To buy flour to bake

Antwi Portia

Dzana, Ghana

153% paid forward



Antwi Portia

Member since

February 2022

On-time repayments

5 installments  •  80%

About Me

My name is antwi Portia ampofowaa. I was born in 1999. 28th October. I like playing football so people use to laugh at me that how come a lady can play football like that. I completed t Martina presby jhs and primary. I completed vocational school in accra

My Business

Am a caterer where I bake bread and cake. But recently I have started a new project where I bake a very cake for companies where they can share in or at work place.

Project Proposal

I have started a new project where I bake big cake for companies and I will say they buying and is need money to promote the business to move on well. I really need money to promote my business.I will pay later





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Mar 5, 2022



Anfoega, Ghana


Gblenkor, Ghana

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Payments Forward

Amount returned to the platform for this project


Pay It Forward Projects funded by Antwi Portia

$215 (5 Projects)

Projects funded by Antwi Portia's Pay It Forward recipients

$274 (4 Projects)

Antwi Portia paid it forward to: