Jacob mchele

Jackob Julius

Morogoro, Tanzania

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $108 goal


days left



Jackob Julius

Member since

November 2023

On-time repayments

13 installments  •  0%

About Me

My name is Jacob Mdachi, I live in Morogoro, I live with my parents, my father and mother, as well as my two younger brothers. When I finished my university studies I decided to work by selling cheap rice. This is because the availability of rice was rare and the price is expensive in my community. Many families were unable to buy rice as a favorite food.

My Business

This business enabled me to help my family and the community around me to get rice at a cheap price and use it as food.
I sell rice in my small office, and I always go to the fields to buy rice and improve it. Many people benefit from this business like farmers and my community in general. Through this business, my community has benefited by being able to get rice at a cheap price, my family has also benefited by being able to get various needs.
Your loan will enable me to grow this business, as many people will continue to get rice at a cheap price and it will also enable me to hire another young person who will help each other in this business to improve our lives and our families in general.

Project Proposal

I am requesting a loan of TSH 250,000/= which will greatly help the growth of this business so that I can continue to support my community and my family. THANK YOU





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 21, 2023



Kanyibok, Kenya


Kitengela, Kenya

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