Church growth and expansion

Paul Robinson

Agona Swedru, Ghana

100% repaid



Paul Robinson

Member since

July 2015

On-time repayments

83 installments  •  45%

About Me

I graduated from senior High school on the year 2000.Soon after my graduation I was employed as sales manager at Goil Filling Station where I acquire a lot of managerial skills to pursue my career in life as a youngster. I was promoted from there to become a branch manager which helps me achieve more social status in my area for over 2 years. I then further my education to the Polytechnic to be trained as an electrical engineer and I came out as an expert in electrical engineer. I render my services to a whole lot of institution to help them fix their electrical problems and also organize seminars to give out tutorials to help train people on fire out break issues because I have the heart to do that. I Love to help the needy by ensuring they come out with their problems and help by giving out advice and material things if I can. For all these years I have been dreaming of becoming a minister of God to evangelize to people and so my decision to become an Evangelist began on the year 2009 where I started going to BibleTheology School. During my period of studies I took office in some managerial positions to enhance myself well on the field of studies to get most of the benefit of me staying in the school. I had a couple of good remarks when I go out from school to do industrial attachment that was instructed by the school management from my mentors. I graduated on the year 2011 and started pastoring at a branch church which I have been commissioned to take fully charge of the church to see to it spiritual growth and also effective administration system to help the church to expand and touch the lives of people as many as it can to preach the Gospel of Christ Jesus.

My Business

As I said earlier I am a pastor in a church and I run fully control of the church spiritually and its physical administration. The church has helped many people in the community inwardly within the community and also outside. Evangelism trips are organized where the youth are actively involved to pass the pastoral ministerial appointment to them to posses the need skills to care and lead the people in the near future to ensure the continuous existence of the church into an unforeseeable future to still carry it objectives as a church. The church wish to expand to the international level to get international recognition to lift the image of the church high to touch as many as it can lives of people as already said which is possible by internationalization. The church lacks the requisite funds to achieve it stated objectives as church and even performing it social obligations to the community to establish schools and other facilities for the community. Inwardly within the church, certain equipment are needed to be bought which includes chairs, microphone, tables and many other things to help the church get its immediate stand to pull out people into the church to worship the supreme God. Lack of these materials in the church is what is dumping the progress of the church for now which I found it very challenging when I assume office and am doing my possible best to meet all these requirement.The church getting access to a financial money lending company like and its decisions to help people will help the church meet it well stated objectives to preach the gospel globally to the people which I believe

Loan Proposal

After securing the loan it will be use to buy the needed materials of the church to lift it status up inwardly and then move to the local level and then hit our target of global evangelism as I have been entrusted to do. I believe will help me bring the dreams of the church in reality. I believe this loan will help me a lot and will maintain my loyalty to the family.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 30, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

8 months

Other loans



Wendy Emlyn

Devon, United Kingdom


Paul Graham

United States

Ask Paul Robinson a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Juliet    Mar 2, 2017

    Dear lenders,
    I have not been able to reach this borrower and other contacts he provided in the application. Still looking to hearing from him. Thanks!

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  • Paul Robinson    Jun 21, 2016

    Thank you very much everyone.l have receive the loan and l must say thank you for supporting the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. God bless you all. l will keep you updated.

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  • Paul Robinson    Jun 16, 2016

    Thank you very much everyone. This loan will be use to buy microphones to support the ministry

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  • Paul Robinson    May 9, 2016

    I want to thank everyone for helping me out with my first loan. I must say it has help in one way or the other in buying and repairing musical instrument to help preach the gospel of Christ. Once again thank you very much all of you for your kind consideration and God bless you all in Jesus name. I hope you continue to help me in serving in the house of the lord.

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  • Paul Robinson    Mar 19, 2016

    I want to reduce the amount so that l can pay accurately weekly and maintain my loyalty. Thank you for understanding

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  • Wendy Emlyn    Nov 19, 2015

    Well done, Paul - you've reached the halfway mark!
    God bless you,

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  • Wendy Emlyn    Aug 11, 2015

    Thanks for your first payment, Paul.
    God bless you,

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