Services service electronic equipment, laptops and mobile phones


Tangerang, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

October 2017

On-time repayments

9 installments  •  33%

About Me

I am arief Ramdhani I am a technician of electronic goods and service of computer and laptop I am a Graduate of D3 Management Information System at Raharja University of Tangerang, It is difficult to get funding in starting a business such as to rent shop and spare parts stock. And if you already have or even rent a place of business I will be more developed because almost every day I get order service either computer, electronic equipment to handpone. The decision to take your own business in order to get more experience and new challenges so try to get more profit. In the past I wanted to aspire to be an expert in the field of electronics, produce goods that are useful for people and have their own brand, hopefully my son can continue my hobby as well as my main livelihood better. My hobbies are in this electronic field so I try to pursue my hobby in order to become my main income

My Business

Service of electronic equipment, computers, and mobile phones is an effort that I tekuni so far because electronic equipment, computers and mobile phones almost everyone has it so it is needed for everyone who has problems with electronic equipment they have. for once electronic service depending on the type of damage, at least for one service 100.000IDR a day can be 7 to 15 items for the service Any benefits received per day I paste 300.000IDR for the cost of my life and family, such as school children"s pocket money, and so forth

Loan Proposal

purchasing spare parts for service service of electronic equipment, computer and handphone. Spare parts that I buy usually ranges 200.000IDR price after I buy spare part I install on the device that has problems, after the equipment can be repaired I get paid services and spare part prices. from my spare part 505 profit from the price of spare parts plus services that I usually paid 100.000IDR

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About Me

Saya arief Ramdhani
Saya seorang teknisi barang elektronik dan service komputer dan laptop
Saya merupakan Lulusan D3 Sistem Informasi Manajemen di perguruan tinggi Raharja Kota Tangerang, Sulit sekali untuk mendapatkan pendanaan dalam memulai usaha seperti untuk menyewa toko dan stok spare parts. Padahal jika sudah memiliki atau pun sewa tempat usaha saya akan lebih berkembang karena hampir setiap hari saya mendapat order service baik komputer,peralatan elektronik hingga handpone.
Keputusan untuk mengambil usaha sendiri agar ingin lebih mendapatkan pengalaman dan tantangan baru sehingga mencoba untuk mendapatkan profit yang lebih.
Dahulu saya ingin bercita-cita menjadi seorang yang ahli dalam bidang elektronik, menghasilkan barang yang bermanfaat untuk orang dan memiliki merek sendiri, semoga anak saya dapat meneruskan hobi sekaligus mata pencarian utama saya dengan lebih baik lagi.
Hobi saya di bidang elektronik ini sehingga saya berusaha untuk menekuni hobi saya ini agar menjadi penghasilan utama saya

My Business

Service peralatan elektronik, komputer, dan handphone merupakan usaha yang saya tekuni selama ini karena peralatan elektronik , komputer dan handphone hampir semua orang memilikinya sehingga sangat dibutuhkan bagi setiap orang yang mengalami masalah dengan peralatan elektronik yang mereka miliki.
untuk sekali service elektronik tergantung jenis kerusakan , minimal untuk sekali service 100.000IDR sehari dapat 7 hingga 15 item untuk di service
Setiap keuntungan yang diterima perharinya saya sisipkan 300.000IDR untuk biaya hidup saya dan keluarga, seperti uang jajan anak sekolah, uang makan sehari - hari dan lain sebagainya

Loan Proposal

pembelian spare parts untuk jasa service peralatan elektronik, komputer dan handphone. Spare parts yang saya beli bisanya berkisaran harga 200.000IDR setelah saya membeli spare part saya pasang di perangkat yang mengalami masalah , setelah peralatan tersebut sudah bisa di perbaiki saya mendapatkan bayaran jasa dan harga spare part. dari spare part saya mengambil untung 505 dari harga spare parts ditambah jasa yang biasanya saya dibayar 100.000IDR





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 13, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 weeks


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Arief a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Eko    Apr 10, 2018

    Remember your debt, immediately pay off

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  • Arief    Nov 1, 2017

    I will buy spare parts for supplies in my store, If I have sparepart supplies it will facilitate my business that is sebakai electronic service. my work becomes easy and faster to finish. Thanks to The Zinc Team, Craig Newmark, Paul Buchheit and Paul Graham for giving me a loan. I will use this loan as well :)

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  • Arief    Oct 31, 2017


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  • Arief    Oct 30, 2017

    Dear, Amount of my loan is 230.000IDR I have purchased Tester and Lights for lighting in my simple store. Thanks for the donors who have given me the loan I thank you very much

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  • Arief    Oct 25, 2017

    My loan calendar is all paid off and I hope to improve my business with a bigger capital

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  • Arief    Oct 24, 2017

    Thank you, my previously paid loan I want to buy a tester tool (SANWA DIGITAL MULTI METER) for 500.000IDR, This tool is used to check the electric current, every service person like me is in dire need of this tool. This tool is the initial capital to start developing my electronic appliance service business. With this tool I can more easily repair broken electronic tools so that many more things I fix every day. This will make my income increase so I can save to buy my own store or even rent a bigger store I add up to get up to 500.000IDr per day. I am a father of one boy who is now 1.5 years old. We family together very often together in our small house, eat together, watch tv together and so forth :)

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  • Arief    Oct 24, 2017

    Thanks in advance to previous lenders, it really helped me in starting a business and developing bigger lgi. Until now I have paid off my loan and now I want to add my capital by borrowing again. I want to buy a tester tool (SANWA DIGITAL MULTI METER) for 500.000IDR, This tool is used to check the electric current, every service person like me is in dire need of this tool. This tool is the initial capital to start developing my electronic appliance service business. With this tool I can more easily repair broken electronic tools so that many more things I fix every day. This will make my income increase so I can save to buy my own store or even rent a bigger store I add up to get up to 500.000IDr per day. I am a father of one boy who is now 1.5 years old. We family together very often together in our small house, eat together, watch tv together and so forth :)

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  • Arief    Oct 24, 2017

    it really helps me in starting a business and developing bigger lgi. Until now I have paid off my loan and now I want to add my capital by borrowing again. I want to buy a tester tool (SANWA DIGITAL MULTI METER) for 500.000IDR, This tool is used to check the electric current, every service person like me is in dire need of this tool. This tool is the initial capital to start developing my electronic appliance service business. With this tool I can more easily repair broken electronic tools so that many more things I fix every day. This will make my income increase so I can save to buy my own store or even rent a bigger store I add up to get up to 500.000IDr per day. I am a father of one boy who is now 1.5 years old. We family together very often together in our small house, eat together, watch tv together and so forth :)

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  • Arief    Oct 24, 2017

    Thank you, now that my previous loan has paid off it really helped me in starting a business and developing bigger lgi. Until now I have paid off my loan and now I want to add my capital by borrowing again. I want to buy a tester tool (SANWA DIGITAL MULTI METER) for 500.000IDR, This tool is used to check the electric current, every service person like me is in dire need of this tool. This tool is the initial capital to start developing my electronic appliance service business. With this tool I can more easily repair broken electronic tools so that many more things I fix every day. This will make my income increase so I can save to buy my own store or even rent a bigger store I add up to get up to 500.000IDr per day. I am a father of one boy who is now 1.5 years old. We family together very often together in our small house, eat together, watch tv together and so forth :)

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  • Arief    Oct 24, 2017


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  • Arief    Oct 24, 2017

    Thanks earlier to the previous lender, it really helped me in starting a business and developing bigger lgi. Until now I have paid off my loan and now I want to add my capital by borrowing again. I want to buy a tester tool (SANWA DIGITAL MULTI METER) for 500.000IDR, This tool is used to check the electric current, every service person like me is in dire need of this tool. This tool is the initial capital to start developing my electronic appliance service business. With this tool I can more easily repair broken electronic tools so that many more things I fix every day. This will make my income increase so I can save to buy my own store or even rent a bigger store I add up to get up to 500.000IDr per day. I am a father of one boy who is now 1.5 years old. We family together very often together in our small house, eat together, watch tv together and so forth :)

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  • Arief    Oct 24, 2017

    Thank you for the lender

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  • Arief    Oct 24, 2017

    Thanks earlier to the previous lender, it really helped me in starting a business and developing bigger lgi. Until now I have paid off my loan and now I want to add my capital by borrowing again. I want to buy a tester tool (SANWA DIGITAL MULTI METER) for 500.000IDR, This tool is used to check the electric current, every service person like me is in dire need of this tool. This tool is the initial capital to start developing my electronic appliance service business. With this tool I can more easily repair broken electronic tools so that many more things I fix every day. This will make my income increase so I can save to buy my own store or even rent a bigger store I add up to get up to 500.000IDr per day. I am a father of one boy who is now 1.5 years old. We family together very often together in our small house, eat together, watch tv together and so forth :)

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  • Arief    Oct 24, 2017

    With this fund I want to buy TESTER (SANWA DIGITAL MULTIMETER) for 500.000IDR. This tool to check the voltage of the electric current, this tool is very helpful for service people like me. This tool is the main capital to seek profit for me. The profits I get will be saved to increase my business like buying a store or even leasing a bigger store. I am a father of one 1.5-year-old boy. My child is now actively learning everything. We are always together every day, dinner at the dinner table together in the simple house we have :)

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