Electronic waste recycling [green business]


Semarang, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

September 2017

On-time repayments

13 installments  •  77%

About Me

Thank you can be accepted and join the community, my name is Nasrul Nawawi age 19 years from Semarang Indonesia, I am currently working in an office of non government organization (NGO) which is engaged in environmental protection. I am only one year working and received in the Information Technology (IT) maintenance. My work includes data-based collection and hardware repair. For one year I worked, I found the problem that is, related to the increasing number of goods (e-waste) such as mobile phones, computers, laptops damaged and unused. Every weekend (holiday time) I collect the damaged / unused items and I fix it and then I use to replace (replace) other devices that are damaged

My Business

The increasing use of mobile phones / laptops / computers / cameras in the industrial and consumer world, combined with increased consumer awareness around solid waste recycling, has led to increased demand for resins and recycled products. I will make a small PET cleaning and cleaning shop located in Semarang as well as I will reuse the materials to repair other items that have been damaged. The finished goods I will resell to be worthy of use, I will work with various government and non-government office offices for my business, now I need support tools in this eco-friendly business plan.

Loan Proposal

Loans in this green business, I will use to buy a cupboard, which measures 5X7 meters. This projection of my business is a capital requirement of approximately 10,000,000 (IDR) and every week will benefit about 30-35% of the total capital available. May Lenders and Zidisha trust my business and provide loan our green business.

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About Me

Terima kasih bisa diterima dan bergabung pada komunitas , nama saya Nasrul Nawawi umur 19 tahun dari Semarang Indonesia, saat ini saya bekerja pada sebuah kantor organisasi non pemerintah (NGO) yang bergerak dalam bidang perlindungan lingkungan hidup. Saya baru satu tahun bekerja dan di terima di bagian Information Technology (IT) maintenance. Kerja saya meliputi pengumpulan data based dan perbaikan perangkat keras. Selama satu tahun saya bekerja, saya menemukan masalah yakni, terkait makin banyaknya barang barang (e-waste) seperti mobile phone, komputer, laptop yang rusak dan sudah tidak terpakai. Setiap akhir pekan (waktu libur kerja) saya mengumpulkan barang-barang yang sudah rusak/tidak terpakai tersebut dan saya perbaiki dan kemudian saya gunakan untuk mengganti (replace) perangkat lain yang rusak

My Business

Meningkatnya pemanfaatan mobile phone/laptop/komputer/kamera pada dunia industri dan konsumen, dikombinasikan dengan kesadaran konsumen yang meningkat seputar daur ulang limbah padat, telah menyebabkan meningkatnya permintaan akan resin dan produk daur ulang . Saya akan membuat bengkel/toko kecil pembersihan dan pemurnian PET yang berlokasi di Semarang termasuk juga saya akan menggunakan kembali bahan bahan tersebut untuk memperbaiki barang lain yang kondisi sudah rusak . Barang yang sudah jadi tersebut akan saya jual kembali menjadi barang yang layak pakai, saya akan bekerja sama dengan berbagai kantor kantor pemerintah maupun non pemerintah untuk usaha bisnis saya ini, saat ini saya membutuhkan alat- alat pendukung dalam rencana bisnis yang ramah lingkungan ini.

Loan Proposal

Loans in this green business, I will use to buy a cupboard, which measures 5X7 meters. This projection of my business is a capital requirement of approximately 10,000,000 (IDR) and every week will benefit about 30-35% of the total capital available. May Lenders and Zidisha trust my business and provide loan our green business.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 2, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 weeks




New Zealand

Ask Nawawi a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Gresia Meriana    Jan 13, 2018

    I have contacted mas nawawi there are obstacles with the payment, I have advised to write support tickets to be quickly resolved.

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  • Nawawi    Nov 26, 2017

    Did you know? That electronic waste (e-waste) can not just we burn like some non-waste waste. If we burn e-waste will create very fine particles, which then will be inhaled and can cause lung disease and cardiovascular / cardiovascular disease (CVD). E-waste should be disposed of properly and properly to prevent environmental damage and pose a health threat particularly to women and children, and the best method is to recycle electronic waste or reuse. Let"s start to care about the environment, I hope my green business is also more advanced and can be supported by the Lenders who are members of Zidisha team.

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  • Nawawi    Nov 21, 2017

    Green business is one of the greenest businesses, for that reason why I choose this business. Electronic waste management requires our mutual care to save the ecology around us, start with the smallest things around us, especially concern for e-waste management.

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  • Nawawi    Nov 19, 2017

    I thank you very much for your support in my green business to Mr. Paul Buchheit and Mr. Paul Graham who have always supported my green project since I first joined Zidisha, to this day. Thanks Lenders and thank you Zidisha.

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  • Nawawi    Nov 17, 2017

    Thanks To Mr. Simon from Sweden for support in this green business loan.

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  • Nawawi    Nov 17, 2017

    Eco-friendly business is a solution to the future of a better world. Let"s start caring about electronic waste for a better world life. May my loan move forward to be financed by the dear lenders.

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  • Nawawi    Nov 16, 2017

    Good evening Lenders, hopefully through Zidisha green business proposal I immediately full support.

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  • Nawawi    Nov 15, 2017

    Thanks to Karen Sandhu from Canada for support in my business

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  • Nawawi    Nov 14, 2017

    Thanks to Mr. Paul Bucheit and Mr. Simon for support in my green business.

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  • Nawawi    Nov 12, 2017

    Sustainable electronic-waste (e-waste) management, is the key for future protection of Indonesia environment; Did you know that sustainable waste management is key to protecting the future of the Indonesian environment? In Indonesia, especially in big cities such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan and Semarang, is the largest buyer of tablets in Indonesia in 2013-2015. The World Bank also reports and analyzes the environmental, economic and health impacts of increased tablet purchases in the world. Hopefully we all begin to care about the dangers of electronic waste, do not throw in any place, contact me if you have a laptop / pc / tablet / mobile phone that is damaged / outdated / or that can not be repaired again.

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  • Nawawi    Nov 2, 2017

    Thanks to Team Zidisha United States for lending in my green business, hopefully Zidisha can strengthen the area of ​​the world, to a better world. I will keep his trust commitments in this business loan in the future. thank you

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  • Nawawi    Nov 2, 2017

    Green business or sustainable business, is a real solution of environmental sustainability, good night lender Zidisha, today I and all my friends, challenged to create interesting and useful innovations from e-waste business. I encourage all young people to join in this green business, through social media group, we discuss the future of green business and how to handle it including how to collect electronic garbage in each area (office or home). My group friends in social media come to learn and contribute, innovative ideas and start exploring e-waste problems. Hopefully tonight, my loan starts moving forward for sustainable environmental progress. Greetings from Indonesia !

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  • Nawawi    Nov 2, 2017

    Good evening Lender, hopefully my loan keeps moving up to 9 days to come, green business is an environmentally friendly business solution. Hopefully Zidisha progresses forward and can expand the reach of work area in developing countries in the world.

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  • Nawawi    Nov 1, 2017

    Good morning Lenders, this week business is pretty good after there orders copper cables (used goods) from local companies in Semarang. Hopefully next week back my good green business. Thank you Zidisha for supporting this green business.

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  • Nawawi    Nov 1, 2017

    Good day member Zidisha, please for those who have electronic items that have been unused or damaged like laptop / pc / lcd / mobile phone etc, contact me, if you want to sell.

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  • Nawawi    Oct 31, 2017

    Good day, why e-waste (electronic waste) is very dangerous? especially for children, Children are especially vulnerable groups to health risks that may arise from the impact of e-waste, and therefore children need more specific protection than adults of the impact and risk of harmful chemicals . For that reason, why I concentrate on this green business, (Re-use, Recycle) is my future business idea, so be careful with electronic waste, and do not dispose in any place. Greetings from Indonesia

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  • Phillip Zink    Oct 30, 2017

    Have fun and learn a lot!

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    • Nawawi    Nov 19, 2017

      Thank you Mr. Phillip Zink, I hope you again support my green business proposal submission

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  • Nawawi    Oct 30, 2017

    Thank You very much to Mr. Paul Graham (USA) and Mr. Simon from Sweden, for support our green business, ..tack så mycket !

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