Emergency fund


Jakarta Utara, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

August 2017

On-time repayments

23 installments  •  22%

About Me

I am harry, I am big in pademangan north jakarta .. Now I work in online business by having a stall in one of the big marketplace in Indonesia

My Business

My online business I just started, I am also one of the sub-district FKDM staff that is Camat partners in overseeing the area within the scope of early threat protection in the environment

Loan Proposal

What I do is for a sudden need in submitting project proposals procurement human resources workers factory workers & drivers in the industry around the area I live

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya harry, saya besar di pademangan jakarta utara.. Sekarang saya bekerja di usaha online dengan mempunyai lapak di salah satu marketplace besar di indonesia

My Business

Saya usaha online yg baru saja saya mulai, saya juga salah satu staf FKDM kecamatan yaitu mitra Camat dalam mengawasi wilayah dalam lingkup proteksi dini ancaman di lingkungan

Loan Proposal

Yang saya lakukan adalah untuk keperluan mendadak dalam mengajukan project proposal pengadaan SDM tenaga kerja buruh pabrik & driver di industri sekitar wilayah saya tinggal






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 30, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 months


Mike and Jacqui

United Kingdom


Paul Graham

United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Harry a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Vera    Apr 17, 2018

    Immediately pay off your debt

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  • Vera    Mar 13, 2018

    No progress about the member.

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  • Vera    Feb 7, 2018

    I can not contact the borrower. It seems if I noticed a lot of new members who do not want to pay off loans to 2 or 3 because they feel the first loaned their funds are taken a lot while they only receive a little. In the second loan they borrow again hoping that their money will come back

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  • Harry    Jan 10, 2018

    I am grateful to the borrower who has lent me for my venture capital, so I hope that this capital will be provided on a futures basis for my business to grow

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  • Harry    Nov 26, 2017

    Thank you for the loan, I hope to get a bigger loan to add capital

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  • Harry    Sep 3, 2017

    I am harry from Indonesia, I have a business in the online store and will expand my business to be even greater. The capital I need today is five USD 5,000,000

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