Buying school materials and uniforms


Utawala,embakasi, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

April 2014

On-time repayments

170 installments  •  81%

About Me

I am Joyce Gicheru. Many love calling me 'Joy' because I'm always smiling.. Born slightly more than three decades ago in a small village sandwiched between many hills. I went to school in the neighborhood and despite the fact that my parents were poor,I managed to beat all odds to excel in my studies.

Those days, only a lucky few had electricity connections to their homes. I wont say we were unlucky but we didn't have this rare privilege. The most memorable occasion was a day we ran out of kerosene and I had to do my school homework using the light from firewood. More often than not, kerosene to light the lamp and do homework was always a tall order. I still believed my dreams were valid.

I excelled very well and by God's grace,I graduated with a degree years later. I live and work in Nairobi,Kenya. Professionally a High School Graduate Teacher and a part-time businessperson. My spouse and I have some businesses. One dealing with supply of fresh beans to export companies the other is a beauty shop combined with new clothes and an Mpesa. In our bid to create employment and to expand our businesses, we were looking for extra funding which would fulfill our dream. After weighing several options and widely consulting from friends, someone referred me to Zidisha as among the best. Then I decided to give it a try.

I'm glad Zidisha gave me my first loan three years ago. I used the loan to expand my beauty shop,added clothes and put up Mpesa money agency. Through the profit I made,I was able to repay the loan in good time. I reapplied and got another one worth $800 that I used to further expand my business.

As a matter of fact, 2017 has been an economically hard year in Kenya and we had to push through with unusually low earnings. Sometimes it became hard to regularly pay the instalments but I finally made it to clear the loan.

I'm glad that I've transformed the area in which I work they're able to access basic house use items easily at my shop. They are also able to access financial services without travelling very far. I also stock school uniforms and stationery. This means that school children can access what they need whenever there's need. I'm also happy that I've given livelihood to families that rely on me. All thanks to God who has been my strength and Zidisha for the financial support.

My Business

ABOUT MY BUSINESS. My business name is EverThree Beauty Point,Clothing and Accessories. 5 years ago when I reported to my place of work,I needed to buy a few household utilities for my use. I had not carried any because I assumed I'd buy when I got there. Surprisingly enough,I could not find most of the items I needed. I was very disappointed. I finally had to solicit for a washing basin from my new neighbor to facilitate a few important tasks around the house. It was that bad! The following day, I decided to go to Nairobi and do the purchases,but I decided that for every item I needed,I'd pick a dozen. This meant I would get a better deal in terms of price. And yes,I did that. I picked all I wanted. I only chose a few for personal use and sold the rest. Voila!
I made money.

So now people would come to my house asking whether I had certain items. I had to open a small shop. That's how my business came along. I have currently employed two young ladies who I picked from some poor families around. Through this venture, I have been able to supplement my family's income, pay my two assistants,and I've made the area a better place than I found it.

I now want to expand my business to supply affordable solar products to this community.

Most of them struggle to get proper lighting facilities and also they have no place to charge their phones.

The package I want to stock has bulbs enough for five rooms, a phone charger, a 40 watts solar panel, a battery, smart TV, radio and torch.

To get and start using this package, they only need to pay a small deposit then pay the rest of the money in adjustable installments. Some pay daily, others weekly or monthly depending on ability.

Once they finish paying the whole amount, they own the product and no more power bills for them- forever.

I've already sold dozens of units and I need more stock to serve more people.

I'm glad I've put a smile on somebody's face as they can charge their phone conveniently, light their houses, watch news, listen to the radio and ultimately reduce their bills.

Loan Proposal

I thank Zidisha for their initial support towards my business.The loan assisted me in buying more beauty products and I also introduced a few school equipment though my original intention was to have a one-stop school-shopping-point.This was not possible due to limited funds.

I hereby apply for a loan of US Dollars 450 that will help me accomplish this dream.

I look forward to a positive response.Thankyou.





  • David    Jul 8, 2018

    Joyce only received $96 of the $947 she requested. She paid this off with a single payment two months later. I am pleased to be able to help with such a worthy project.

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  • Treesforpeople    Jul 4, 2018

    Joyce repaid her loan in full, and the business is a very worthwhile venture with benefits for the whole world. I would definitely like to lend to her again.

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  • TomF925    Apr 20, 2018

    A wonderful story of hardship overcome and a great business plan for solar lamps/radio/phone charger in rural/poor areas. These solar units are huge life improvements in these deserving communities.

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  • Powered by me    Dec 29, 2017

    Hi Joyce,

    Just contributed to your request. Would you mind to share your updates on [email protected]

    Best regards,


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    • Joyce    Jan 2, 2018

      Hello PbM ,thank you for asking. I don't mind. Kindly I will do so.

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 24, 2014

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

4 months




United States



San Jose, United States


Eugene, United States


Sarasota, Fl, United States




United States


Stockholm, Sweden

Ask Joyce a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Joyce    Sep 10, 2024

    The Zidisha team has surely become a driving force to my success.
    I am deeply grateful for the opportunity you have provided me and can't thank you enough for your incredible kindness.

    Your belief in my ability has given me the confidence to reach new heights in my business.

    With these funds, I will add more stock and fortify my premises. The profit will help me pay my loan, and get a better school for my clothes.

    I can't mention all of you by name but I'm truly grateful from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for believing in me!

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  • Fredrick    Sep 9, 2024

    All the best

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  • Fredrick    Sep 5, 2024

    We hope for the best

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  • JessieD    Sep 1, 2024

    Best of luck with expanding your business!

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  • Joyce    Jan 8, 2021

    I'd want to sincerely appreciate my lenders for their financial support. I was able to fund and grow my business with the loan I received.

    Though I had to temporarily close down my business due to the COVID 19 challenge, I'm up again and ready to move.

    My mentor always encourage to 'Never-Say-Die' on life. I'm giving it another shot.

    Since I'm a ardent campaigner for renewable, eco-friendly, affordable sources of energy, I chose to deal with solar products (Dlight Solar Products) as described in my proposal.

    Here is a photo of me, out and about fishing for clients.

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  • J    Apr 26, 2018

    Success. I hope your loan will be completely funded soon. Good luck.

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  • Megan    Apr 26, 2018

    What a great loan proposal! Good luck!

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  • Liz    Apr 22, 2018

    Hi Joyce, I think your solar power is a great idea, I hope you will keep bringing light and joy to your community :)

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  • Treesforpeople    Dec 29, 2017

    Hi Joyce, I use solar lighting here in the UK, and I think it's amazing. It seems to be the way of the future for offgrid communities. I wish you every success with your endeavours.

    I wondered if you'd come across solar cooking. This involves using reflectors to direct sunlight onto a black pot, which is insulated behind glass or even a simple 'greenhouse' made from a plastic bag. No fuel is needed, just sunshine. At its cheapest solar cookers can even be made from cardboard and aluminium foil!

    If you're interested in finding out more, here's a link:

    This link is about solar cooking in Kenya:

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    • Joyce    Jan 2, 2018

      Hello TreesforPeople.
      I'd first really register my gratitude for the financial support you already accorded me. May God bless you.
      Secondly, It's nice of you introducing to me to solar cooking. It is such a noble idea. Having got the information from the websites given, I already have in mind people who would appreciate and take up the idea.
      I would possibly meet some groups of women and give them some orientation to solar cooking. From the feedback I'll get I'll be able to know the way forward.
      Thank you and be blessed.

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      • Treesforpeople    Jan 3, 2018

        Good luck to you Joyce! I'm pleased that you're interested in using the sun for cooking too.

        If you are on Facebook, there are groups such as the 'Solar Cookers World Network' where you can ask questions about solar cooking and share your experiences.

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  • Joyce    Dec 26, 2017

    Hello lenders,I'm so glad to give a report on the progress of my business. I got my first loan of $146 three years ago. This served as an eye opener for me, Zidisha being the first financial hub to fund me so conveniently.

    I used the finances to increase stock in my beauty shop and also added school items.
    This has really helped the locals because they used to walk for very long distances to buy some very basic items. I have also employed an assistant in the shop,and I'm glad that I'm supporting them to place food on the table.

    By getting the loan and increasing my stock in my shop, my income increased by about 40% and I'm leading a better life. I'm able to supplement my husbands income and also support part of our extended family.

    I'm now assured of a better future for my children who are in school because we can afford school fees comfortably. I'm also planning to go back to college and pursue a business course. This will help me manage my businesses better as they expand into larger ventures.

    I really thank Zidisha for being supportive and helping me better my life. It's been an amazing journey and lessons learnt are priceless.

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  • Joyce    Jun 14, 2017

    Hello lenders its been long since I gave an update on the progress on my project. The water supply business is good though the beauty shop is experiencing some challenges which I'm trying to overcome.
    Despite the fact that I'm struggling to keep the businesses running at a reasonable profit, I'm trying my best to make the payments as I look forward for a revival.
    I have decided to change tactic and introduce other items that are showing better prospect.These are solar products and they are doing well because there is no electric connection in this area. I'm sourcing my products from DLight Limited, a US based company.

    I'm however glad that the financial support I got from you gave me a real good push that I'll live to appreciate.God bless the Zidisha family,To my lenders,people like you are rare may God bless you. too.

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  • Joyce    Jun 10, 2016

    I'm currently experiencing a down time in my business, but I'm working towards giving it life again.However, I thank Zidisha for their support. It could not have been easy without you. Thanks.

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  • Bernard    Jun 10, 2016

    Joyce has said she will pay tomorrow.

    Kind Regards,
    VM, Bernard

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  • Bernard    Mar 22, 2016

    Joyce has said she will clear the outstanding balance within the next three days.

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  • Bernard    Jan 27, 2016

    She's planning to pay tommorow

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  • Joyce    Dec 18, 2015

    Hi, Here is the tank I bought. It's been of great help to the people around. Surely, water is life.

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  • Joyce    Sep 11, 2015

    Hello lenders, I want to heartily thank you the support you accorded to me. I have managed to buy everything I needed to buy and now we have a tank where people can fetch water without walking for very long distances.

    I have also added some stock to my existing business. It's really exciting to see these things happening in a way I only ever imagined.

    Thank you.

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  • Wendy Emlyn    Sep 9, 2015

    Thanks for your first payment, Joyce.
    God bless you,

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    • Joyce    Sep 11, 2015

      Thank you too. I'm really glad for your support we are progressing well.

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  • Joyce    Aug 15, 2015

    I was pleasantly surprised to find my loan funded fully in a matter of hours. I can't say thank you enough. It has come at a much needed time and again I say thank you to my wonderful and supportive lenders.

    Using the $900 from my lenders, I will buy a tank that can hold 100,000 liters of water. I will use $ 600 to purchase the tank, then $150 to build a stand for the tank and the rest $100 to purchase the first stock of water.

    Through this project, I'm sure to increase my family's income by around 25% every month. I'm going to employ one or two people to help me supply the water. I'm excited to help in this way. To the people around, they will use the time they wasted looking for water doing something else.

    It's no longer a dream but a reality. The residents here can now,in a few days access clean water at low prices . I will soon be posting the photos .
    Thank you.

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  • Joyce    Jul 26, 2015

    Life will never be the same again. That's the song I sing since I met Zidisha, the awesome team.

    I want to take the opportunity to appreciate all my financiers at Zidisha for the great work they are doing in the lives of small upcoming entrepreneurs. I being one of them.

    Through the funding from Zidisha I was able to start a business which has grown in big way. I can now support my family by supplementing the income and also cater for some of my extended family's needs. We live a better life now.

    I can't say thanks enough. Wishing you the best as you carry on this noble duty.

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