Stock of rice & other food items for my restaurant


Pekanbaru, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

May 2015

On-time repayments

163 installments  •  19%

About Me

My name jupriyanto my regular calling in Jupri I have long and big city of pekanbaru now I graduate from university Islam riau there dipekanbaru __sekarang I work in pt mandala multi tbk as admin staff I"ve worked more than 2 years and now I start a new business eat or shop selling rice

My Business

the price of rice is now 10,000 packs per pack __dan every day or less sold about 70 to 150 packs per day __bahan should I buy like rice fish and meat for me if I get the same __anggota net profit of approximately 300 thousand per day __usaha is already running smoothly and I plan intending to purchase stocks daily material other than that I also have a monthly income

Loan Proposal

I am planning to use the loan proceeds to buy more stocks of ingredients for the food that I sell, such as rice, vegetables, chicken meat, and beefs.

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About Me

nama saya jupriyanto biasa saya di panggil jupri saya sudah lama dan besar dikota pekanbaru sekarang saya lulusan dari universitas islam riau yang ada dipekanbaru
sekarang saya bekerja di pt mandala multifinance tbk sebagai staf admin saya sudah bekerja kurang lebih 2 tahun dan sekarang saya memulai bisnis baru yaitu jualan makan atau warung nasi

My Business

harga nasi bungkus sekarang 10.000 per bungkus
dan setiap hari kurang lebih terjual sekitar 70- 150 bungkus perharinya
bahan yang harus saya beli seperti beras ikan dan daging untuk di olah sama
anggota saya saya mendapatkan laba bersih kurang lebih 300 ribu perhari
usaha ini udah berjalan lancar dan rencana saya ingi membeli stok bahan harian selain itu juga saya mempunyai penghasilan tiap bulannya

Loan Proposal

jika pinjaman ini saya cair akan saya belikan stok bahan pangan atau bahan pokok harian saya akan membeli beras 3 karung membeli stokm bumbu dan stok sayuran serta membeli ikan dan ayam untuk memenuhi usaha saya





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 27, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months

Other loans



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Ask Jupri a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Mulyono    Apr 18, 2016

    ...__ Jupri hello how are you ?? __ we have not received payment of the loan anda__bisakah you reschedule your payments so that smaller installments to change you?

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  • Mulyono    Apr 18, 2016

    ..__ Jupri dear how are you ?? __ we have not received payment of the loan anda__bisakah you reschedule your payments so that smaller installments to change you?

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  • andyfletcher    Mar 3, 2016

    Hello Jupri,
    How are you? Any news of your payments?

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  • andyfletcher    Feb 26, 2016

    Hello Jupri,
    Do you know what has happened to Ade Jati Saputra, a borrower you invited? He has not made payments for a long time.

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  • andyfletcher    Feb 12, 2016

    Hello Jupri,
    How is business?

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  • Jupri    Sep 25, 2015

    Apologize in advance, the business again slightly decreased income plus parents are sick, so much money is being spent for medical expenses for the treatment of parents that my father, before apologize and trimakasih.

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  • Jupri    Sep 5, 2015

    Trimakasih zidisha, I have received funds sebesasar Rp 3,267,693 and the funds already I use to buy staples such as rice, meat, fish, and vegetables, and I extend to all funders trimakaih once zidisha hopefully in the future more successful.

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  • Jupri    Sep 2, 2015

    These funds would I use an addition to venture capital shop rice to buy rice, meat, vegetables, fish, and fruit - fruit, with the staples of my time will be more complete and more crowded, and trimakasih once, for the entire crew or team zidisha that provide venture capital, may zidisha more advanced and grow.

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  • Sigei    Sep 1, 2015


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  • Jupri    Aug 24, 2015

    Trimakasih, until now my efforts and growing, I use the loan funds to membli staples such as rice, fish, meat, and vegetables, and my income is now able to achieve a profit of 1,000,000 per month, and I will step up efforts rice shop is getting bigger and more known people, and I will be happy of my family, especially parents and my siblings, and I will bring the family excursion abroad.

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  • Jupri    Jul 31, 2015

    Trimakasih zidisha, with the loan fund my business is growing, and there is considerable progress lumaya.

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  • Jupri    Jul 15, 2015

    Trimakasih the trust zidisha provide capital need, I feel greatly helped on this capital, this time I"ve been able to buy more stock of my business needs, such as rice, fish, meat, and fresh vegetables, and to this day I grow growing businesses and has been many customers, for income can reach 500,000 per day, an increase in this business I will be providing service and quality food menu is more for the customers so that customers will be satisfied with the service that I give, and I will be able to give happiness to Parents and loved ones, and if successful in this endeavor I will invite parents road road to the tourist attractions that are on pekanbaru serata outside the city such as in Jakarta or Bali to Indonesia

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