Selling electrical pulses and masks


Jakarta, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

52 installments  •  33%

About Me

my name is my previous karsim zidisha users from how many months ago. i want to borrow again for the business that i am from small to big.semenjak there is zidisha very helpful but the higher filing is somewhat difficult can borrow from pendana zidisha

My Business

until this moment the business has increased since it can be additional loans from zidisha.usaha masker, buft and pulse want to grow fast again for more and more business merchant please help ya for the funders zidisha.sekian thank you

Loan Proposal

I am a small business such as electric pulses and walking sell a mask I want to be able to borrow bigger than before, and can other sales if more loans get bigger business will increase again

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About Me

nama saya karsim sebelumnya saya pengguna zidisha dari berapa bulan yang lalu.saya ingin meminjan lagi untuk usaha yang saya geluti dari kecil sampai besar.semenjak ada zidisha sangat membantu namun pengajuan semakin tinggi agak sulit dapat pinjaman dari pendana zidisha

My Business

sampai detik ini usaha makin bertambah semenjak dapat tambahan pinjaman dari zidisha.usaha masker,buft dan pulsa ingin bertambah pesat lagi agar dagangan usaha makin banyak mohon dibantu ya untuk para pendana zidisha.sekian terima kasih

Loan Proposal

saya usaha kecil kecillan seperti dagang pulsa elektrik berjalan dan jual masker saya ingin dapat pinjaman yg lebih besar dari sebelum,dan bisa jualan yang lain lainya jika mendapat pinjaman lebih besar usaha akan bertambah lagi





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 16, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 weeks


Ask Karsim a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Karsim    Jul 9, 2019

    I want to pay this, I don"t have paypal registration and I don"t know it usually goes through virtual BCA. Why is it hard to pay. Thank you

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  • Karsim    May 3, 2018

    Sorry still bnyak keperlua sorry mrs

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  • J    Mar 15, 2018


    Please post a photo of *yourself* as the profile picture, at the very top of the screen. This is a Zidisha requirement. Please take care of this, as soon as possible. Thank you!

    The other photo that’s currently there, you can move to a lower spot on the Discussion page, with a note to your lenders. Thanks. :)

    Kind regards,
    Team Zidisha

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  • Karsim    Mar 15, 2018

    Sorry I used to make capital again karna out the loss problem.belum can pay everything once again I apologize

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  • Karsim    Feb 8, 2018

    karna me again there is a sorry accident rather late trus bayinya

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  • Karsim    Dec 27, 2017

    Previously I apologize can not pay fully There are still other needs karna out disaster.trims

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  • Karsim    Nov 5, 2017

    why my loan has not been transferred already type the account name and account number of Mr.humble bundle community

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  • Karsim    Nov 5, 2017

    thank you mr.humble bundle community for lending this time very useful and useful for me

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  • Karsim    Nov 4, 2017

    I want to Borrow capital again, and I am very grateful to previous borrowers.

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  • Karsim    Nov 4, 2017

    Thanks for the loan I paid off, I want to borrow more

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  • Karsim    Oct 3, 2017

    thank you for borrowing his funds

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  • Karsim    Sep 7, 2017

    why the filing has not been smpe now, yesterday kemrin fast yes.

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  • Karsim    Sep 5, 2017

    Where ya my loan funding

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  • Karsim    Sep 4, 2017

    why the loan proposal has not increased yet 0%

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  • Karsim    Sep 4, 2017

    have not entered my loan

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  • Karsim    Sep 4, 2017

    why not have a loan lender yet

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  • Karsim    Sep 3, 2017

    accelerate and borrow more capital for more capital can buy more and can spend more

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  • Karsim    Aug 7, 2017

    Ya sudah sya trima thanka

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  • rob baird    Aug 7, 2017

    good luck

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  • Karsim    Aug 2, 2017

    Already behind the capital and want a larger capital. Thank you

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