Funds for prnjualan pulse and increase the types of merchandise sy

Nur Lailatul

Lamongan, Indonesia

100% repaid



Nur Lailatul

Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

30 installments  •  100%

About Me

Hello my name is ella, I would like to introduce myself. I am the first child of 7 siblings. I started pioneering the business of selling sma from market market until now I am married and have 1 child. With the capital lent by zidisha very beneficial for me and my family, my business is growing

My Business

Currently I have a small shop that opened at home, thank God thanks to the first zidisha loan my business more smoothly. For my sales turnover 400-700 month depending on the number of customers. I am grateful to be able to borrow from zidisha because it can make add other items in my shop so that more variant of goods I sell. My business file is also I can help the family economy

Loan Proposal

These funds attempt to balance my pulse manambah who pobud exhausts its balance because of the demand that is pretty much a week can be up 3-4jt with this situation I would like to raise capital to venture my pulse. and other merchandise business as well.

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About Me

Hallo nama saya ella, saya ingin memperkenalkan diri. Saya anak pertama dr 7 bersaudara. Saya mulai merintis usaha dari sma berjualan dari pasar kepasar hingga saat ini saya sudah menikah dan mempunyai 1 anak. Dengan modal yang dipinjamkan oleh zidisha sangat bermanfaat sekali untuk saya dan keluarga, usaha saya kian berkembang

My Business

Saat ini saya mempunyai toko kecil yang dibuka dirumah, alhamdulillah berkat pinjaman zidisha yg pertama usaha saya semakin lancar. Untuk omset penjualan saya perbulan 400-700 tergantung dari banyaknya pelanggan. Saya bersyukur dapat pinjaman dari zidisha karena bisa buat menambah barang2 lainnya ditoko saya sehingga lebih banyak variant barang yg saya jual. Berkas usaha saya ini juga saya bisa membantu perekonomian keluarga

Loan Proposal

Dana ini untuk manambah saldo usaha pulsa saya yg slalu kehabisan saldo karena permintaan yg cukup banyak seminggu bisa sampai 3-4jt dengan keadaan ini saya ingin menambah modal untuk usaha pulsa saya.dan usaha dagangan lainya juga.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 18, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

7 weeks


The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States

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  • Nur Lailatul    Oct 28, 2017

    I want to increase the number of installments because I feel able to increase the amount of payment installments

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  • Nur Lailatul    Oct 15, 2017

    I want to change the number of installments because I want to increase the number of credit limit Oh yes why the application zidisja sekaranh hard to open yes? Each open always kelaur sendiri.mohon perbaiki

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  • Nur Lailatul    Sep 12, 2017

    I want to increase my installment amount, so as not to take too long to pay my loan

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  • Nur Lailatul    Sep 6, 2017

    Thank you finally for the lending fund zidisha liquid as well. I think it is not liquid because the fund already exists and the payout limit is approaching but 1 more week is not yet liquid to the account and now it is liquid__ Thank you for the investors for your loan. I will use this money as well, I will use to buy keperkuan stuff in my shop. The money you lend me is very useful for my small trader, so that I can use the shop capital.

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  • Nur Lailatul    Aug 18, 2017

    I want to pay off my installment

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  • Nur Lailatul    Aug 11, 2017

    Hi, thanks for the investors have given me a loan, thanks to this loan my business is growing and can add to my other variations of merchandise. Once again Thanks a lot of your money is useful for us who need funds

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  • Nur Lailatul    Aug 1, 2017

    I want to change the amount of my installments because my income can be to increase the number of installments to the thanksgiving for giving me a loan

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  • Nur Lailatul    Jul 8, 2017

    I want to increase the number of installments, I am grateful because thanks to my financial zidisha loan is getting better

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  • Nur Lailatul    Jun 6, 2017

    Thank you the loan fund has been liquid and quickly not up to 1x24 hours, thanks also to investors and zidisha karrna has trusted me and was given a loan. The amount of the loan I received was 750000. I was greatly helped by this loan and partly had I purchased the equipment for my store shelf. Once again many thanks to investors and zidisha. Here I include a photo shelf for my store that I made from a zidisha loan

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  • Nur Lailatul    May 13, 2017

    I feel able to increase my number of installments and thanks for the zidisha and who gave me the loan, now my business is more advanced

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  • Nur Lailatul    May 7, 2017

    1. I can raise capital in credit sales so that more consumers can fulfilled their pulse and advantages for me especially. __2. With this additional capital would get me more stock pulse that I sell and that adds to my advantage. __3. Addition of my entry about 200,000 per month depending on the purchase of nominal pulse well. The smaller the nominal purchase more and more profit. __4. With the added advantage that the pulse that magnifies capital kesaldo pulse again. __5. Consumers are more and more

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  • Nur Lailatul    May 7, 2017

    1. I can raise capital in credit sales so that more consumers can fulfilled their pulse and advantages for me especially. __2. With this additional capital would get me more stock pulse that I sell and that adds to my advantage. __3. Addition of my entry about 200,000 per month depending on the purchase of nominal pulse well. The smaller the nominal purchase more and more profit. __4. With the added advantage that the pulse that magnifies capital kesaldo pulse again. __5. Consumers are more and more

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  • Nur Lailatul    Apr 18, 2017

    I will use this loan money wisely and as good as possible so that I can take advantage of this loan to increase the capital of my efforts. , And stuff I can buy in the form of credit balance for selling my pulse. So they can add funds to my credit sales. , __Saya thank you as much as possible to the borrower who has lent funds to help raise my efforts hopefully this fund could be useful for my business.

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