To expand my small grocery shop


Abura Dunkwa, Ghana

25% repaid




Member since

February 2015

On-time repayments

93 installments  •  82%

About Me

My name is Josephine Arthur and a young Ghanaian lady. i am a senior High school graduate who graduated just some three years ago. i the fourth of six children born to my parents . my three senior siblings are all High school graduates too. i actually decided to go into small super market business right after school when i realized that there was no prospect for me to further my education. having to grow up in a poor family of eight and been a woman i had to choose the life i want to live at an early stage. i never had most of the things i needed to help me grow up as others have and had as young girls but i chose my standards and learn very well in school but despite good results i was going to stay at home anyway.
so when i completed i went to stay with an auntie and worked as a restaurant attendant for a year where i gathered little money to come and start this my business of selling spices and provisions in my community. initially i used to carry it from house to house. that was not easy at all. people and my mates back in school said all they wanted to say but knowing what i want in life i did not give in or became shy so as to stop what i set out to do.
Today i have a small shop and business for my standard is not bad since sales per day is not bad. i have always have the dream to grow my business and expand it and i also have a dream to grow the business to a point where it will be my back bone while i enroll in a weekend program for my tertiary education. i have learn over the years to stick to my own standards and work hard as a woman for i will surely find the way and walk out of the poverty i was born into. so i am working very hard. i love integrity actually and i really want to achieve great things as a woman. i am young and full of dreams and looking for help the right way to expand my business.

My Business

I operate a mini super market in which anything for cooking our local delicacies are readily available at my shop. i sell spices, pepper, onions, and then also i sell provisions like Milo , biscuits and Candis with some soft drinks but not really on large scale due to inadequate capital on my part
then also these goods are really useful since people need to eat delicacies rich in food nutrients so as to stay healthy. i choose this kind of business because the capital to start is not all that huge though it gets to be huge as time goes on. and then also i chose it because i trade very well even from my childhood days.
the nature of my business is such that profit is around 50% of the investment you will make into the business especially if your customers can have all they want from your shop.
i save a little of the profits and then i reinvest the rest into stock purchase and the up keep of my parents who are very old now and my two younger siblings. for now all the savings i am doing is geared towards my higher education so i am actually working very hard to make that dream a true reality.....

Loan Proposal

i operate a mini super market on a small scale, therefore, if my loan project is fully funded, i will be buying the following goods to stock my shop..
10 Boxes of tin tomatoes.............................$50
8 bags of uncle sam rice...............................$ 165
cooking spice......................................................... $30
6 small boxes of cooking oil............................$40
5 boxes of iodated salt.........................................$30
so all put together will make some $315 and possibly will have to buy some other things upon going to the retail shop.
when i am able to stock my shop with these stock, my customers will not have to walk the long distance to go and buy these things anymore since i have some at my shop. so it will spare them the transport cost whiles i will be making a lot of profit and customer confidence will increase in my business and i am expecting a rise in profit to about half of the $315 profit that i will invest as in the form of inventory. with this level of profit margin, i can repay my loan on time so that lenders can lend to others that need help too.....
thank you...






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 11, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

70 months




I want my "My loans" page back, Qatar


San Francisco, Ca, United States



United States


Paul Graham

United States

Ask Josephine a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Josephine    Jul 18, 2016

    Hello to my dear lenders. It has been such a while. I want to thank you all for the help and support.

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  • Josephine    Feb 19, 2016

    Hello my dear friends, please i did made my outstanding payment on Tuesday but it is not yet reflected so i have send a mail to the Zidisha help center for support. thank you for your patience.
    thank you...

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  • Josephine    Nov 30, 2015

    hello to my dear lenders, thank you for the help you have given me all this while, i will please want to reschedule my payments for some few weeks. kindly bear with me .
    thank you..
    regard, Josephine.....

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  • Josephine    Oct 31, 2015

    Hello to all my friends and family, thank you very much for the help you gave me, i write to inform you of my difficulty in having my repayments reflecting. I have and did made payments for the past two weeks covering the 18th and 25th of October respectively. i have sent a mail to Zidisha for help and to have the problem sort out. i will want you all to know that i am grateful and i have no intention as to wanting to default or not paying and for that matter this current situation is no fault of mine.
    I am waiting on Zidisha and i hope that the problem will be resolved soon.
    thank you very much..

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  • Edward    Oct 31, 2015

    Hello to the team and my dear lenders who just helped my Mentee, Miss Josephine. i reached her this week in relation to her repayments but she did explained that she had made repayments covering the periods under question. However, after MTN did it system upgrade, a lot of repayments has failed to reflect and i think she has been affected too. as it stands i have asked her to send a message to Zidisha and i hope that this issue will be addressed soon.
    thank you

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  • Josephine    Oct 9, 2015

    Hello dear lenders, I am so delighted for the help you have extend to me. I say thank you very much. This loan will go a long way to help me grow my business.
    I will also keep you informed as I go along with business.
    thank you all very much.

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  • Josephine    Sep 28, 2015

    Hello my dear lenders, I first of all will want to express my sincere gratitude for the loan you loaned me. it has been of great importance and a boost for my business. I have learn a lot from the ups and downs in business as it was evident in my reschedules of my repayments. All along you were patient with me and this I say I am very grateful for your kind gesture.
    I also want to use this opportunity to inform you that I am coming yet again to your door steps to seek for further help even though my recent application got expired without been fully funded on the 23rd of September, i really will want to grow my business and with focus and determination,i have come to post it again despite the initial disappointment. i am pleading with all who will come acrose my application to come to my aid the best way you can.
    Hopping that my humble request reach you all well .
    thank you

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  • Josephine    Sep 10, 2015

    Hello my dear lenders, I first of all will want to express my sincere gratitude for the loan you loaned me. it has been of great importance and a boost for my business. I have learn a lot from the ups and downs in business as it was evident in my reschedules of my repayments. All along you were patient with me and this I say I am very grateful for your kind gesture.
    I also want to use this opportunity to inform you that I am coming yet again to your door steps to seek for further help to expand my business.
    Hopping that my humble request reach you all well .
    thank you

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  • Josephine    Apr 24, 2015

    hello to all the beautiful family on this platform in general and to my lenders in partiular, i am so grateful for the help and the loan you just gave me. i am hereby informing you that i have recieved the entire amount and business is really going well...many of my customers just wonder where all the sudden progress and i tell them all about you and Zidisha.
    i am really grateful......
    THANK U...

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  • Josephine    Apr 22, 2015

    thank you very much for the help. my loan is fully funded and am so grateful for the help...
    thank to you my Lenders...

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  • Josephine    Apr 18, 2015

    thank you very much James for the feed have always have my back even from day one when i became a member of Zidisha, in this, you funded my first loan alone. i am really greatful. Then also thank you to all who just lent to me and towards my project. God richly bless you....
    thank you....

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  • Josephine    Apr 15, 2015

    Hello my dear lenders on the Zidisha platform, i am so happy to write back and to say thank you very much for the help you first gave me and latter on the patience you had as you saw me pay back my loan and sometimes even had to adjust my repayments and all that. thank you for your patience.
    i have been able to finish paying and the experienced gained is so great and my business now is really on its feet and is doing so well now. so i just decided to come back to you and seek for higher help and this time around a higher amount to further grow my grocery shop.
    so i am humbly appealing to you for help and assistance in terms of helping to refund my loan project to which i promise to repay it on time and per schedule...
    thank you.....

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  • Josephine    Apr 10, 2015

    i have made a great sales over the week and for that matter i have decided to pay it off .....
    thank you very much.

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  • Josephine    Mar 11, 2015

    Hello to my dear lenders. market have been a bit unusual this week and for that matter i have decided to adjust my repayment and reduce the amount for sometime.
    i have really read about this option of re adjustment before doing it and i think that it is far better as compared to skipping....
    however, i believe that things will be different next week and i will return it back to normal so that you can have some to lend to my other brothers and sisters...
    thank you...

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  • Josephine    Feb 27, 2015

    Hi to the zidisha team and to the entire lenders . I am so grateful for the help you have offered me through the funding of my loan. i say that God richly bless you all...
    thank You...

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