Purchase and sale of locally produced cocoa beans


Adansi Fumso, Ghana

17% repaid




Member since

July 2015

On-time repayments

221 installments  •  17%

About Me

I graduated Senior High School on the year 2012 and in High School days I got involve in a lot of school activities. Soon after my graduation I join a community volunteer team to help in clean up exercises and security matters in my community to help maintain peace and order in my community making it a very good place to stay in the district and got actively involved in my community issues. I have been in office in treasury position in my church and in school on several instances which is because I love to save for the future and so I vie for such positions when any opportunity like them become vacant. With th is capabilities in the management of money which I love to do I started to operate a retail shop in my area to sell provisions to schools, shops and other general gatherings to make some funds for myself. I was then employed as a purchasing clerk to buy cocoa products for a company for a commission to earn a living. I was doing well at that position by using my marketing skills to attract more people to buy from me with this sales shoot up from my office more and more and I realize that I can do better. I went for seminars, get trained as an entrepreneur who can manage things well properly to be able to manage effectively. After intensive training my skilled were tried up in offices by other Distribution officers. I was then given the mandate to establish my own business to start a new life. I then rent a shop beside the road to start buying cocoa beans and other products relating to cocoa to selling it to companies to make a living which is very good business for that I can breathe on it and that is what I am doing presently and aiming higher than now.

My Business

I sell cocoa beans to companies for a living. It helps my people a lot because my country Ghana is bless with resources and cocoa is one of them. With this many people has turn to be farmers of cocoa cash crop to earn a living which is one the lucrative businesses around the country. My establishment of the office in my community to buy cocoa beans from local farmers has help the farmers a lot since they have where to go and sell their product for their hard labour.Because of many farmers growing cocoa in my area, the percentage at which the cocoa should be bought to put smile on the faces of these customers is low since they are mostly paid on installment basis and on credit basis slowing up business. My business is capital intensive and therefore it needs adequate funds to keep it on track as expected. Competition is gradually rising since the market is going high. My business is slowing down and therefore it does need help to help meet it objectives. I t is in the objective of the business to expand to have branches at other areas so as to be a main distributor as other companies are engaged in. My dream is finally becoming real since I was introduce to a money lending company in USA to help me get funds to buy products from clients very quick to be advantaged enough to stay out of competition and help move my business forward as stated. I am more passionate with my business and am working harder to help it rise up as needed and becoming one of the well-known cocoa buying industry in my area with the help of God I can make it to the top of the competition and meet the expansional objectives of the business and make it real with the help of zidisha.org

Loan Proposal

I will use the secured loan to buy more cocoa beans to maximize the profit gain to expand the business to get more branches and make the dreams, aspirations and objectives of the business real. Doing this will help maximize the organisation for progress and stay out of competition for a better share of the business cake to help make a meaningful living for the business, myself and the people as well.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 14, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

51 months



Tim Koppel



Trinidad, California, United States


Culemborg, Netherlands


Nelson, New Zealand




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  • Beatrice    Mar 19, 2019

    Will be able to pay more later on my business is down

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  • Beatrice    Nov 25, 2018

    Am not financially stable now and l will like to reduce the installment amount. Thank you.

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  • Beatrice    Aug 1, 2015

    l have to reduce the amount down so as to increase business fund and also not to be in pressure to run my business.

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  • Beatrice    Jul 15, 2015

    Awesome, I have receive my loan and thank you all for giving me access to it. I will give update to all advantages this loan will bring into my business.

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