Loan to expand my airtime business


Accra, Ghana

100% repaid




Member since

September 2017

On-time repayments

6 installments  •  100%

About Me

My name is Henry Dodoo from Accra, Ghana,(West Africa). I am a teacher. I teach English and French to adults and children. I teach English to Francophones and French to Anglophones.
My desire in life is to eradicate poverty and illiteracy from Africa in my own small way if I am able to attract the needed attention and support from anyone who shares in my vision of eradicating poverty and illiteracy from our continent. This is the main reason why I find the Zidisha platform very good and I have become a member. I believe the Zidisha platform can enable me attract the necessary assistance to help me realize my vision.

My Business

Like I have already said I am a teacher of English and French. I am not employed by the government or any company. I am self-employed. I teach people privately. Hence my income will not enable me to fully realize my vision.
Aside the teaching, I am into selling of airtime to raise extra income on the GSM platform.
The GSM platform will help me to recruit the unemployed youth in the airtime business. The Telecommunication industry is the gold mine of our time. Several billions of Ghana cedis is spent on airtime every month making it a gold mine. GSM platform gives one the opportunity to mine in this great gold reserve. By employing many people, I will be giving them a source of income and livelihood and eradicating poverty and through my teaching of English and French I will be eradicating illiteracy.
My desire is to have a place of my own, a classroom furnished with computers where students will not only learn French or English but also ICT. If later I can have a means of transportation, it will be fine for me.
My immediate need is to have a loan of $1,500 to enable me have a laptop computer and also to recruite people into my airtime business. This is why I joined Zidisha because I know that through them I will attract the needed support. God bless Zidisha and I pray for God’s blessing for them in all they do.

Loan Proposal

I will use this loan to expand my airtime business. First I hope to purchase a laptop computer and recruit people to sell airtime. My vision is to eradicate poverty and illiteracy from Ghana, Africa and the Third World. Through the teaching of English and French and ICT, I will be eradicating illiteracy and through providing job in recruiting people for the airtime business, I will be providing employment and in effect eradicating poverty.

J'utiliserai ce prêt pour étendre mon activité de temps d'antenne. D'abord, j'espère acheter un ordinateur portable et recruter des gens pour vendre du temps d'antenne. Ma vision est d'éradiquer la pauvreté et l'analphabétisme du Ghana, de l'Afrique et du tiers monde. Grâce à l'enseignement de l'anglais et du français et des TIC, je vais éradiquer l'analphabétisme et fournir un emploi dans le recrutement de personnes pour les affaires de l'air, je vais fournir un emploi et en effet éradiquer la pauvreté.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 3, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

1 week


Craig Newmark

United States


Joshua Axtell

United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



United States


Craig Newmark

United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States


Dättwil, Switzerland







Ask Henry a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Henry    Nov 12, 2017

    Hello and good morning to all my lenders. My name is Henry Dodoo from Accra, Ghana. I want to take this opportunity to thank all of my lenders for the good work they are doing. My loan is to help me expand my airtime business and recruit the youth into it. This way it will provide employment and a source of livelihood for them. At the moment I am gradually building up my credit level in Zidisha. Once again thanks a lot for the good work you are doing.

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  • Henry    Oct 27, 2017

    My name is Henry Dodoo from Accra, Ghana. I have just discovered from my site that my loan is fully paid and that I should put in application for a new loan. I really don't understand what is going on. I am left with GHS34.00 to fully repay my loan of GHS158.00 but I read on my site that my loan has been fully paid and that I should put in a new loan application. Please I need an explanation to this new development. Kindly help me with an explanation. Thank you,

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  • Henry    Oct 26, 2017

    My name is Henry Dodoo from Accra, Ghana. This is to inform the Zidisha team that I have done another repayment of my Zidisha loan of GHS158 today 26th October 2017. The details are as follows: Today, 26th October, 2017, I repaid another GHS 62.00 of my Zidisha loan of GHS 158.00 into MTN Merchant account no: 0548418954 (MITa) on MTN mobile no: 0244723310. The Transaction ID number is 2345667512. I am left with a balance of GHS34.00. Please acknowledge receipt and let this reflect in my Zidisha account. Thank you.

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  • Henry    Oct 14, 2017

    My name is Henry Dodoo from Accra, Ghana. Thanks for loan of GHS 158 which was disbursed to me on 10th October, 2017.
    I have just repaid GHS 62.00 out of this amount today 14th October, 2017 on my MTN number 0244723310 with the transaction ID No.2286390949. Please kindly acknowledge receipt and credit my Zidisha account.

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  • Henry    Oct 6, 2017

    I thank my lenders for fully funding my zidisha loan. I am gradually building up my credit limit and my credit-worthiness. Like I have said already, I will buy a laptop computer and recruit people into my airtime business.

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  • Henry    Oct 6, 2017

    My name is Henry Dodoo from Accra, Ghana. I thank all my lenders and Zidisha for such a wonderful opportunity for this loan. At the moment I am building my credit-worthiness, so l have not got to the loan level I requested for. I applied for $1500.00. I am therefore gradually building my credit level. When I reach that level, I will take the loan and start working with it. I am once again grateful for this wonderful opportunity.

    Thank you.

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  • Henry    Sep 27, 2017

    This is Henry Dodoo from Accra, Ghana. I want to thank all my lenders for funding my zidisha loan.
    I want to say a special thanks to Ronald from Switzerland for your best wishes regarding my zidisha project.

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  • Ronald    Sep 27, 2017

    Hello Henry! I wish you all the best for your zidisha-project. Best regards Ronald (Switzerland)

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  • Henry    Sep 20, 2017

    Hi Laurie good and morning and how are you? I trust all is well with you. Thanks so much for this email you sent to me. It has really calm my nerves. I had already sent a message to Jyoti via the Support Ticket system but it seemed she hadn't seen it hence I thought by doing it the way I did it would catch the attention of someone, like it has caught your attention.

    My issue is that I am new in Zidisha, nobody recommended me, I discovered Zidisha on the Internet. Therefore I really started from a very low point. I therefore need to build my credibility as quickly as I can to reach the level of the amount I requested. But I
    am really not conversant with how to raise a Support Ticket, so please teach me. Thanks so much. I am expecting your reply.

    Henry Dodoo

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  • Henry    Sep 16, 2017

    Dear Laurie, thanks for your letter and letting me know the real situation at Zidisha.
    First of all I want to let you know that I am so appreciative of the good work Zidisha is doing in the lives of so many people in the third world and the contributions people like you are adding to this good work.
    I wrote the email you responded to when I was less than a week as a member in Zidisha. At that time I didn’t know much about the organization like I know now. I didn’t write that letter out of malice or anger. It was my own way of trying to see if I could attract some help in addition to what Zidisha was doing for me. Now that I understand things better I would be patient with the system until I get the amount I need to do my business.
    Secondly, your letter has made me to know the length some of you go for Zidisha to function as it is doing now. God bless all of you. I want to say that I have a lot of time I can give to Zidisha work if only I can get data to work online. You can also suggest to me ways I can support Zidisha work here in my country Ghana or beyond. If you read my subsequent emails you will notice that I have given a lot of praise and appreciation to the work Zidisha is doing for mankind. Thumps up to you all.
    Anyway are you the same person as Lauren, the Anglophone and Francophone Country Liaison? Once again thanks for showing concern.

    Cher Laurie, merci de votre lettre et me faire connaître la situation réelle à Zidisha.
    Tout d'abord, je tiens à vous faire savoir que je suis tellement reconnaissant le bon travail que fait Zidisha dans la vie de tant de personnes dans le tiers monde et les contributions que les gens comme vous ajoutent à ce bon travail.
    J'ai écrit le courriel auquel vous avez répondu lorsque j'avais moins d'une semaine de membre à Zidisha. À ce moment-là, je ne connaissais pas beaucoup l'organisation comme je le sais maintenant. Je n'ai pas écrit cette lettre par malheur ni colère. C'était ma propre façon d'essayer de voir si je pouvais attirer de l'aide en plus de ce que Zidisha faisait pour moi. Maintenant que je comprends mieux, je serais patient avec le système jusqu'à ce que j'aurai le montant dont je dois faire mon affaire.
    Deuxièmement, votre lettre m'a permis de connaître la durée que certains d'entre vous partent pour que Zidisha fonctionne comme il le fait maintenant. Dieu vous bénisse tous. Je veux dire que j'ai beaucoup de temps que je peux donner au travail de Zidisha, si seulement je peux obtenir des unités pour travailler en ligne. Vous pouvez également me suggérer des moyens de soutenir Zidisha ici dans mon pays au Ghana ou au-delà. Si vous lisez mes courriels ultérieurs, vous remarquerez que j'ai fait beaucoup de louanges et d'appréciation au travail que fait Zidisha pour l'humanité. Bouscule à vous tous.
    Quoi qu'il en soit, êtes-vous la même personne que Lauren, la liaison de pays anglophone et francophone? Encore une fois, merci de votre souci.

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  • Henry    Sep 15, 2017

    Hello and good morning to all my lenders and to say a "Big Thank You" to them all for this great opportunity of the loan. I say it is a great and wonderful opportunity because even in my own country and at my age, it is very difficult to get this loan without a collateral. Therefore once again I say a big "Thanks" to all my lenders and to ZIDISHA for this "Work of God" they are doing. Like I have said before, this loan will help me to expand my airtime business by buying a laptop computer and recruiting people for the business.

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  • Henry    Sep 11, 2017

    Hello and good morning to my lenders. I want to say thanks to you all for the loan. My the Almighty continue to bless all your endeavours. I will use this loan to buy a laptop computer and the rest to expand my airtime business. Once again, thank you all.

    Allo et bonjour à mes prêteurs. Je tiens à vous remercier pour le prêt. Que le Tout-Puissant continue de bénir tous tes efforts. Je vais utiliser ce prêt pour acheter un ordinateur portable et le reste pour étendre mes activités de temps d'antenne. Encore une fois, merci à tous.

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  • Henry    Sep 10, 2017

    My name is Henry Dodoo, from Accra, Ghana. Its almost a week since I became a Zidisha member and loan applicant. Yesterday, 9th September, 2017, I wrote an article with the heading “I NEED A GRANT RATHER THAN A LOAN”. This article has put me in a bad light. It portrays me as not appreciating and under estimating the Wonderful Change the Zidisha Team is making in the lives of many in the world. It has also made me go against the code of ethics of Zidisha. I REALLY WANT TO APOLOGIZE AND TO SAY THAT I AM SO SO SORRY AND THAT THIS IS NEITHER MY INTENTION NOR WHAT I WANTED TO SAY. Although no one has officially told me I have done wrong, the fact that I have been told to re-apply and my loan progression has been withdrawn, makes me feel so or I may be wrong.

    Je m'appelle Henry Dodoo, d'Accra, au Ghana. Il y a presque une semaine que je suis devenu membre de Zidisha et demandeur de prêt. Hier, le 9 septembre 2017, j'ai écrit un article avec la rubrique «J'ai besoin d'une subvention que d'un prêt». Cet article m'a mis dans une mauvaise lumière. Il me décrit comme n'appréciant pas et sous l'estimation du changement merveilleux que l'équipe Zidisha fait dans la vie de beaucoup dans le monde. Cela m'a aussi empêché le code de déontologie de Zidisha. JE VEUX VRAIMENT D'APOLOGISER ET DE DIRE QUE JE SUIS AINSI TRAIRE, ET C'EST PAS CETTE INTENTION NI CE QUE JE VEUX DIRE. Même si personne ne m'a déclaré officiellement que je me suis trompé, le fait qu'on m'a dit de faire une nouvelle demande et que ma progression de prêt a été retirée, me l'a fait sentir ou je me trompe peut-être.

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  • Henry    Sep 9, 2017

    I cannot see my loan progression page. The fact that I have written that I need a grant rather than a loan should not be construed to mean that I don't need the loan which has been fully funded, far from it. All I wanted to express is that if I can get a grant in addition it will be very much appreciated. Probably my message about the grant has come at a wrong time. Please pardon me. I need this loan. Probably after this loan there will be new development. Please once again, forgive me.

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  • Henry    Sep 9, 2017

    I really appreciate so far what Zidisha is doing or has done for me by exposing me to the world on their platform and I am thankful to them. However, what I really need is a grant and not a loan. A loan will put me under pressure whilst a grant will enable me to help all those I will recruit in my airtime business grow their capital with the money I will support them with (no interest) by using the GSM platform to sell airtime.
    For example, we will help a person with between $250 to $500 to sell airtime. They need time to grow this amount to double it. After doubling this money given to them, they will pay the initial amount given them back into the seed fund (with no interest) to help other people. This means that the person has been able to grow his own capital to carry on in life. By so doing the persons’s life and that of his or her family, will be changed financially because he or she can grow the capital which he or she has now using the GSM platform.
    We believe with this, we will be able to affect many lives in Ghana and beyond.
    I will therefore need a grant of $20,000 and above. I will therefore be happy if Zidisha can use their platform to show me to the world for assistance in this regard.
    Remember that my vision is to Eradicate Poverty, Illiteracy and Disease from African and the third world.

    J'ai besoin d'une subvention que d'un prêt
    J'apprécie beaucoup ce que Zidisha fait ou m'a fait en m'exposant au monde sur leur plate-forme et je leur suis reconnaissant. Cependant, ce dont j'ai vraiment besoin, c'est une subvention et non un prêt. Un prêt me mettra sous pression alors qu'une subvention me permettra d'aider tous ceux que je recruterai dans mon entreprise de temps d'antenne à accroître leur capital avec l'argent, je les soutiendrai avec (sans intérêts) en utilisant la plate-forme GSM pour vendre des temps d'antenne.
    Par exemple, nous aiderons une personne qui aura entre 250 $ et 500 $ pour vendre du temps d'antenne. Ils ont besoin de temps pour augmenter ce montant pour le doubler. Après avoir doublé ces fonds, ils paieront le montant initial qui leur sera remis dans le fonds d'amorçage (sans intérêt) pour aider d'autres personnes. Cela signifie que la personne a pu développer son propre capital pour continuer dans la vie. En ce sens, la vie des personnes et celle de sa famille seront changées financièrement parce qu'il ou elle peut développer la capitale qu'il ou elle utilise maintenant la plate-forme GSM.
    Nous croyons en cela, nous pourrons affecter de nombreuses vies au Ghana et au-delà.
    J'ai donc besoin d'une subvention de 20 000 $ et plus. Je serais donc heureux que Zidisha puisse utiliser sa plate-forme pour me montrer au monde une assistance à cet égard.
    Rappelez-vous que ma vision est d'éradiquer la pauvreté, l'analphabétisme et les maladies d'origine africaine et du tiers monde.

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  • Henry    Sep 8, 2017

    My name is Henry Dodoo. This is to inform lenders that I have received the first disbursement of the loan I requested for; an amount of 7 GHS ($2.00) and I am very grateful and many thanks. As I receive the rest in due course, it will enable me to buy the laptop computer and recruit people for my airtime business. Once again thanks a lot.

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  • Henry    Sep 7, 2017

    I am very grateful and thank my lenders who have graciously funded my loan.
    I will use this loan, like I said, to buy a laptop computer for my airtime business and recruit people who will help to sell the airtime.

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