Laptop for sale and purchase of prime online


Kota Mojokerto, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

61 installments  •  100%

About Me

I was born in a small village with a culture that is still thick. Like most other citizens after graduation I wandered into the city looking for livelihood and experience. Until I can match. After marriage I did not go back to the village but joined my husband. Participate in an environment that forces me to be strong and not in the eyes. Therefore I try to independently not fully depend on the material of my husband began to try to sell prime and selling data packets. Through zidisha I hope the business develops smoothly.

My Business

I am buying prime sale and also selling data packets. This is a promising business considering its important communication and internet today. It"s still a small scale but I hope someday it will get bigger so it can meet my family needs. Because I am aware of the growing time everyone has gadgets and everyone needs the internet to make communication easier. Everyone will look for good data packets and smoothly.

Loan Proposal

Loans to buy prime for sale again 1 Bok around 3 USD sold again 5USD 1 week can be discharged about 20 bok. With the addition of the fund expects to sell more

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About Me

Saya lahir di sebuah desa kecil dengan budaya yang masih kental. Seperti kebanyakan warga yang lain setelah tamat sma saya merantau ke kota mencari penghidupan dan pengalaman. Sampai saya dapat jodoh. Setelah berumah tangga saya tidak kembali ke desa tapi ikut suami. Ikut di lingkungan yang memaksa saya harus kuat dan tidak di pandang sebelah mata. Karena itu saya berusaha untuk mandiri tidak sepenuh nya tergantung dengan materi suami saya mulai berusaha dengan jual beli perdana serta jual paketan data. Melalui zidisha saya berharap usaha berkembang dengan lancar.

My Business

Saya jual beli perdana juga jual paketan data. Ini merupakan bisnis yang menjanjikan mengingat penting nya komunikasi dan internet saat ini. Memang masih skala kecil tapi saya berharap suatu saat nanti akan makin besar sehingga dapat mencukupi kebutuhan saya sekeluarga. Karena saya sadar dengan berkembang nya waktu semua orang mempunyai gadget dan semua orang memerlukan internet untuk mempermudah komunikasi. Semua orang akan mencari paketan data yang bagus dan lancar.

Loan Proposal

Pinjaman buat beli perdana buat di jual lagi 1 bok sekitar 3 USD di jual lagi 5USD 1 minggu bisa habis sekitar 20 bok. Dengan penambahan dana berharap dapat jual lebih banyak lagi





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 20, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

5 weeks



Craig Newmark

United States

Ask Vitriana a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Vitriana    May 8, 2018

    Thank you for my 2x installment payment already credit in my zidisha account

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  • Vitriana    May 7, 2018

    I already paid the installment due on 2 May 2018 on the date 3 May 2018 in the morning because I was busy forgetfulness but apparently not appear on payment later on Saturday I paid again has not appeared also, in the dash still japo on 2 May how this, 2x me where to please follow up thank you

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  • Vitriana    Feb 28, 2018

    Thank you team zidisha funds have entered my account very quickly from funding its full-fledged no 2 minutes from my click confirmation this really really help me and i am very happy. for the next fund I will use as additional my business capital in internet data packet card once again thanks zidisha team

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  • Vitriana    Feb 28, 2018

    Thanks to its special loan funder mr Paul Buchheit who has funded my loan funding entirely. hopefully this loan can be useful for my business continuity, I will use as capital to buy starter pack. thank you very much zidisha team.

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  • Vitriana    Feb 26, 2018

    My loan has been paid off about 5 days ago I am very happy. I want to resume lending from zidisha in addition to my venture capital so that in the future my business will grow and run according to my expectation. I am very helped by this zidisha loan because the loan is really suitable for people like me who can pay in accordance with the ability. There are many changes in my life after joining with the zidisha loan there is a self-motivated motive in me because I have a responsibility for my business towards myself and zidisha as a financial backer. I also hope that my loan proposal to zidisha to be approved and funded by the zidisha funders so that I become part of the people who struggle to arrange the future with the zidisha. These funds will I use for my efforts in the field of starter packs and small packets at home so I can help the family economy to quickly have their own home

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  • Vitriana    Feb 18, 2018

    There is a lot of improvement in my business so there is a profit that increases significantly too. Therefore I think need to increase the amount of installments so that my business turnover is also more smoothly

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  • Vitriana    Nov 29, 2017

    Enterprises increasingly smoothly increasing the income so can pay more

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  • Vitriana    Sep 6, 2017

    Thanks for the loan from zidisha I have received, with this additional fund I will use to add my starter pack. hopefully with all this my efforts will run smoothly. amen

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  • Vitriana    Aug 29, 2017

    Still waiting for the disbursement of funds from zidisha so I can add the first card to memenui order from the counter, I hope his funds soon in melt I have chosen the fund acceleration in the hope of funds immediately liquid to memenui order from consumers apparently until now his funds can not liquid status Still pending.

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  • Vitriana    Aug 27, 2017

    My loan proposal x is very I hope for my venture capital because there are some orders of data package that have not been to handle therefore I filing with acceleration fund with hope in order to liquid quickly. I am a person who is always tenacious and work hard also always responsible let alone about my refund obligations so far I also always on time. Hopefully with this team zidisha immediately dilute my loan, I also have shared with my mentor why until my loan to pending and not liquid until now. Hopefully quickly melted by zidisha team thanks.

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  • Vitriana    Aug 26, 2017

    I need immediate disbursement of funds from zidisha so that all my business so smoothly

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  • Vitriana    Aug 26, 2017

    I really hope the funding from zidisha soon liquid to simplify my efforts, I need additional funds for the capital of my prime card which will later be used as a package card. . To fulfill orders from the counter. I hope the fund team and the zidisha team can withdraw their funds. . . I also shared with my mentor about my business development issues, I hope everything works well. Amen

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  • Vitriana    Aug 24, 2017

    Fund later when it is in liquid I will use as an additional capital to buy a starter pack that will be used as a package card, thanks to the funders and zidisha team I hope this fund can be a useful capital for me. Amen

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  • Vitriana    Aug 24, 2017

    Zidisha"s 2nd loan already paid off 1 week ago. . . . Through zidisha loans facilitate my business turnover so that can smooth my finance slightly lessen the burden of my husband also therefore I intend to want to apply for more loans in the hope that my business more smoothly.

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  • Vitriana    Jun 24, 2017

    Importation is somewhat constrained

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  • Vitriana    Jun 12, 2017

    Thanks zidisha dana I already liquid I will use for the purchase of starter pack

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  • Vitriana    Jun 6, 2017

    I hope hopefully the funds from zidisha quickly liquid in order to I can use for my business because it is fully funded by the funders just waiting for liquid only. Because it"s been 1 week since thanks in thanks. The spirit of fetching dreams in the mass of the front

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  • Vitriana    May 30, 2017

    I will use this fund as my additional business capital to buy a starter card, so my business turnover will be fast so I can get bigger profit. Hopefully everything went smoothly small business that I pioneered quickly developed and eventually become big. Thanks to the lenders of the zidisha who have trusted me back to approve my loan application. may be useful. Amen

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  • Vitriana    May 30, 2017

    God bless you my first loan is paid off and today the filing of a loan to a 2 I hope funders zidisha give confidence back to me for my efforts to remain current. amen

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  • Vitriana    May 12, 2017

    Because my business more smoothly I can pay bigger

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