Freon r22 and r410a for ac service


Jakarta Barat, Indonesia

19% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

10 installments  •  30%

About Me

Introduce sy name sri sumarmi studied in sdn pad bar 09 am and finish at smk 20 Jkarta SMEA. The __Kesulitan nd sy when married to have children, type it suani br dn SJA layoffs to help her husband"s income sy-law learned to sew in place sy works. This __Bisnis built since 2013 when her husband know sy wants to distribute his ability in the event of ac servicing and repair, thank God this business berjlan until today. __Budaya who teach sy to sll behave in manners of anyone. __Uniknya sdh sy-old child with great 7thn dn dy said that sy would become a police officer who can capture the evil org2. , , __Hobi sy reading, with reading can open the eyes of the world

My Business

Binsis sy in the field of service ac, refrigerator, washing machine dn. This __Karna husband expertise sy enacting our business area. __Krn this business would not have been dead, and will continue nenerus in need. __Biaya service fees 50rb range for AC and 250rb for refrigerators and washing Meain. __Untuk business cycle and for school children

Loan Proposal

To purchase freon R22 and r410a__Keuntungan types that can provide the best service for our customers. __Sktr 50rb per consumer

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Perkenalkan nama sy sri sumarmi pernah belajar di sdn pad bar 09 pagi dan menyelesaikan smea di smk 20 jkarta.
Kesulitan terbesar sy ketika menikah dn mempunyai anak, ketik itu suani br sja di PHK dn untuk membantu penghasilan suami sy belajar menjahit di tempat mertua sy bekerja.
Bisnis ini di bangun sejak tahu 2013 ketika suami sy ingin menyalurkan kemampuannya dlm hal servis ac dan reparasi, alhamdulillah bisnis ini berjlan hingga saat ini.
Budaya yg mengajarkan sy untuk sll berperilaku sopan santun terhadap siapapun.
Uniknya anak sy sdh berusia 7thn dn dgn hebatnya dy berkata bahwa sy akan menjadi seorang polisi yg bisa menangkap org2 jahat...
Hobi sy membaca, dgn membaca kita bisa membuka mata dunia

My Business

Binsis sy di bidang service ac,kulkas,dn mesin cuci.
Karna inilah keahlian suami sy yg menjadikan lahan usaha kami.
Krn bisnis ini tdk akan pernah mati, dan akan terus nenerus di butuhkan.
Biaya ongkos service kisaran 50rb untuk AC dan 250rb untuk kulkas dan meain cuci.
Untuk perputaran bisnis dan untuk anak sekolah

Loan Proposal

Untuk membeli freon jenis r22 dan r410a
Keuntungan yg bisa memberikan pelayanan terbaik bagi konsumen kami.
Sktr 50rb per konsumen





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 21, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

2 months


Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Ask Sri a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Yoppi    Jun 12, 2017

    I have contacted via facebook message. Because the phone was never answered.

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  • Putri Andri Dewi    Jun 11, 2017

    She said will pay . I only have this information. __Sorry cant help

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  • Sri    May 14, 2017

    I want to increase the number of installments so that this installment is quick and I can apply for a loan back to zidisha to increase my business capital, hopefully I can be more ontime again. . . Zidisha terimaksih

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