite de mes activités.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Amount requested


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  • Wendinda Raymond    May 13, 2016

    Hello dear lender! Just thanking you for the interest and the opportunity you have offered me, thanks to you I cannot say enough and God thank you because it allows me to earn more and I am very happy!

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  • Souleymane    Mar 14, 2016

    Hi dear lenders! Just to inform you that Mr. Raymond Wendinda Guigma to settle this 14.3.2016. Thank you and see you soon!

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  • Souleymane    Feb 9, 2016

    Hi dear lender!
    Just to inform you that given the timing of its maturity 25000f CFA MR Guigma Wendinda Raymond paid 25,000 CFA francs as usual, and demand to settle next month because according to his schedule he could neither increased nor decreased the amount of maturity! Thank you and see you soon!

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  • Souleymane    Feb 8, 2016

    Hi! __ Just inform you that Wendinda RAYMOND GUIGMA had request a payment deferral for me in January. thank you!

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  • Souleymane    Feb 8, 2016

    Just inform you that Wendinda RAYMOND GUIGMA is up to date, and I have sent you an email for his payment which has not been registered and Zidisha has not even answered me. Only his deadline this month of February 2016 is not yet done. Thank you for receiving this well.

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  • Wendinda Raymond    Jan 6, 2016

    Hi dear lenders! Given health reasons, I would like to defer the payment of my deadline for next month. Thanks for understanding!

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  • Souleymane    Jan 5, 2016

    Hi dear lenders! All my best wishes! __ I would like to inform you that Wendinda Raymond Guigma has paid its due at the time of the schedule on 08.12.2015.

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  • Wendinda Raymond    Oct 11, 2015

    Hi dear lenders!
    Given what has recently happened in Burkina Faso, and the return of school, this has had an impact on my activities, and I would like to defer my payment. Thank you for your comprehension!

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  • Souleymane    Sep 22, 2015

    Hello, just inform you that GUIGMA WENDINDA RAYMOND has completed his repayment of 25,000 CFA francs since 14 September 2015 at the agency Kwame Nkrumah under the number: 011chdp152570217. Thank you.

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  • Wendinda Raymond    Sep 8, 2015

    Hi! Just to inform you that I received my loan and it"s going well for me! Once again I say thank you!

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  • Wendinda Raymond    Jul 14, 2015

    Hi. Thank you very much for the trust. This loan will Verily help me in my life. Thank you !!!

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  • Wendinda Raymond    Jul 6, 2015

    hi! Once again thank you to all those of good will who have allowed me to put my plan on. I pay for working tools engineer quality, and thanks to the good wishes I have a parralèle income dehor of my job and it"s going well. I am very happy and I will double again éffort! Thank you and see you soon!

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  • Wendinda Raymond    Jun 8, 2015


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