Educational loan


Mombasa, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

61 installments  •  41%

About Me

Iam Robert Kazungu from Kaloleni is where I was born.Iam married to Elizabeth Charo who is also from Malindi.Iam 26yrs old.Iam a Christian together with my wife but we haven't yet get children and my level of education is at college level.

My Business

Iam employed at Hakika Transportation services as a Machine operator Retread and also iam having my own saloon business where I do get my income that help me to sustain my living by providing my personal needs with my family.So please Iam pleading for your loan so that I can expand my business to another level and by doing so I will be very much grateful for your help.

Loan Proposal

This coming loan I would use it pay for my brothers to settle their school fees and the remaining amount I would use it to expand my business work.And also if there is anything remaining amount I would send it to my family daily bread hence to sustain my living standard.I feel very much grateful and thankfully for your help and be blessed all.





  • Julie    Jun 26, 2018

    No payments, no communication.

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  • Ahadi    Oct 21, 2017

    Robert is a serious borrower.

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    • Robert    Jan 5, 2018

      Thank you very much and Iam very much grateful for your help actually my lenders.

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      • Robert    Jul 1, 2018

        Hi,zidisha i been facing difficulties this time that made me not to pay as i agreed.

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 3, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks



Sandy, Utah, United States


Isak Maaseide

Tromso, Norway, Norway


Alexandre Genereux

Gatineau, Canada


Roddy Murray

United Kingdom

Ask Robert a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Margaret    Oct 4, 2018

    Hi Robert,
    Please make a payment towards your loan. It has been a long time since these funds were given to you. Margaret

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  • Robert    Oct 3, 2018

    This is due to sickness so I'll be paying ascertain amount of which i could not tell Wright know but by sixteenth October pay some amount because i have finished with my wife's sicknesses.

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  • Robert    Aug 24, 2018

    Hi zidisha ,i adjusted my installments but still problems a not yet finished so,i promise to pay by sixteenth September 2018 the amount i will have this is because my wife is undergoing treatment.Thank you .Robert.

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  • Robert    Aug 18, 2018

    Hi zidisha,due to problems that I'm undergoing ,have made my installment to be slow on payments however I'll be paying by ascertain amount to complete my loan. Your's Robert thank you.

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  • Robert    Jul 17, 2018

    Hi zidisha,me l'm well but only the position financial is not good .However l'm struggling to make sure I complete my installment.Thank Robert Kazungu.

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  • J    Jul 9, 2018

    Dear Robert,

    It’s applied to every loan. It’s fully refundable after you repaid the loan. More information about the Credit Risk Payment can be found in the announcement section of our forum.

    And on the Borrowers FAQ

    Kind regards,
    Team Zidisha

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    • Robert    Jul 9, 2018

      Hi Joost,i have read and understood how the CREDIT RISK PAYMENT is and how will i know that the amount was refunded or will it be added to the next loan i'm intending to apply after repaying the last loan?Your's Robert .

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  • Robert    Jul 9, 2018

    Hi zidisha, according to the CREDIT RISK PAYMENT does it paid once or it's applied for every loan applied ?Here i fail to understand.Your's Robert Kazungu thank you.

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  • Robert    Jul 7, 2018

    Hi zidisha, i have changed the amount this is due to problems that came across ,such as sickness so paying my installment promptly could be ahard tusks by then otherwise a'm very much grateful for your support .Thank you .Robert

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  • Robert    Jul 5, 2018

    I have read the email you have sent to me but,last time i wrote to you and explained the problems am facing now then i promise to pay by sixteenth July 2018 so i don't no whether it was received or not in your email account?

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  • Robert    Jul 1, 2018

    Hi zidisha, I thank GOD together with your help. On my installment I delayed due to problems i have been experiencing in my business so I'll have to adjust your's Robert Kazungu.

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  • Julie    Jun 25, 2018

    Hi Robert, you've missed four payments out of four. Can you please give us an update?

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    • Robert    Jul 1, 2018

      Hi zidisha,i thank God for his blessings together with your help for he has cared us till this time.I'm late on my installment but this is due to problems in life that made me not to pay for my installments as we agreed however ,i hope to pay by seventeenth July 2018

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  • Robert    May 23, 2018

    Hi zidisha, what does the CREDIT RISK payment stands for on my installments? Or even the next loan there'll be another deduction of the same amount?Thanx Robert.

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  • Robert    May 23, 2018

    Thank you very much my lenders, for the loan i have received.The amount was six thousand six hundred and fouty nine(6,649 kes) I'll use to buy the business materials i have expressed earlier.But the amount i was expecting was 8,865/can you clarify so that i May understand the less of this?

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  • Robert    May 13, 2018

    Hi zidisha, I'll buy business materials and pay for rent of the business place .Thank you for your assistance.Robert Kazungu.

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  • matt carroll    May 12, 2018

    good luck

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    • Robert    Jun 2, 2018

      Hi zidisha,what does the CREDIT RISK payment stands for on my installments because the amount i received is not the amount i requested ?

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  • Robert    May 3, 2018

    I'm very much grateful actually for your help since it has lifted my businesses and improving my living standard.

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  • Robert    May 1, 2018

    At times i have some difficulties of which i don't pay my instalments at the Wright time so i apologise and I'm sorry for that.

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  • Robert    May 1, 2018

    Hi zidisha,thank you very much for your tolerance may Almighty God bless you a lot.Your's faithfully.Robert.

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  • Robert    Apr 20, 2018

    I'm having a family problem which in turn has somehow affect my income but I hope things will be back to normal as usually very soon.Thank you and be blessed all.

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  • Robert    Apr 12, 2018

    Thank you very much for your help.

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    • Ahadi    Apr 15, 2018

      Hi Robert,
      I hope you are doing well.
      Is there a problem with your repayment ?
      On this date your loan is supposed to be repaid, but no repayment is shown ....

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      • Robert    Apr 17, 2018

        Yes I'm okay ,but this time my business didn't well since i took the last loan so i beg you to be patience as I'm working very hard for the remaining amount.Thank you.Robert.

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