Dana accesories


Pasuruan, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

64 installments  •  89%

About Me

I started business since the age of 15. and finally I want to develop. by making a decision. borrow funds to people. from there I experienced loan difficulties. and finally I got it. I bought counter tools. which can be as my livelihood. and until now I run this business with pleasure

My Business

counter is very needed for all circles. starting from the child. teenagers. to adulthood. besides, it"s easier to transact. monthly turnover of counter sales is approximately 7,000,000 / month. easy with the additional funds will be a complete counter.

Loan Proposal

with this loan I will expand my business to fulfill the necessities of life. and easy loans from my friends zidisha will make my counter more complete and complete. thereby giving a benefit to me and my family. and I am eager for this third loan to respond quickly from the fund. __ thank you zidisha.

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About Me

saya mulai berwira usaha sejak umur 15th. dan akhirnya saya ingin berkembang. dengan mengambil keputusan. pinjam dana ke orang. dari situ saya mengalami kesulitan pinjaman. dan akhirnya stelah saya dapatkan itu. saya belikan alat2 konter. yang sehingga bisa sebagai mata pencaharian saya. dan sampai sekarang bisnis ini saya jalankan dengan senang hati

My Business

konter sangat dibutuhkan bagi semua kalangan. mulai dari anak. remaja. sampai dewasa. disamping itu cara bertransaksi lebih mudah. perbulan omset pnjualan konter kurang lebih 7.000.000/bulan.
mudah2an dengan adanya tambahan dana akan menjadi konter yang lengkap.

Loan Proposal

dengan adanya pinjaman ini saya akan mengembangkan usaha yang saya jalankan guna untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. dan mudah2an pinjaman dari temen-temen zidisha akan membuat konter saya semakin lengkap dan komplit. dengan demikian akan memberi bnyak keuntungan bagi saya dan keluarga saya. dan saya ingin sekali agar pinjaman ketiga ini dapat respon dari penggalan dana dengan secepatnya.
terima kasih zidisha.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 14, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 months



Beaver Nation, United States


Paul Graham

United States

Craig Newmark

United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Ask Nasichin a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Nasichin    Aug 28, 2018

    Good evening to the fundraiser at Zidisha. I informed that my loan was paid off before maturity. and I am proposing a new loan to purchase UPS as an electric bakcup tool for my credit server. for the funder I beg you to be fully funded immediately. and can be bought by UPS so that the pulse server transactions are getting smoother ... thanks zidisha. thank you for fundraisers. good evening to fundraiser at zidisha. I inform you that I paid off before maturity. and I submit a new credit for the purchase of UPS as an electric bakcup tool for my credit server. to complete the funds, so you to be fully funded immediately. and can be bought by UPS so that the credit transaction server gets smoother ... thanks zidisha. thank you for fundraisers.

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  • Nasichin    Jul 9, 2018

    I will use this loan fund to buy my credit card equipment. so that the future can be more developed ...

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  • Nasichin    Oct 25, 2017

    thanks to good-hearted investors

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  • Nasichin    Oct 24, 2017

    I wonder why. just stop in pairs of messages

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  • Nasichin    Oct 24, 2017

    Hopefully quickly funded .....

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  • Nasichin    Oct 23, 2017

    result of zidisha ,,,

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  • Nasichin    Oct 23, 2017

    thank you thank funders zidisha ,,,,

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  • Nasichin    Oct 23, 2017

    alhamdulillah ... the loan is paid off. and wanted to make even more submissions. for renovation of stall ....

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  • Nasichin    Oct 3, 2017

    thanks zidisha. fixtures and store stock now more and more ....

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  • Nasichin    Sep 14, 2017

    thanks zidisha. . . . __ini fund later I will use for the procurement of hp accesories and counter purposes. etc. __hanks to zidisha investors. . . . .

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  • moursund    Sep 14, 2017

    keep up the 100% on time payments! good luck!

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  • Nasichin    Sep 5, 2017

    hopefully this third loan will be more useful for the development of business and business that I run. and hopefully zidisha always memverika the best for me. and in the future will always help my business and business development. . . . . thanks zidisha

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  • Nasichin    May 24, 2017

    Thank you zidisha. __uang funds from zidisha can make kulakan again. So the financial circulation can increase. . __ thank you zidisha. . . .

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  • Nasichin    May 19, 2017

    I will use the money to spend on the counter. __and money I will buy in the form of goods nnti I will sell kmbali. Bgtu so on. __ thank you for the funds lent to me.

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