Rice Box Catering


Sukabumi, Indonesia

32% repaid




Member since

August 2015

On-time repayments

201 installments  •  9%

About Me

I 'm a widower 37 years old with two children living together with me. Daily I worked as a delivery driver and have a side business in culinary / catering rice box, but don't have the working capital to serve the existing order. To apply for a loan to the bank I did not have the assets for collateral. And by chance I heard about Zidisha from my friend Andreas Pakel who had already benefited through the first loans it has received from Zidisha.

My Business

The main source of my income just working as a delivery driver with a monthly income of 64 USD per month to support me with 2 children.Now I have 2 orders catering for large parties and small parties 200 servings 50 servings with 2 x volume shipments for breakfast & lunch.

Loan Proposal

I need a loan for working capital orders large and small catering parties of 224 USD with projected the following details:

Sales projections within 1 month (minimum of 4 times the orders received)
Large -Partai (minimum of 200 servings)
(200 Portion @ 0.524908 USD) =210 USD for 2 x send for breakfast & lunch
Small -Partai (at least 50 servings)
(50 Servings @ 0.558717 USD)= 56 USD for 2 x send for breakfast & lunch
Total estimated revenue 1 month 266 USD

Estimated cost of sales in 1 month
1. Transport Costs
Need 4 x transport> @ 3.5 USD= 14 USD
2. Labor Costs
It took 5 labors > @ 3.5 USD x 4 Order = 70 USD
3. Raw Material Costs
@ 0.279499 USD> 0.279499 USD x 500 Portions = 140 USD
Total cost of sales in 1 month 224 USD

Projections estimate of profit / loss in 1 Month
Estimated Profit / Loss = Total estimated revenue 1 month - Total cost of sales in 1 month
( 266 USD - 224 USD = 42 USD)

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya adalah seorang duda 37 tahun dengan dua orang anak hidup bersama saya.Sehari- hari saya bekerja sebagai supir pengantar barang dan memiliki usaha sampingan di bidang kuliner/katering nasi box ,namun belum memiliki modal kerja untuk melayani order yang sudah ada. Untuk mengajukan pinjaman ke bank saya tidak punya aset untuk dijaminkan. Dan kebetulan saya mendengar tentang Zidisha dari teman saya Andreas Pakel yang sudah lebih dulu merasakan manfaatnya lewat pinjaman pertama yang telah diterimanya dari Zidisha,

My Business

Sumber penghasilan saya yang utama hanya berkerja sebagai supir pengantar barang dengan penghasilan per bulan sebesar 900000 IDR untuk menghidupi saya dengan 2 orang anak.Saat ini saya memiliki 2 pesanan katering untuk partai besar 200 porsi & partai kecil 50 porsi dengan volume 2 x pengiriman untuk makan pagi & siang.

Loan Proposal

Saya membutuhkan pinjaman untuk modal kerja melayani pesanan katering partai besar & kecil sebesar Rp 3.200.000 dengan proyeksi perincian sebagai berikut :

Proyeksi Penjualan dalam 1 bulan (Minimal mendapat 4 kali pesanan )
-Partai Besar (minimal 200 porsi)
(200 Porsi @ Rp 7.500) = Rp 3.000.000
untuk 2 x kirim untuk makan pagi & siang
-Partai Kecil (minimal 50 porsi)
(50 Porsi @ Rp 8.000) = Rp 800.000
Untuk 2 x kirim untuk makan pagi & siang
Total perkiraan pendapatan 1 bulan Rp 3.800.000

Perkiraan biaya penjualan dalam 1 bulan
1. Biaya Angkut
Perlu 4 x angkut > @ Rp 50.000,00 = Rp 200.000
2. Biaya Tenaga Kerja
Butuh 5 orang > @ Rp 50.000,00 x 4 Pesanan = Rp 1.000.000
3. Biaya Bahan Baku
@ Rp 4.000,00 >Rp 4.000,00 x 500 Porsi = Rp 2.000.000
Total biaya penjualan dalam 1 bulan = Rp 3.200.000

Proyeksi perkiraan Laba /Rugi dalam 1 Bulan
Perkiraan laba/Rugi = Total perkiraan pendapatan 1 bulan - Total biaya penjualan dalam 1 bulan
( Rp 3.800.000,00 - Rp 3.200.000 = Rp 600.000 )
LABA Rp 600.000





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 28, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

47 months




I want my "My loans" page back, Qatar



Los Angeles, United States


San Francisco, Ca, United States


Ryan Ortega

United States


Dortmund, Germany

Ask Tommy a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Tommy    Jul 27, 2016

    I am unemployed

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  • Tommy    Mar 24, 2016

    Now I do not have a job and just get a little income to meet daily needs if there is employing me as a replacement driver if the driver is supposed to be on duty could not absent from work

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  • Tommy    Jan 17, 2016

    I was having financial difficulties because I was laid off from my main job as a driver and my catering bussiness I haven't received orders from the customer again.

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  • Roy    Jan 9, 2016

    How are you Tommy?

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  • Tommy    Oct 12, 2015

    To all my Lenders : Ryan Ortega, jzidi,mepster,andyfletcher and Titus.__Due to my loan funds disbursement issue until finally resolved the problem, which affects delay me to have the working capital to begin work on catering orders, I have to lose catering orders, although I have tried hard to explain my condition and persuade the customer to keep stay orders my rice box catering services, but they still cancel the order.__Now I only managed to get catering order to serve one time shipping only for breakfast, If later I get more my rice box catering subscriber , I make sure I will raise again my loan installment to quickly pay off.

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    • Titus    Oct 13, 2015

      Hi Tommy, take your time, Rome wasn't built in a day. Customers will come, just keep it up. Best of luck. Kind regards, Titus

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      • Tommy    Oct 16, 2015

        Thank you Titus, for your understanding and gave me the spirit to keep trying and working hard. Best regards,Tommy

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  • Tommy    Oct 12, 2015

    Due to my loan funds disbursement issue until finally resolved the problem, which affects delay me to have the working capital to begin work on catering orders, I have to lose catering orders, although I have tried hard to explain my condition and persuade the customer to keep stay orders my rice box catering services, but they still cancel the order.__Now I only managed to get catering order to serve one time shipping only for breakfast, If later I get more my rice box catering subscriber , I make sure I will raise again my loan installment to quickly pay off.

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    • Titus    Sep 28, 2015

      Hi Tommy, I just got an email that you received the loan today (9/28). Can you confirm it? Kind regards

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      • Tommy    Sep 29, 2015

        Hi Titus.Yes I confirm it, finally after 1 week of waiting for the certainty of uncertainty, My problem resolved today and I could start working on a box lunch catering orders remaining. hopefully I can seduce subscribers who have canceled orders because of uncertainty could answer whether or not I receive a box lunch catering orders from him . Thank for your concern. Kind regards

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  • Tommy    Sep 25, 2015

    To all my Lenders : Ryan Ortega, jzidi,mepster,andyfletcher and Titus. Finally there is the official response from Zidisha team represented by Bayle C via email replies. Hopefully can quickly find a clearer idea of what occurred and borrowed funds that have been confirmed to me four days ago, could soon I receive and use it as working capital so that I can pay my loan installment payment of the first scheduled on Oct 4, 2015 on time !

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    • Titus    Sep 26, 2015

      Hi Tommy, your repayment plan should be adjusted by the new disbursement date.

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      • Tommy    Sep 27, 2015

        Hi Titus,yes it is very important.My request to Zidisha team was focus of my repayment plan must be adjusted by the new disbursement date dan Zidisha team also had replied to my request it in an email reply in Indonesian language by Joanna as the official representative for the team Zidisha borrowers from Indonesia.That at this time, Zidisha team will change the status of my repayment plan will be adjusted by the new disbursement date and I was asked to wait for further news.

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  • Tommy    Sep 22, 2015

    To all my Lenders : Ryan Ortega, jzidi,mepster,andyfletcher and Titus__Since the day before yesterday, I have received e-mails and SMS loan disbursement but until just now I check my *DOMPETKU account balance still zero (*DOMPETKU is a commerce service that allows customers to make payments, purchase, transfer / remittance through its mobile phone by using an account that has been registered.DOMPETKU Customers is all Indosat cellular subscribers.DOMPETKU can be enjoyed by all Indosat customers throughout Indonesia). Yesterday I've sent an e-mail to the Zidisha team at [email protected] even before andyfletcher suggest (before I send a message about the problem disbursement of loans that I have received in this forum) I also tried to ask in community forums such as: Borrower Questions, Announcement, even so my panic to ask in the forums are not supposed to be in the Lender Questions.Just to get a response or the answer to my problem is from one of the authorized person of the team Zidisha but I get no response or answer at all. Even my questions at a community forum there are several deleted, do not appear and are considered spam. I do not know what to do anymore but at least I was a little relieved because it has been informed of this problem through a message on this board to all my good and generous lenders

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    • Titus    Sep 24, 2015

      Hi Tommy, I feel sorry to hear about your problem. I think it may take a few days until the loan arrives.?! At least I hope it will! Have you received an answer from Zidisha, yet?

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      • Tommy    Sep 24, 2015

        Unfortunately, I haven't receive any response or answer at all untill now,Titus...thank for your reply and sympathy as a form of understanding of the problem that I experienced, I really apreciate it

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  • Tommy    Sep 21, 2015

    Dear zidisha team and to all my Lenders : Ryan Ortega, jzidi,mepster,andyfletcher and Titus __Yesterday I got an e-mail and SMS confirmation Zidisha loan disbursement and I thought the funds was already entered into my Dompetku account. After I tried to transfer from my Dompetku account to the bank accout (bank code 008) as recommended in the e-mail but failure, then I check the account balance of my Dompetku accountI repeated several times and the balance is zero.__ Please help me for the disbursement of the loan was confirmed I can receive. soon I'm very urgent need of funds for working capital on catering orders I received.__Best regards__Tommy Ferdinansyah

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    • andyfletcher    Sep 21, 2015

      Hello Tommy,
      Please send an email to the Zidisha team at [email protected] as they do not read all the messages in this forum.

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      • Tommy    Sep 22, 2015

        Hello andyfletcher,__Exactly as you suggest, I've done it before I wrote a message about it in this forum, I wrote a message on this board just as the additional amplifier to the fact that the disbursement of loans that have been confirmed by e-mail and SMS last night had trouble can be known to many parties, especially the lenders of mine.

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  • Titus    Sep 16, 2015

    Hi Tommy! I wish you success!

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  • Tommy    Sep 13, 2015

    TOMMY'S RICE BOX CATERING__LUNCH MENU : White rice, Condiment (Sambal), 1 Crackers , 1 piece of fried tofu and tempeh , 1 piece of grilled chicken with 3 slices of cucumber , 1 orange peel

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  • Tommy    Sep 13, 2015

    TOMMY'S RICE BOX CATERING__BREAKFAST MENU : Fried rice , 2 chicken skewers ,1 sunny side up eggs , Condiment (Sambal) , 2 slices of cucumber

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