Pastry for education


Bekasi, Indonesia


$72 to go

5% funded of $76 goal


days left




Member since

July 2017

On-time repayments

11 installments  •  64%

About Me

Introduce my name Rahayu Dwiyulikasari, my little name Dwi. I was born in Pangkal Pinang City, on Wednesday July 11, 1979. I have 1 sister. I have been educated up to Diploma 3, majoring in Accounting. I am currently 38 years old. At this age I have a lot of experience in my life, as well as in my work. To live well in a big city, I think I have to have the willpower to earn extra income, because if you just rely on the monthly salary alone, it is not enough. I am grateful and happy, can have skills, such as making cookies and driving a car. My skills make cookies, my mothers have dropped talent, while for driving I study and now I have 5 times extend the driving license. At least with these skills I can find additional income.

My Business

The skill of making a pastry with a good taste, makes me often get orders from relatives and friends at the time of the celebration of religious festivities. Cake orders are not every day there, and I am currently less intense 4 years because I am busy working in private companies. My driving skills, is an asset to get extra money, sometimes I get an order to drive out of town. The first loan, I use to buy cake ingredients for cake orders from my colleagues. My colleague was satisfied for the cake I was selling, and I got a cake order back by my colleague. Apparently my colleague told his family the taste of the cake I was selling, they felt right. They also ordered my homemade cake. The cost of making the cake is not much, the profit from the sale 100%. Profit from the sale of the cake I save to help my niece continue her education to college.

Loan Proposal

From the results of selling more cookies and selling hijab as well as school equipment, I am sure will be able to help my nephew"s tuition fees to complete.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Nama saya Rahayu Dwiyulikssari, saya berusia 38 tahun, belum menikah. Saya memiliki 3 Keponakan yang perlu biaya sekolah. Saya menyayangi mereka seperti anak saya.

My Business

Keseharian saya bekerja di perusahaan swasta, dengan penghasilan cukup. Tambahan penghasilan saya, dari berjualan kue kering.
Untuk yang lain seminggu lalu saya mencoba berjualan scarf hijab dan mukena, juga perlengkapan sekolah.

Loan Proposal

Dari hasil berjualan kue kering lebih banyak dan berjualan hijab juga peralatan sekolah, saya yakin akan dapat membantu biaya kuliah keponakan saya sampai dengan selesai.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Amount requested


Ask Rahayu a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.


