Want aqua business and refill more advanced again


Bogor Jawa Barat, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

January 2018

On-time repayments

51 installments  •  53%

About Me

My name is Zaenal Abidin, my relative and even my regular friend greet me with my Pak Jay propesi as Honorary Teacher in an SDN Not Far from my place in Bogor City since childhood my life comes from family can be told from family whose life is simple but I already began to be independent while school was not embarrassed to bring my mother"s cut Ice, I take it for sale and in titip at the shop near the school short story I managed to finish high school and college majors take me I married a girl from the city of Bandung and now we are in karuniai one three-year-old daughter and since two years back I opened a water refill business and Aqua I joined the Zidisha community hopefully can expand my business and my hobby reading

My Business

My business sells Water Galon Recharge and Aqua why I chose this business because where I live when it is far from the place that sells Aqua and refills I am very happy to open this business and the community around many who have become subscriptions because it is close to the house they live usually every day I get for 30 USD up to 40 USD my profits turn again and I set aside to pay the rent place and rent the same filter brothers

Loan Proposal

I have if I can get more loan plan want to immediately buy my own new filter machine worth 1016 $ So far since I opened a gallon water business and Aqua I rent my filter machine with my siblings every month 60 $

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Nama saya Zaenal Abidin,kerabat mau pun teman biasa menyapa saya dengan sebutan pak Jay
propesi saya sebagai Guru Honorer di sebuah SDN Tidak Jauh dari tempat saya di Kota Bogor
sejak kecil kehidupan saya berasal dari keluarga bisa di bilang dari keluarga yang hidupnya sederhana tapi saya sudah mulai mandiri sambil sekolah tidak malu membawa Es potong buatan ibu saya, saya bawa untuk di jual dan di titip di warung dekat sekolah
singkat cerita saya berhasil menyelesaikan Sekolah menengah Atas dan kuliah ambil jurusan Guru
saya pun menikahi gadis asal kota Bandung dan sekarang kami di karuniai satu orang puteri berusia tiga tahun dan sejak dua tahun kebelakang saya membuka usaha air isi ulang dan Aqua
Saya bergabung di komunitas Zidisha semoga bisa mengembangkan usaha saya dan
hobby saya membaca

My Business

Usaha saya menjual Air Galon Isi ulang dan Aqua

kenapa saya memilih usaha ini karena di tempat saya tinggal saat itu jauh dari tempat yang menjual Aqua dan isi ulang
saya sangat senang membuka usaha ini dan masyarakat sekitar banyak yang sudah jadi langganan karena dekat dengan rumah mereka tinggal

biasanya setiap hari saya mendapat untuk 30 USD sampai dengan 40 USD
keuntungannya saya putar lagi dan saya sisihkan untuk membayar sewa tempat dan sewa filter sama saudara

Loan Proposal

Saya punya jika sudah dapat pinjaman lebih rencana ingin segera membeli mesin filter baru sendiri
Seharga 1016 $

Selama ini sejak saya membuka usaha air galon dan Aqua
Saya menyewa mesin filternya sama saudara saya setiap bulannya 60 $





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Mar 9, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

20 months


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Zaenal a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Apr 10, 2018


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Mar 21, 2018 $1.51 Mar 14, 2018 $1.51
Mar 28, 2018 $1.51 Mar 27, 2018 $1.51
Apr 4, 2018 $1.51 Mar 27, 2018 $1.51
Apr 11, 2018 $1.51 Apr 9, 2018 $1.51
Apr 18, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Apr 25, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
May 2, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
May 9, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
May 16, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
May 23, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
May 30, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Jun 6, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Jun 13, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Jun 20, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Jun 27, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Jul 4, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Jul 11, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Jul 18, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Jul 25, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Aug 1, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Aug 8, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Aug 15, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Aug 22, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Aug 29, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Sep 5, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Sep 12, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Sep 19, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Sep 26, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Oct 3, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Oct 10, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Oct 17, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Oct 24, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Oct 31, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Nov 7, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Nov 14, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Nov 21, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Nov 28, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Dec 5, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Dec 12, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Dec 19, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Dec 26, 2018 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Jan 2, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Jan 9, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Jan 16, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Jan 23, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Jan 30, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Feb 6, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Feb 13, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Feb 20, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Feb 27, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Mar 6, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Mar 13, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Mar 20, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Mar 27, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Apr 3, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Apr 10, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Apr 17, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Apr 24, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
May 1, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
May 8, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
May 15, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
May 22, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
May 29, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Jun 5, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Jun 12, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Jun 19, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Jun 26, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Jul 3, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Jul 10, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Jul 17, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Jul 24, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Jul 31, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Aug 7, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Aug 14, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Aug 21, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Aug 28, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Sep 4, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Sep 11, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Sep 18, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Sep 25, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Oct 2, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Oct 9, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Oct 16, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Oct 23, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Oct 30, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Nov 6, 2019 $1.51 Apr 10, 2018 $1.51
Nov 13, 2019 $0.78 Apr 10, 2018 $0.78
