I"ll venture capital for developing


Jakarta Barat, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

45 installments  •  69%

About Me

this is where I try or start. my business from my father who is now no longer. so I"m the successor or the next generation who continue the efforts of the father"s pioneering work that has been pioneering from the young age of my father. so I want to develop more businesses that already exist. for example open open branch again in front of the house. and who hold his business is my own isrtri.karena plan my wife want to quit work he would like to open own business aja rich that exist today.biar also close to my child who is still small

My Business

from my sales efforts and sometimes from odd jobs. and for that my wife want to open a business so that later can be saved or saved for my child later my wife is selling too well while keeping the child sold noodles pretty well earnings dn also simple so many businesses where hopefully aja successful from the new open

Loan Proposal

Create added capital for what I want to open more branches. As my wife would selling pny own business. krn my wife used to work then it is for the added capital

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

ini adalah tempat saya berusaha atau berjulaan .
usaha saya dari ayah saya yg sekarang sudah tiada lagi. jadi saya penerus atau generasi selanjutnya yg meneruskan usaha hasil jerih payah ayah yg sudah merintis dari usia muda ayah saya.jadi saya ingin mengembangkan lagi usaha yang udah ada.misal buka mau buka cabang lagi di depan rumah . dan yang pegang usaha nya adalah isrtri saya sendiri.karena rencana istri saya mau berhenti kerja dia mau buka usaha sendiri aja kaya yang ada sekarang ini .biar juga dekat sama anak saya yang masih kecil

My Business

dari usaha saya jualan dan kadang dari usaha serabutan. dan untuk itu istri saya mau buka usaha agar nanti bisa disimpan atau ditabung buat anak saya kelak udah besar istri saya berjualan juga sambil jaga anak .jualan bakmi lumayan penghasilannya dn juga simpel jadi usaha ini banyak dimana mana semoga aja sukses dari buka yg baru

Loan Proposal

Buat tambah modal krn saya ingin buka lagi cabang. Karena istri saya mau berjualan pny usaha sendiri.krn istri saya dulu bekerja maka itu buat tambah modal





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 9, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

4 weeks


Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Ask Budi a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Jun 8, 2017


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
May 20, 2017 $0.77 May 18, 2017 $0.77
May 27, 2017 $1.54 May 26, 2017 $1.54
Jun 3, 2017 $2.31 May 30, 2017 $2.31
Jun 10, 2017 $3.46 Jun 8, 2017 $3.46
