Innovative air-conditioned fan


Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia

10% repaid




Member since

August 2017

On-time repayments

10 installments  •  20%

About Me

hallo introduce me arum widyani i am a housewife as well as entrepreneur of innovative fan or fan of air conditioner model, before pregnant i work as spg in mall and husband who run fan business, because i am pregnant so i decided to focus first with my pregnancy because child first, since the beginning of pregnancy until now want to give birth to help my husband with this fan business alhamdulillah running smoothly and I with husband intend to further develop this business will be more known to many people and progressively and progress

My Business

before starting this business my husband and I had time to think what business can work for all the community, because my husband is skilled in the final machine his husband tried to try to assemble the fan from the air conditioner that had been dead, changed all his machine and made into a fan low watt ,, my goal and husband make this fan to invite the community to use this fan because of its small watt electricity saving and does not take place and to further attract my buyer and husband creates this fan with beautiful watna color and taped sticker to look funny and nicer ,, this business that I run it alhamdulillah runs smoothly and this business is already running from my first husband and married and this business is my source of income and husband after I quit working because of pregnant, I want this business to run smoothly and more go ahead and expand again, for the capital I need for this business is 7 million rupiah and for the turnover or to my profits of 10 to 12 million rupiah, this money my husband and I invested to renovate the house and put together for the additional cost I gave birth, if my loan is financed I will use this fund as best as possible for my efforts to be more advanced and more thriving, thanks

Loan Proposal

I will use this fund to buy goods that will be made in the fan-shaped air conditioner to fan this stock fan more and turnover and profit to be more increased again and its benefits I can use to pay this installment funding and for home renovation

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About Me

hallo perkenalkan saya arum widyani saya seorang ibu rumah tangga sekaligus pengusaha kipas angin inovatif atau kipas angin model AC, sebelum hamil saya bekerja sebagai spg di mall dan suami yang menjalankan usaha kipas, berhubung saya hamil jadi saya memutuskan untuk fokus dulu dengan kehamilan saya karna anak pertama, sejak awal hamil sampai sekarang mau melahirkan saya membantu suami dengan usaha kipas ini alhamdulillah berjalan lancar dan saya dengan suami berniat ingin lebih mengembangkan usaha ini akan semakin dikenal banyak orang dan semakin maju dan berkembang

My Business

sebelum memulai usaha ini saya dan suami sempat berfikir usaha apa yang bisa berfungsi untuk semua masyarakat, karena suami saya berkeahlian di mesin akhir nya suami mencoba coba untuk merakit kipas dari AC bekas yang sudah mati , di ubah segala mesin nya dan dibuat menjadi kipas angin yang low watt,, tujuan saya dan suami membuat kipas angin ini agar mengajak masyarakat untuk menggunakan kipas ini karna watt nya yg kecil hemat listrik dan tidak memakan tempat dan untuk lebih menarik pembeli saya dan suami kreasikan kipas ini dengan warna watna cantik dan ditempel stiker agar terlihat lucu dan lebih bagus,, usaha yang saya jalankan ini alhamdulillah berjalan lancar dan usaha ini sudah berjalan dari pertama saya dan suami menikah dan usaha ini adalah sumber penghasilan saya dan suami setelah saya berhenti kerja karena hamil, saya ingin usaha ini tetap berjalan lancar dan lebih maju dan berkembang lagi , untuk modal yang saya butuhkan untuk usaha ini adalah 7 juta rupiah dan untuk omset atau ke untungan saya mencapai 10 sampai 12 juta rupiah , uang hasil usaha ini saya dan suami sisihkan untuk merenovasi rumah dan ditabungkan untuk penambahan biaya saya melahirkan, jika pinjaman saya di danai saya akan gunakan dana ini sebaik mungkin untuk usaha saya agar lebih maju lagi dan lebih berkembang lagi , terima kasih

Loan Proposal

saya akan menggunakan dana ini untuk membeli barang yang akan di jadikan kipas angin berbentuk AC agar stock kipas angin ini lebih banyak lagi dan omset dan untung nya agar lebih meningkat lagi dan keuntungan nya bisa saya gunakan untuk membayar angsuran pendanaan ini dan untuk renovasi rumah





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 2, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

8 weeks

Other loans



Paul Graham

United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



United States

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  • Arum    Nov 14, 2017

    I get more profit from the funded effort and want to pay more than the installment before its thank you

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  • Arum    Nov 10, 2017

    good night, I want to give info, for the funds that I have borrowed so for the model air conditioner fan and this will be sent to majalengka west java Indonesia ,, algi I thank you

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  • Arum    Nov 2, 2017

    I try to repay smaller first, next week I will angsur for bigger, thank you

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  • Arum    Nov 2, 2017

    thanks to the funders who have funded my efforts, I will use this money to buy materials that will be made into innovative fans or fans of this air conditioner model, I will keep trying to make this business more advanced and more developed once again I thank you

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  • Arum    Nov 2, 2017

    This is a plain and colorful inobatif fan

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  • Arum    Nov 2, 2017

    Thanks to the funders who have funded my efforts, I will use this money to buy items that will be made an innovative fan in the form of air conditioning ,, I will continue to expand this business to more advanced and more enthusiasts, I am sure This business is very secure because of its profitable advantage

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  • Arum    Oct 31, 2017

    thanks to the pendants who have funded my business, I will use this fund to buy items that will be an innovative or air-conditioned fan, I will further develop and further develop this business will be more and more of its fans, once again I thank you

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  • Arum    Oct 30, 2017

    Thanks to the funders who have funded my efforts, I will use this money as well as mungkim and my main thing is to buy goods that will be made in innovative fan in the form of this air conditioner, I will further develop and and will further advance this business to turnover and its profits are increasing ,, again I say thank you ,,

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  • Arum    Oct 29, 2017

    I would like to thank all the funders who have funded my business, and I will use this money as best as I can. The main thing is to buy the raw goods that will be the fan of this air conditioner model or the innovative fan, I will try to further develop the business this until really more advanced, once again i thank you ,,

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  • Arum    Oct 29, 2017

    I will use this fund to buy used air conditioner that is dead and will be rebuild again with my husband to be made this innovative fan or air-shaped fan ,, and if this fan has been so will be resold and untunh the sale I will pay the installment of this funding is appropriate and I tabungkan some for the cost of childbirth and renovate the house

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  • Arum    Oct 29, 2017

    Thanks to the funders who sdh funding for my efforts, I will use this money to further develop my business is to be more advanced and increasingly its enthusiasts, thank you

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  • Arum    Oct 29, 2017

    thanks to the funders, I will use this money to buy goods and materials to be an air-shaped fan ,, again thank you very much

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  • Arum    Oct 28, 2017

    thanks to the funders who have funded for my efforts, I will use this money as best as possible and the main thing is to expand my business to add this innovative fan stock

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  • Arum    Oct 28, 2017

    With this fund I will buy the raw goods to be a fan that is dead air conditioner will be renewed again and in the raft back up to be an air-shaped fan

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  • Arum    Oct 27, 2017

    I will use this fund to buy goods that will be made in the fan model air conditioner or an innovative fan, if the goods have become an air conditioner fan model and I will sell profits from the fan sales results I will tabungkan for the additional cost of my labor and pay installment loan this is timely to the fund

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  • Arum    Oct 26, 2017

    I get a commission and fortunately more than my effort so that I can pay more installments ,, I hope my profit will increase again and will increase again every day ,, thanks to the funders who have funded for my efforts, thank you

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