Loan to buy a small printer


Kisumu, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

December 2014

On-time repayments

180 installments  •  58%

About Me

My names are Everlyne Khalai Shiraho, I am 39yrs old and I come from a very humble background. I went to Kaloleni primary School back in the 80s where education wasn't so much significant and we could get to class as late as 10am instead of 8am. I participated a lot in physical education games like acrobatics, running which I can hardly do right now. I passed in final exams and proceeded to high school in the rural areas, Here life was tough because we had to fetch water to afar river Sondu and get back quickly to class to study, the weather was harsh too but I thank God because I managed and passed the Kenya National Exams that's after 4 years of study. I went to College for Diploma courses after losing my dad so I could not continue with education and my dream is to go back to college one day and graduate with a degree.

My Business

Thatss when I started looking for jobs here and there and I got a volunteer job at an Asian cyber cafe. That time technology was not advanced in Kenya and we happened to be the first cyber cafe in Kisumu City in Kenya. I learn a lot about computers and my employer was impressed and put me on a payroll. I made the business grow and we kept buying more machines because we were known to have the best services even though other cybercafes were now opened. After a few years my employer was relocating with his family to Canada and that's when I got an eye opener and thought of starting my own cyber. The last pay he gave me was not enough but I managed to start a small cyber cafe business which I run to-date for the last 8 yrs. I have grown to buy more computers and a copier and am looking forward to grow by buying a bigger printing machine through your help. This business has helped me pay school fees for my 2 children since am a single parent I have also been able to buy food and pay house rent and other expenses. I will really appreciate always if you help me achieve my dream of going back to college to study business management and also buy bigger machine to print and produce books. Thanks in advance

Loan Proposal

I would top up to some amount I had saved so that i can purchase a small printer but later am targeting on purchasing a bigger printer to print books in bulk. I can walk in institutions to get customers who would want to get more copies of books. the small printers costs about $100 dollars and with this my profits would increase with a 2% margin.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jan 12, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks


Matt B

Stratford Upon Avon, United Kingdom

Ask Everlyne a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Everlyne    Nov 12, 2018

    Dear Zidisha team,
    Sorry for not keeping to your have had financial strain for the longest time now ever since i got motorbike accident, my business went down but i will try and start putting in some money every week to clear the balance no matter how long it takes i wil clear up.
    sorry for the long delay again even though the amount in arrears indicated here is on the higher side please check again.

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  • Lotus Flower    Jun 11, 2018

    Hello, Everlyne Shiraho,

    Please be aware that the reminders are automated emails sent out by the system. If you ever want or need to reply to Zidisha's Administrative Staff, then what you would have to do is click on the "Help" link in your account and create a Support Ticket.

    Of course, it's fine what you wrote here on your public Discussion page for your Lenders (since you did not include any sensitive information).

    For future reference:

    For information about what the Discussion page is for--(it's *not* for asking the Staff for help)--and to learn the correct place to ask the Staff for help, please read:

    Also, please don't confuse lenders with Zidisha Staff.
    Although some members of the Staff also are lenders, most lenders are *not* on the Staff. Lenders contribute money to help fund loans. Zidisha Staff handles all of the administrative functions.

    Please do not reply to me here, as I won't be notified of your reply.

    Thank you.

    Kind regards,
    Zidisha Team

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  • Everlyne    Jun 7, 2018

    Hallo Zidisha I am in receipt of all your reminders to repay loan. I have had challenges since our Kenya Government banned logging of trees thus causing delay in repaying my loan. My products were held up at Forest department till when they shall lift the ban. Otherwise all is not lost and am looking for other ways so I can repay the loan to enable others also benefit from Zidisha. I have grown Water Melon and when I harvest in Few months time I will see and be able to repay Zidisha loan at once so all is not lost. Sorry for this inconvenience caused. Thanks. Everlyne K. Shiraho

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  • Everlyne    Dec 25, 2017

    I acknowledge receipt of 109,250/= from Zidisha team.Thanks to Zidisha lenders for i have managed to purchase more bags of charcoal.. these will go handy this festive season where customers are more and everyone wants to buy a bag for home use.Am so grateful to Zidisha team again.

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  • Everlyne    Dec 13, 2017

    Am so grateful to Zidisha team for having funded my loan. This will indeed help me manage to purchase more bags of charcoal hence my business will expand and my customers will not lack charcoal anytime. This will give my business a good name too.

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  • Everlyne    Nov 29, 2017

    am so grateful to zidisha lenders because you have made me whom i am today together with my family. i am purchasing more and more bags of charcoal each time you top up my loan and i have so far many new customers each day because of efficiency in supplies am so thankful to zidisha team.

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  • Everlyne    May 19, 2017

    I have received ksh. 96771 this day and am thankful to zidisha for this loan. It will enable me stock up enough charcoal for cooking to sell to wider markets. I will also manage to purchase firewood found from dead branches and also supply locally. With this am grateful to zidisha team as it will increase my income together with my employees. My customers will also have enough goods to retail to their clients without shortage.

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  • Everlyne    May 14, 2017

    Thanks to zidisha team for funding my loan. This will help towards increasing my charcoal and firewood supply wider in different town centres. It will also help create jobs as many young boys dont have jobs in my town. Our lives would be better with hard times now many of us will be able to cater for their basic needs without so much strain. Thanks once more to all of you and be blessed.

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  • Everlyne    Apr 30, 2017

    Am grateful to Zidisha team for giving me loans that has enabled my business to grow very fast. This has also encouraged some of my friends to come work with me and they are able to support their children and provide for their needs without strain.

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  • Everlyne    Apr 3, 2017

    I want to give gratitude to zidisha for the loans that have been receiving. Soon i will finish repaying this one. My life has changed for the better and i am also able to pay my children school fees without strain. Am able to provide for their basic needs and right now am also paying fees for 2 total orphans. I would like to request zidisha team to increase my loan limit to kshs.160000 for the next stock since i have received kshs. 100000 three times now. This is my humble request and i will be able to repay. U realize when i delay in repayment i do that later by repaying in excess depending on how my clients pay me. All the same am on good record. Thanks so much zidisha team for changing lives of many to be better. GOD BLESS U ALL.

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  • Donna Manton    Jan 7, 2017

    Happy new year !!! I hope everything is ok. I noticed your last repayment was much less than anticipated.

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  • Everlyne    Nov 19, 2016

    Thanks to zidisha team for loan i received one month ago. Its the third time am posting these while the site still keeps asking me to update i wonder thanks.

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  • Everlyne    Oct 18, 2016

    I have received kshs. 94,870 thanks to zidisha team for your support.. this loan will enable me to buy more bags of charcoal, i have already acquired another store for more stock. I will also employ more workers to help with these supply.

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  • Everlyne    Oct 15, 2016

    Thank to zidisha team for the loan. I will now be able to increase my stock of bags of charcoal.

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  • Everlyne    Oct 14, 2016

    I have had low supplys for the last two months which led to my poor repayment performance am sorry about that because my providers changed to cultivate their land for agriculture and they got so busy with farm activities so they could not avail my goods. This really affected my business but now am back in business with them and i would like to apply for another loan to enable faster growth of my supplies which will allow me to repay consistently. Thanks

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  • Everlyne    Aug 5, 2016

    i was involved in a motorcycle accident last month and got hurt on my left side eye hand leg but am recovering so now i can only travel to get charcoal once in two weeks and not on weekly basis as before. this has affected my repayment but soon i pray and believe that i will get back on track so i can pay on time. thanks

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  • Everlyne    May 21, 2016

    i am in receipt of kshs. 96864 and i would like to say a big thank you to zidisha team for the loan given to me as this will allow me to buy more bags of charcoal hence increasing my sales and profit besides allowing me to employ more youths whom i can be able to pay them on daily basis.

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  • Everlyne    May 14, 2016

    thanks to zidisha team for accepting my loan application. this will enable me purchase more bags of charcoal and sell as wholesale and even i will be able to employ more youths on these.

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  • Everlyne    Apr 25, 2016

    thanks to zidisha loan for funding my businesses. this will help me be able to employ even more jobless people for supply of charcoal. thanks so much.

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  • Everlyne    Sep 21, 2015

    thanks to zidisha and entire team for funding me with loan to help my business grow indeed it has grown thanks so much but this day i was shocked to see another payment deduction of 13500 from a loan application of 43000? is this not stealing i dont understsnd at all. how do u come up with such figures? how am i supposed to grow to bigger loans yet u keep discouraging clients with this one time registration increasing every now and again? this is crazy pls milan let someone else explain all these to me!

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