
Ade Rohmah

Jakarta Timur, Indonesia

100% repaid



Ade Rohmah

Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

42 installments  •  57%

About Me

-I grew up in a family that has to work hard to make ends meet __- when I"m having difficulties in my life I"ll keep trying to find a solution to solve my problems and keep thinking positively that there will be opportunities or solutions to my problems __- on the basis of my desire not to work under the pressure of others. __- a society that is open to the latest developments, people who openly accept every citizen who comes __- my ideals is to have a steady business and open up business opportunities for others __- my hobby is solitary in the open

My Business

I sell a variety of snacks, convenience stores, daily needs, and 3 contracted door l. My store is open 24 hours, and only close when there is urgent event. I have 2 employees for morning and night watch. With my bookkeeping I monitor my efforts - The advantage I use for my daily needs and employee salaries. Partly I save for my business development plan

Loan Proposal

I will include the funds for the brilink transaction turns. Where with the transaction we benefit from administration. From the collected administration I can pay the mortgage

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

-Saya tumbuh di keluarga yang harus bekerja keras untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup
-ketika saya menemui kesulitan hidup saya akan terus berusaha mencari solusi untuk memecahkan permasalahan saya dan tetap berfikir positif bahwa akan ada peluang atau solusi dari permasalahan saya
-atas dasar keinginan saya untuk tidak bekerja dibawah tekanan orang lain.
-masyarakat yang terbuka terhadap perkembangan terbaru, masyarakat yang mau menerima dengan terbuka setiap warga yang datang
-cita2 saya adalah memiliki usaha tetap dan membuka peluang usaha untuk orang lain
-hobi saya adalah menyendiri di alam terbuka

My Business

Saya berjualan aneka macam snack, toko pulsa, kebutuhan sehari2, dan 3 pintu kontrakan l. Toko saya buka 24 jam, dan hanya tutup ketika ada acara mendesak. Saya memiliki 2 orang karyawan untuk berjaga pagi dan malam. Dengan pembukuan saya memantau usaha saya

Keuntungan saya gunakan untuk kebutuhan sehari2 dan gaji karyawan. Sebagian saya simpan untuk rencana pengembangan usaha saya

Loan Proposal

Saya akan memasukan dana tersebut untuk perputaran transaksi brilink. Dimana dengan transaksi tersebut kita mendapatkan keuntungan dari administrasi. Dari administrasi yg dikumpulkan saya dapat membayar cicilan





  • Will    Oct 12, 2017

    Ade Rohmah paid her loan in full. I would loan to her again.

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 15, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months



Paul Graham

United States



London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom

Craig Newmark

United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



United States


Craig Newmark

United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Ask Ade Rohmah a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Ade Rohmah    Sep 15, 2017

    - will be submitted to brilink account __- with brilink fund I will do sales transaction __- thanks for trust

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  • Ade Rohmah    Sep 6, 2017

    - brilink capital __- with brilink we benefit __- for payment transactions __- my first child has just passed the kung fu test __- this week i just made a birthday surprise for my husband

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  • Ade Rohmah    Jun 30, 2017

    - I have received funding 748,125 __- I will top up for pulse capital __- thanks for the funds you provide

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  • Ade Rohmah    Jun 30, 2017

    - the money will I top up full for the sales of __- pulse of the sale I will mengumpilkan interest for payment zidisha __- thanks for the trust of the funder for the umpteenth time. I will keep the message from you all. Thank you ;)

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  • Ade Rohmah    Jun 25, 2017

    This is my 3rd loan, thank God 2x installment loan goes smoothly. Hopefully my business is well developed to keep zidisha trust with full responsibility

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  • Ade Rohmah    Jun 16, 2017

    - I already received 500,000 on my loan __- I have made a pastry for sale on this festivities __- thanks for the funders, because you I can increase my business.

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  • Ade Rohmah    May 15, 2017

    . By purchasing raw materials and processing them into salable foods. By buying raw materials I can produce cookies for sale__. Thank you for your trust

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  • Ade Rohmah    Apr 27, 2017

    ____- -500 000 I would buy pastries ____- thank you for your trust

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  • Ade Rohmah    Apr 26, 2017

    -with manage the money for business capital entirely __- I will membelinga cake straight from the factory, so I get affordable prices __- thank you for trusting me

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