Sell online, make olshop driver d rumh


Jakarta, Indonesia


$39 to go

0% funded of $39 goal


days left




Member since

October 2017

On-time repayments

35 installments  •  100%

About Me

my name is warti, i am IRT looking for a side job selling online to help my husband, i have twin toddlers so it can only work at home while momong the twins, thank God even though it is troublesome but can look for income from home, i really intention really want to help my husband so that the needs of the children are met

My Business

my business is selling online, the income from my customers who order through online, selling online is quite different, from clothes, bags, shoes and others. My merchandise is taken from the owner-owner who is trustworthy, even though there is only a complaining because of the wrong send from the store, so this loan is requested by Zidisha so I can make a shop at home.

Loan Proposal

This fund can be used to deposit goods that are in demand and enjoyed by the consumers, by supplying the goods can take advantage even more about the quality of the Brng 2 online owner, so I can"t be disappointed after the order, because there are no complaints cs, which is creamed by the g store according to pict

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About Me

nama saya warti,saya IRT cari pekerjaan sampingan jualan online untuk bantu-bantu suami,saya punya anak balita kembar makanya cuma bisa kerja di rumah sambil momong si kembar,alhamdulilah walaupun repot tapi bisa cari-cari penghasilan dari rumah,saya bener-bener niat banget ingin mmbantu suami agar kebutuhan anak-anak sy

My Business

usaha saya jual online,penghasilan dari consumen-consumen saya yang order melalui online,jualan online saya macem-macem,dari baju,tas,sepatu dan lain lain.
barang dagangan saya ambil dari owner-owner yang amanah,walaupun kdng ada aja yang complen karena salah kirim dari toko nya,makanya pinjaman saya ini mohon d danai oleh zidisha
agar saya bisa mmbuat olshop di

Loan Proposal

dana ini utk bs menyetok brang2 yg memang sedang laris dan d gemari oleh consumen2 sy,dgn menyetok barang sy bs lbih bnyk mengambil keuntungan bs jg lbih tau kualitas dr brng2 online owner sy jd cs tdk kecewa stlh order kpd sy,krn kdng ada complen dr cs,brng yg d krim dr toko g sesuai dngn pict






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Amount requested


Ask Warti a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Warti    Jul 16, 2018

    Thank you very much for the loan

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  • Warti    Jul 11, 2018

    My loan is fully paid today, and I file again for the costumer"s order and for the stock of goods at home

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  • Warti    May 1, 2018

    Thanks to the lenders, I will use this loan to stock the goods so that the custemers can directly see my wares

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  • Warti    May 1, 2018

    my business selling online, pengasilan from my buyers who order through online, my online sales vary, ranging from clothes, bags, shoes and more. I take the merchandise from a trustworthy supplier, although sometimes there is a complaint because it is wrong to send from the store, therefore my loan follows the following please diai by zidisha so I can open shop at home. In a day I usually sell 2-5 items, and earn about 25000 to 50000 profit each item. May my small business progress

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  • Warti    Mar 2, 2018

    Makasi many of my loans already in the fund, hopefully can be used to buy sy online trading stock

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  • Warti    Feb 2, 2018

    sy menambh jmlh strn d zidisha agar bs mengajukn lg, mksi

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  • Warti    Jan 26, 2018

    sy want to increase the number of installments so that pinjmn sy cpt paid and sy bs mengajukn lg d zidisha

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  • Warti    Jan 24, 2018

    sy increase the amount of installment so that it will increase the rate of dr zidisha, aamiin

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  • J    Jan 20, 2018

    Thank you for the repayment. How is your business going today?

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  • J    Jan 11, 2018

    Success with your business

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  • Warti    Dec 5, 2017

    In order to earn a credit limit bonus, you need to increase your capital

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  • Warti    Nov 27, 2017

    Sy has received a sbsar 207rb d use for quotas agent"s capital, mksi bnyk for his pnjmn

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