Household furniture credit


Bandung, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

October 2017

On-time repayments

15 installments  •  60%

About Me

I am the child of 3 of my brothers six brothers all my boy was born in bandung 3 0ktober 1980 and married blessed with a daughter named heni rustandi who now attends school in paud now I live in kp.bugel ds.neglasari rt003 / 006 kec.banjaran kab .bandung province answerarat Indonesia indonesia zip code 40377 my life keep improving since my business in the field of credit nperabot home and mortgage in my residence interest of orderer credit very high hence I really expect borrowing capital from zidisha

My Business

Business or business that I run now that is credit goods and mortgage ... So the people around the residence can credit my same goods, such as household goods, electronics and others, which can be in daily and weekly cicil. Also additional zidisha funds will I use to receive lien items from people who need money. With a system in joint agreement such as 500,000 TV price I pledge the price of 200,000 and in one month on redeem with the price of 250,000 if not on redeem I can sell for 300,000 if my credit business to take 100% profit for example the price of rice cooker that cost me 250.000 credits at 500,000 with daily or weekly payments and can mortgage electronic furniture and others

Loan Proposal

this loan will I spend the order of appliance for household appliances to be credited with the payment gradually either daily or weekly with a certain time limit of credit depending on the amount of consumer debt and my agreement with the consumer

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About Me

saya adalah anak no 3 dari enam bersaudara saudara saya semuanya laki laki saya lahir di bandung 3 0ktober 1980 dan menikah dikaruniai seorang putri bernama heni rustandi yg sekarang bersekolah di paud sekarang saya tinggal di kp.bugel ds.neglasari rt003/006 kec.banjaran kab.bandung propinsi jawabarat negara indonesia kodepos 40377 kehidupan saya terus membaik semenjak saya usaha di bidang kredit nperabot rumah tangga dan penggadaian di tempat tinggal saya minat pemesan kredit sangat tinggi makanya saya sangat mengharapkan peminjaman modal dari zidisha

My Business

Bisnis atau usaha yang saya jalankan sekarang yaitu kredit barang-barang dan penggadaian...Jadi masyarakat sekitar tempat tinggal bisa kredit barang sama saya, seperti barang rumah tangga, elektronik dan lain-lain, yang bisa di cicil harian dan mingguan. Selain itu tambahan dana zidisha akan saya gunakan untuk menerima barang gadai dari orang yang butuh uang. Dengan sistem yang di sepakati bersama misalnya harga TV 500.000 saya gadai dengan harga 200.000 dan dalam satu bulan di tebus dengan harga 250.000 kalau tidak di tebus bisa saya jual dengan harga 300.000 kalau usaha kredit saya mengambil keuntungan 100% misalnya harga rice cooker yang harganya 250.000 saya kreditkan dengan harga 500.000 dengan pembayaran secara di angsur harian atau mingguan dan bisa menggadaikan perabot rumah tangga elektronik dan lain lain

Loan Proposal

pinjaman ini akan saya belanjakan pesanan alat alat perabot rumah tangga untuk di kreditkan dengan pembayaran secara berangsur baik harian ataupun mingguan dengan batas waktu tertentu kreditan tergantung jumlah utang konsumen dan perjanjian saya dengan konsumen





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 21, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 weeks



Sandy, Utah, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

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  • Tatan    Jan 13, 2018

    thank you for trust from zidisha borrowers this fund will I use for shopping order goods for credit and home appliances. By buying a credit order item will increase my income

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  • Tatan    Jan 12, 2018

    hopefully there is an acceleration fund

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  • Tatan    Dec 27, 2017

    forgive me sending this new resident identity card has not yet been completed in indonesia make a lot of people's identity card corruption but this identity card is my original identity and according to my registration in zidisha
    such as those reported in the television identity card case being on trial in corruption court with defendant general chairman of Golkar party and also chairman of DPR (DPR) if the new identity card has been completed I will send to zidisha
    sorry for the inconvenience this greeting for the whole team zidisha hopefully more successful

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  • Tatan    Dec 27, 2017

    hopefully there is an acceleration fund before my loan application rxpired again

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  • Tatan    Dec 20, 2017

    good afternoon this is a picture of my profile is calculating groceries to give to credit consumers hope lenders of fund zidisha willing to lend business capital to me I promise to pay the installment on time even earlier

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  • Tatan    Dec 19, 2017

    I have 2 times not in danai hopefully now can be in danna because I really need once this money for the continuity of my business hopefully the borrowers zidisha fund want to fund my business aminn ,,

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  • Tatan    Dec 18, 2017

    this is a loan that to the umpteenth time is easy to fund

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  • Tatan    Dec 17, 2017

    I hope the lenders of zidisha fund will give me the business capital loan I promise to pay the installment on time even earlier

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  • Tatan    Dec 16, 2017

    the remaining 1 hour I hope there is an acceleration fund I beg the zidisha fund borrowers I really need funds for my business expenses amen

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  • Tatan    Dec 14, 2017

    0% Funded IDR 1,644,703 Required 1 Time Day hopefully there is an acceleration fund

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  • Tatan    Dec 13, 2017

    remaining 3 days stay I hope there is an acceleration fund

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  • Tatan    Dec 12, 2017

    acceleration fund please fear expire

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  • Tatan    Dec 11, 2017

    hopefully there is an acceleration fee

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  • Tatan    Dec 10, 2017

    I ask the borrowers of zidisha funds now stay 6 more days I really need for my venture capital hopefully there is an acceleration fund

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  • Tatan    Dec 9, 2017

    stay 6 more days I hope there is an acceleration fund because I really need this fund

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  • Tatan    Dec 2, 2017

    bismilah good day borrowers zidisha funds goods that I will buy very piled up once because of the many orders and who want to pawn goods as well much like TV clothes tube gas etc, then than that I really need capital once with the loan from zidisha my business growing before there is additional capital I just only credit business but with the addition of loan capital I opened a new business that is the mortgage home appliances thank you zidisha hopefully the more successful my business in the field of credit furniture / appliance household depends on the size of capital in every order the customers with the cooperation with zidisha my great hope for more advanced and developing. i will use loan fund from zidisha with best to support my business and my future and family and can open the job field for others wasalam thanks zidisha

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  • Tatan    Dec 2, 2017

    bismilah good day borrowers zidisha funds with the loan from zidisha my business is growing before there is additional capital I just credit business but with the addition of loan capital I open a new business that is pawnshops home appliances thank you zidisha hopefully the more successful my business in the credit field of furniture / appliance households depends on the size of capital in fulfilling every order of the customers with the cooperation with zidisha big my expectations for more advanced and developing. I will use the loan from zidisha with the best to support the business and the future me and my family and can open a job field for others greeting thanks zidisha

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  • Tatan    Dec 1, 2017

    good day borrowers zidisha funds with the loan from zidisha my business is growing before there is additional capital I just credit business but with the addition of loan capital I open a new business that is pawnshops home appliances thank you zidisha hopefully the more successful my business in the field credit furniture / appliance household depends on the size of capital in fulfilling every order of the customers with the existence of cooperation with zidisha my expectation to be more advanced and developing. I will use loan fund from zidisha with the best to support my business and my future and family and can open the work field for others greeting thanks zidisha

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  • Tatan    Dec 1, 2017

    with the loan from zidisha my business is growing before there is additional capital I just only credit business but with the addition of loan capital I opened a new business that is the mortgage home appliances thank you zidisha hopefully the more successful my business in the field of credit furniture / appliance households very dependent on the size of capital in fulfilling every order of the customers with the cooperation with zidisha big my expectations for more advanced and developing. I will use the loan from zidisha with the best to support my business and my future and family and can open the land work for others isalam thanks zidisha

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  • Tatan    Dec 1, 2017

    thank you for the trust of borrowers zidisha my business progressing and developing hopefully can go forward amen

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