
Muhammad Rizal

Tarakan, Indonesia

100% repaid



Muhammad Rizal

Member since

August 2017

On-time repayments

7 installments  •  43%

About Me

I was pioneering an IT consulting business that serves everything related to hardware software for home users and small businesses. I am currently active as a permanent lecturer at STIE Bulungan Tarakan and served as Secretary of Management Department. my fixed income as a lecturer is 5 million per month. And some additional work such as web design, financial data analysis, information system design and also repair / maintenance-upgrade, private computer programming. from these activities I need some employees to expand my business and make the latest innovations in open source applications. Other activities I also provide training on listening skills Conflict between crew deposition mediator skills developer event proposal profile making people Project management Services management. _ in our IT consulting business serving computer IPS upgrading hardware maintenance software Network home user for business and we have to forget and install computer hardware and software Oslo digital design technology install White and Wireless network Will Protect the computer from Malware Trojan virus etc.

My Business

I am currently active as a permanent lecturer at STIE Bulungan Tarakan and served as Secretary of Management Department. my fixed income as a lecturer is 5 million per month. And some additional work such as web design, financial data analysis, information system design and also repair / maintenance-upgrade, private computer programming. from these activities I need some employees to expand my business and make the latest innovations in open source applications. Other activities I also provide training on listening skills Conflict between crew deposition mediator skills developer event proposal profile making people Project management Services management. _ in our IT consulting business serving computer IPS upgrade hardware maintenance software Network home user for business and we have to forget and install computer hardware and software Oslo digital technology design install White and Wireless network Will Protect the computer from Malware Trojan virus etc.

Loan Proposal

I am currently active as a permanent lecturer at STIE Bulungan Tarakan and served as Secretary of Management Department. my fixed income as a lecturer is 5 million per month. And some additional work such as web design, financial data analysis, information system design and also repair / maintenance-upgrade, private computer programming. from these activities I need some employees to expand my business and make the latest innovations in open source applications. Other activities I also provide training on listening skills Conflict between crew deposition mediator skills developer event proposal profile making people Project management Services management. _ in our IT consulting business serving computer IPS upgrade hardware maintenance software Network home user for business and we have to forget and install computer hardware and software Oslo digital technology design install White and Wireless network Will Protect the computer from virus Malware Trojan etc.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

saya sedang merintis usaha konsultan IT yg melayani segala sesuatu terkait hardware software untuk home user dan small business.saat ini saya aktif sebagai dosen tetap pada STIE Bulungan Tarakan dan menjabat sebagai Sekretaris Jurusan Manajemen.
penghasilan tetap saya sbg dosen adalah 5 juta per bulan. Dan beberapa pekerjaan tambahan seperti desain web, menganalisa data keuangan, mendesain sistem informasi dan juga memperbaiki /maintenance-upgrade, private pemrograman komputer. dari kegiatan tersebut saya membutuhkan beberapa karyawan untuk mengembangkan usaha saya dan melakukan inovasi terbaru dalam aplikasi open source.
kegiatan lainnya saya juga melayani pelatihan listening skill Conflict between crew deposition mediator skills developer event proposal profile making people Project management Services management.
dalam bisnis konsultan IT kami melayani komputer IPS upgrade maintenance hardware software Network home user for business and we have to forget and install komputer hardware and software Oslo digital teknologi desain install White and Wireless network Will Protect the computer from virus Malware Trojan dll

My Business

saat ini saya aktif sebagai dosen tetap pada STIE Bulungan Tarakan dan menjabat sebagai Sekretaris Jurusan Manajemen.
penghasilan tetap saya sbg dosen adalah 5 juta per bulan. Dan beberapa pekerjaan tambahan seperti desain web, menganalisa data keuangan, mendesain sistem informasi dan juga memperbaiki /maintenance-upgrade, private pemrograman komputer. dari kegiatan tersebut saya membutuhkan beberapa karyawan untuk mengembangkan usaha saya dan melakukan inovasi terbaru dalam aplikasi open source.
kegiatan lainnya saya juga melayani pelatihan listening skill Conflict between crew deposition mediator skills developer event proposal profile making people Project management Services management.
dalam bisnis konsultan IT kami melayani komputer IPS upgrade maintenance hardware software Network home user for business and we have to forget and install komputer hardware and software Oslo digital teknologi desain install White and Wireless network Will Protect the computer from virus Malware Trojan dll.

Loan Proposal

saat ini saya aktif sebagai dosen tetap pada STIE Bulungan Tarakan dan menjabat sebagai Sekretaris Jurusan Manajemen.
penghasilan tetap saya sbg dosen adalah 5 juta per bulan. Dan beberapa pekerjaan tambahan seperti desain web, menganalisa data keuangan, mendesain sistem informasi dan juga memperbaiki /maintenance-upgrade, private pemrograman komputer. dari kegiatan tersebut saya membutuhkan beberapa karyawan untuk mengembangkan usaha saya dan melakukan inovasi terbaru dalam aplikasi open source.
kegiatan lainnya saya juga melayani pelatihan listening skill Conflict between crew deposition mediator skills developer event proposal profile making people Project management Services management.
dalam bisnis konsultan IT kami melayani komputer IPS upgrade maintenance hardware software Network home user for business and we have to forget and install komputer hardware and software Oslo digital teknologi desain install White and Wireless network Will Protect the computer from virus Malware Trojan dll





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 14, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months



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Durban, South Africa

Ask Muhammad Rizal a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.


