
Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso

44% repaid




Member since

November 2012

On-time repayments

18 installments  •  22%

About Me

My name is Boureima Ouédraogo, I am 44 years old, I am married and I have 3 children. I was born in Bobo Dioulasso and I left at the age of 6 to go and study the Quran in a small village far away from my children. My father had 2 wives and it's the child of the first wive that is sent away for this kind of studies because they think it is a study without a future. After my return to the city I had nothing and there was no support to continue my studies so I decided to start a business in agriculture. I came up with the idea to create an association for solidarity with my friends in the North in order to live a dignified life, which means: not just sit idle and ask others to give us something to eat. Also I have helped women and girls to create associations and I have given them trainings on income generating activities, e.g. agricultural activities such as the processing of agricultural products: mangoes, bissap, soumbala. The city of Bobo Dioulasso is a crossroads and poverty is beating hard in my country and this region. That's the reason why I would like to help others and while looking for solutions I have discovered Zidisha. I would like to sensitize others (especially the women's groups) to work with Zidisha as well but it is important that I have personally lived the experience first, so that I can give correct information to the others on how they could use Zidisha to help fighting the poverty that is beating us so hard here in Bobo.

My Business

In the beginning I visited the traders of cereals on the small markets in the villages. Through this I have gradually earned the trust of my neighbors. They often gave me a small support so that I was able to buy and resell cereals. First I was working with only 2 or 3 bags but right now I am able to buy even 150 to 200 bags at once when things are going well. Today the price of one bag is around 13500 FCFA and in December I will be able to sell them at 16000 FCFA so I can earn in between 500000 and 650000 FCFA in 3 months time. To show you that my first aim is to help my brothers in the northern region of Burkina Faso and not to make money, I would like to tell you that I am not a simple trader, but an intermediary in between the disadvantaged people in the North and the difficulties. To make this clear with an example: when the other traders are selling their cereals to the poor at 21000 or 22000 FCFA per bag of 90/95 kg, I am selling them a bag of 100kg at 16000 FCFA. Also I give free training and information sessions on the management of family food barns in order to reinforce the social cohesion that is binding us. Moreover I am buying my products at the women's cooperations in my region and I sell them to women's groups in the North, because this is a way to value the exchanges on agricultural work in between these groups.

Loan Proposal

This loan will be used for selling cereals in an effort to fight against the food insecurity which threatens my brothers and sisters in Yatenga. With my experience and my knowledge of the environment, I am able to sell my products at an affordable price which will be beneficial to the people who do not have enough money to buy food with the other traders.

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About Me

je me nome Boureima ouédraogo agée de 44 ans marié père de 3 enfants, je suis née à bobo et partir pour étude à l'age de 6 ans dans un village loin de mes parents, puisque mon père avait 2 femmes, donc c'est l'enfant de la première qu'on envoi pour ces genres des études la, car on pense que c'est une étude sans avenir, mais après mon retour je suis rester sans appui ni rien pour continuer mes etudes, et c'est pourquoi je me suis lancer dans l'agriculture, et c'est dans cette activité que j'ai l'idée de créer une association de solidarité avec les amis pour vivre dignement, c'est a dire de ne pas rester bras croisée et toujours demandé aux gens de nous donner a menger, et en suite j'ai aider les femmes et les filles dans création des grouppements et leurs donner des formations sur quelques activités generatrice de revenue, et par mi ses quelques activités la, il y'a la transformation de produit agricole tel que la mangue le bissaps et le soumbala, car la ville de bobo est un carefour, et la pauvreté frappe vraiment dans cette région actuellement.Et ce dans l'optique de venir toujours an aide aux autres, et dans la recherche de solution, que j'ai decouvert ZIDISHA et pour les sensibilsées a travailler avec ZIDISHA, moi même je voulais vivre l'experience pour pouvoir donner les bonnes informations aux autres pour lutter contre la pauvreté qui nous frappe tous ici a bobo.

My Business

Au début je partait dans les petits marché des villages avec les acheteurs de céréale, et c'est dans ça que je suis arrivé à avoir la confiance avec les voisins qui me donne souvent de coud de pouce pour vendre des céréale 2 ou 3 sacs au début et actuellement je suis capable d'acheter même 150 à 200 sacs si le moyen est la, actuellement le sac est à 13500 et en décembre ça se vend à 16000, alors je peu avoir entre 500 000 à 650 000FCFA en 3 mois, pour montré que je suis la pour aider les frères au NORD et non pas de faire de l'argent, je vous dis d'abord que je ne suis pas un commerçant simple, mais un intermediaire entre ces pauvres la et les difficultées, pour me faire comprendre, au moment que les commerçants vends les ceréales aux pauvres a 21000 ou 22000FCFA le sac de 90 a95 kg, c'est en ce moment que moi je donne le sac de 100kg a 16000 FCFA, et en plus je les donnes des formations sur la gestion de grenier famillial sans frais pour renforcer le cohésion sociale qui nous lie, et moi j'achete mes produits avec les grouppements des femmes de la région, et vends avec les grouppements des femmes du NORD juste pour la valorisation et les echanges entre elles après la campagne agricole.

Loan Proposal

Cette somme sera utliser pour vente de ceréal dans le cadre de la lutte contre l'insecurité alimentaire qui frappe mes frères et souers au yatenga, puisque vu l'experience que j'ai et ma connaissance du milieu, mes produits serons vendu a un prix accèpteble qui feras l'affaire de la population qui manque moyen pour acheter chez les commerçants.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Dec 12, 2012

Repayment status


Projected term

18 months



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Den Haag, Netherlands

Ask Boureima a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Astrid    Nov 30, 2016

    Hi Boureima,

    I've just received a repayment from you in my account. Very happy with that! I hope you are doing well. Keep going!


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  • Astrid    Jan 25, 2016

    Hi Boureima, How are you doing today?

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  • Astrid    Jun 8, 2015

    Hi Boureima,

    You're almost a year behind now. Time to catch up. Thanks!

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  • Astrid    Jan 2, 2015

    Hi Peter,
    I wish you, your family and your business all the best for 2015.
    I hope you rbout of bad luck has ended! Can we expect further repayment from you any time soon? Thanks!

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  • Claudia    Jul 19, 2014

    Dear lenders,
    I am sorry but due to the presence of two borrowers with the same name the repayment of July has been cancelled because it was erroneously entered.

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  • MienDeGraeve    May 23, 2014

    Dear lenders,
    I have been unable to reach Mr Ouedraogo or any of his contacts since a long time. Yesterday I was able to speak to a friend of him, who told me that he is in Mali and that he has been really ill there during the months of March and April. Moreover he is still struggling to recover the money that he gave to a friend for repaying his loan… which the friend never did.
    By coincidence I have received an email from Boureima as well this morning: "Vraiment je m'excuse beaucoup pour le retard involontaire qui est du a ma situation dans ces derniers mois la, mais je fait faire de mon mieux pour le reste, puisque je suis dans le mine d'Or au Mali juste avoir quelque chose pour commencer mon activité de séchage que je cherche un moyen depuis longtemps pour la campagne de mangue qui est déjà commencer il y a quelques mois, et comme je suis ici au Mali, j'avais remis une somme de 60 000 FCFA a un type qui venais au Burkina pour qu'il verse 50 000 FCFA dans le compte ZIDISHA, et payer le reste de la scolarité de mon enfant qu'on avais fait retourner a la maison, mais il y a plus de 10 jours que je n'arrive pas a joindre le type pour avoir les nouvelles, et c'est seulement le vendredi que je viens au déportement pour négocier avec un service pour faire les mails, mais des que j'ai ces nouvelles je vous ferrez signe."
    He is explaining me the same problems his friend was talking about. I think the positive thing is that Boureima is still very much willing to repay his loan, although he has encountered a lot of bad luck. I count on you for your kind understanding. Thank you very much.

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  • Diblo    Apr 5, 2014

    merci zidisha.

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  • Astrid    Mar 1, 2014

    Hi Mr. Boureima Ouédraogo,

    Thanks for your kind wishes. How is your business doing?


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  • Boureima    Dec 27, 2013

    Bonjour a toutes l’équipe zidisha, et a tous ce qui on voulu aider financièrement ceux qui on besoin de leurs soutien pour évoluer dans leur entreprises, je vous traduire tous mes meilleurs sentiment de joie et de bonheur en ce moment de fin d’année 2013, en demandant au seigneur de vous garder toujours dans la paix et la santé, et vous donne la force et le courage de nous venir en aide, et nous pardonner de nos erreurs, puisqu'on dis que, dans tous ce que un être humain entreprend, il est appeler a rencontrer souvent des difficultés, mais son souhait est de ne pas demeurer dans ça, comme un enfant ne peux jamais marcher sans trébucher, donc svp, comprenez nous, car nous voulons tous le développement de cette structure qui viens en aide a nous qui veulent aller de l'avant, mais sans soutien, et nous allons doubler de l'effort pour que ça marche inch-ALLAH.
    Mes amis, je ne quitte pas cette page, sans vous souhaitez mes meilleurs vœux de l’année 2014, longévité, prospérité, la paix dans le monde, et le succès pour ZIDISHA.
    Votre ami de Bobo Dioulasso, Boureima OUEDRAOGO.
    Je vous remercie

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  • Boureima    Sep 4, 2013

    Bonjour a toutes l’équipe de ZIDISHA et a tous les emprunteurs qui on voulus m'aider a sortir de la pauvreté que je vivais ici a Bobo, je viens au près de vous vous demander de m'excuser et de me pardonner du retard que j'ai commis involontairement, qui était du a un problème imprévu, et a un manque de confiance que j'ai eu rencontrer vis-a vis d'un ami qui devais faire mes versements avant mon retour, car souvent quant on dois partir mais difficile de savoir avec conviction quant retourner, mais je vous assure que je suis toujours de bonne volonté pour rembourser ce prêt, car il y a des centaines des personnes qui comptes sur mon appuis pour qu'ils puissent bénéficier de votre appuis aussi, femmes comme homme, et je voulais donner un bon exemplaire vu ma responsabilité dans la communauté, donc je vous demande de grâce, j'ai fini ici en Cote d'ivoire et je devais rentrer avant le 30 Aout, mais il y' a un seul car qui viens jusqu’ici et il prend quelques jours pour avoir des passagers avant de retourner, donc je vous jure qu'a partir du 04 Octobre je vais verser quelques tranches et si possible avant fin Octobre aussi il l’aura d'autres versements. Svp accepter moi par mi vous, et vous verrez comment je développerais cette activité ici a bobo a titre de menthor benevol. Bien amicalement a tous, Boureima. Je vous remercie pour votre compréhensions.

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    • Astrid    Oct 10, 2013

      Hello Mr. boureima ouédraogo,

      Thanks for your message. Sorry to hear that things didn't go as planned. I hope you recover soon and your business prospers. Please keep us informed. Looking forward to hear from you again soon.


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  • MienDeGraeve    Aug 21, 2013

    Dear lenders,
    Because I understood that Boureima would be back in Bobo Dioulasso on August 10 I have tried to call him several times. His number was still unavailable. I then tried a few times to reach him on the number we got from him in Ivory Coast. Finally today I was lucky that my sms to him was delivered and he called me back! He is waiting for a bus leaving the very remote village where he stays. There is a bus right now but he is broken so they are waiting for it to get repaired. He hopes to be able to leave on Friday and promised again to get in touch with me as soon as he is back in Burkina Faso.

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  • MienDeGraeve    Jul 29, 2013

    Dear lenders,
    Just a few minutes ago I received the following email from Boureima and I think it is a good idea to share it with all of you. Basically he says that he apologizes for the long delay in repayments, that he is currently in a village where communication is really hard, that he will be back in Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso on August 10, and that he really wants us to still consider him as a member of Zidisha and as a Volunteer Mentor, because before he left he had started investing a lot in the guidance of potential new members in his community.

    I will make sure to welcome Boureima in Burkina Faso again as soon as he has settled a bit and got the time to see his family, to follow up on the repayments, and to see if we can continue working again with him as a Volunteer Mentor in the region of Bobo Dioulasso. Thanks again for your patience!

    "Bonjour ma tres chere Mien,
    Tout d'abord je m'excuse pour le retard comis, et je vous assure que je suis toujours avec vous malgre le probleme qui ma empecher de respecter de ce qui est mon devoir, sinon que je suis dans un village la ou il y a un probleme de communication meme avec ma famille, je n'arrive pas a les parler au telephone, mais je suis presque pret pour le retour au FASO, et je vous jure que j'ai souvant peur de dire a quelqu'un de faire un versement. puisque j'ai a perdre pour un mois que j'ai confier a un ami et qui na pas fait, donc svp je m’excuse aux pret de toute l'equipe de ZIDISHA, et les preteurs aussi, et je vous assure que j'ai toujours l'amour de cette institution et son developpement, et d'ici le 10 Aout je serez a Bobo, et metrez le paquet pour revivre le reseau, et je ne suis pas vraiment content la ou je suis, puisque les groupes que j’avais sensibiliser la, on besoins de moi pour les aider, et je profite vous dire que je viens vivre une experience au niveau de ceux qui pense recommander les empruntaires comme ce que Mr coulibaly vien de faire, et rendant visite a ma famille pour connaitre ce qui ce passe vu son engagement.
    Svp excusez moi, et pardonner moi pour le retard, et je vous demande de me considerer toujours comme un membre, et un developpeur de ZIDISHA a Bobo si possible, vu ma responsabilite vis-à-vis des associations et des groupements, et je vous assure que cette somme ne devais pas etre en retard, puisque je voulias faire vite pour pouvoir augmenter le prochain, mais l’homme propose et Dieu dispose.
    Svp, j’ai des problemes de communication ici au village la, sauf le lundi matin que je peu aller dans une ville qui fait 47 km de la ou je suis pour lire mes lessages.
    Bien amicalement,
    Votre Boureima de Bobo
    Je vous remercie."

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  • MienDeGraeve    Jul 26, 2013

    Dear lenders,
    I feel very relieved to be able to give you a new update about Boureima Ouedraogo, although his situation is not easy at all right now. We heard from the recommender of Mr. Ouedraogo that his parents, who lives in Ivory Coast got really sick. Mr. Ouedraogo was forced to leave his family in Burkina Faso to go and help them. We don't know how long he will be staying there. Our contact promised to visit the family of Mr. Ouedraogo and to see if we can get in touch with him through a number in Ivory Coast. I will keep you posted. Thank you once again for your understanding an let's cross our fingers for the recovery of Mr. Ouedraogo's parents.

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  • MienDeGraeve    Jul 4, 2013

    Dear lenders,

    A long time has passed since my last comment about Mr Ouedraogo on April 25. This doesn't mean that we haven't tried to establish contact with him since that day, but right now I am getting a bit worried. The last email I received from Mr. Ouedraogo dates from April 28. Since that day I haven't heard from him and I was unable to reach him by phone, although I have tried to call him every week. I also called several of the people he assisted as a Volunteer Mentor. They share my worries. The last news they heard from him was that he would be back in his hometown Bobo Dioulasso on May 20, but apparently he has not returned. Client Relationship Intern James Hastwell tried to visit his house and family last week but he was unable to locate his house. The house certainly exists because Boureima has invited me there during my visit to Bobo in February. As soon as I am able to travel to Bobo myself I will visit his family and try to find out more. In the meantime I continue to follow with all the contacts I have who are related to Boureima. Let's hope we find out soon what happened and especially that he is safe.

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    • Astrid    Jul 16, 2013

      Thanks for your update Mien. Sounds like somehing is not well with him!

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  • MienDeGraeve    Apr 25, 2013

    Dear lenders,
    You may have been worrying about the fact that Mr Ouédraogo has not made the repayment that was due on April 4 yet, just like I did. I have tried to reach him many times since the beginning of this month but I was never able to speak to him because he was in Côte d'Ivoire and his phone didn't work there. We have been in touch by email though, a few times. Mr Ouédraogo asked a friend to make his deposit at the bank on April 4 because he knew he would be traveling. Clearly the friend hasn't done so. Mr Ouedraogo had planned to return to his hometown 10 days ago but was then urged to travel to a remote area in the north to give a training session. He'll be back in Bobo Dioulasso in one week and promised to settle payments for both April and May at that time. He presents his excuses to all of you, especially since he is very much aware of his exemplary role as a Volunteer Mentor.
    Thank you for your patience,

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    • russell    Apr 25, 2013

      no problem mien boureima ouédraogo compares very well with other borrowers who have never paid back anything.I think he is better than many borrowers.

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    • Astrid    Jun 12, 2013

      Hi Mien and Mr. boureima ouédraogo,

      This message was 6 weeks ago and we're still waiting. Could be so kind as to make repayment, or let us know what is happening?


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  • MienDeGraeve    Feb 16, 2013

    Dear lenders,
    I am the Client Relationship Volunteer for Zidisha in Burkina Faso. I am spending a few days in the southwest of the country and this morning I had the chance to speak once again to Boureima Ouédraogo. He’s doing well and so is his business, but I would like to tell you a bit more about him, because apart from being an entrepreneur himself, he’s also a very motivated and committed member of his community. He’s the president of a cooperative association ‘Faso Avenir’, bundling four smaller associations in and around Bobo Dioulasso: one group is producing dried mangos, another one groups women in small businesses, a third one groups 30 gardeners and the last one is based in Orodara and handles bissap (a local juice made of hibiscus flowers) and cashew nuts. Boureima supports these groups and their individual members with information and advice on the development of their businesses, on managing their family budget, etc. In this way he aims to improve the living conditions of many people and their families. He now wants to start an IT-training in order to make the loans of Zidisha more accessible to the members of his cooperative.

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  • Boureima    Dec 27, 2012

    Hello my dear friends, I Boureima trust in Zidisha and all their donors, women and men, who support those of us who live in hardship here in Africa, I wanted to personally thank all those who helped me finance my project of cereal sales this year because since I received the funds I went to work and focused my energy on this project. I can assure you that the Northern association is satisfied with my work and I am a good example for those who don't know Zidisha and I really wish lenders could be allowed to lend more to help development in Africa.
    Your friend Boureima Ouedraogo whom you have helped tremendously. Thank you Zidisha and thank you Mien DeGreave who told me about this organization.

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  • Boureima    Dec 5, 2012

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  • Boureima    Dec 5, 2012

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