Business attire


Dki Jakarta, Indonesia

9% repaid




Member since

July 2015

On-time repayments

23 installments  •  9%

About Me

I was the youngest child of 4 bersodara.saya stay in jl.anggur No. 79 Kelapadua wetan, Ciracas, East Jakarta 13730, educational computer sya DIII LP3I accounting in central Jakarta. I start entrepreneurship due to be office workers n bottlenecks that limited time, so I opened a furniture of teak full, because I really liked Dr. teak fixtures such. My hobby with sport, and I am also one of the members of the rescue team Indonesia. I already have children, and because they are so motivated me to become org sukse.Love you my family n my child.

My Business

I sold perbotan household / fixtures just as cabinets, chairs, sofas, beds, dining tables, etc. Made of genuine teak not there is an element of the mix. My customers choose to buy products from me because the price is affordable but a very good quality and in furniture we dberikan warranty for perawatanya. Stuff "we secured the warranty, quality

Loan Proposal

With interchangeable keuntungn clothing business sy 400,000 / month and business mash pulse sy home .__ With this loan will help me to increase the capital for my business .__ And I will make the repayments on time and will not mengecewakn.trimakasih bat all his help.

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About Me

Saya adalah anak paling bungsu dari 4 bersodara.saya tinggal di jl.anggur no 79 kelapadua wetan,ciracas jaktim 13730,pendidikan sya DIII komputer akuntansi di LP3I jakarta pusat. Saya memulai berwirausaha dikarenakan menjadi pekerja kantoran itu terbatas waktu n kemacetan, jadi saya membuka usaha furniture dari jati full,karena saya sangat menyukai perlengkapan dr bahan kayu jati tersebut. Saya hobi dgn olahraga, dan saya juga salah satu anggota dari tim rescue Indonesia. Saya sudah memiliki anak, dan karena mereka saya jadi terpacu untuk menjadi org sukse.Love you my family n my child.

My Business

Saya menjual perbotan rumah tangga/perlengkapan sperti lemari,kursi,sofa,tempat tidur,meja makan,dll. Yang terbuat dari bahan jati asli bukan ada unsur campuran. Pelanggan saya memilih membeli product dari saya dikarenakan harganya yang terjangkau namun kualitas yg sangat baik dan di furniture kami dberikan garansi untuk perawatanya. Barang" kami dijamin garansinya,kualitasnya & harga ygterjangkau. Kami mendapatkan skitar 15jt bersih tiap bulannya skitar 3jt pengeluarannya. Bahkan kebanyakan dari planggan saya memberikan gambar atw model yg mereka inginkan. Saya mngajukan pinjaman karena saya ingin mbuat domain untuk Furniture saya,dan saya ingin membuka galery furniture di daerah kemang jakarta. Dan saya akan mengembalikan uang pinjaman tersebut dr keuntungan usaha furniture saya, dengan waktu yg tidak terlalu lama.

Loan Proposal

Dengan bisnis pakaian sy dpt keuntungn 400.000/bln dan sy mash berbisnis pulsa dirumah.
Dengan pinjaman ini akan membantu saya untuk penambahan modal untuk usaha saya.
Dan saya akan membayar cicilan dengan tepat waktu dan tidak akan mengecewakn.trimakasih bat semua bantuannya.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 16, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

5 months




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Ask Ruchsha a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Rahmat Norma Sonhaji    Feb 19, 2016

    Today is the third time trying to contact him, but there was still no response from him there may be other obstacles that he may be late making a payment and hope for lenders understand and memakluminya thanks

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  • Rahmat Norma Sonhaji    Jan 10, 2016

    for lenders sorry I have not heard from him so I do not know why he was late in paying the loan installments zidisha

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  • Rahmat Norma Sonhaji    Nov 5, 2015

    Dear ruchsha please let me know and funders why you were late paying installments to funders can understand your condition

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  • Rahmat Norma Sonhaji    Sep 17, 2015

    in fact a few days earlier I had warned him to immediately pay the loan installments zidisha but he did not respond reason why until now have not paid installments

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  • Ruchsha    Aug 23, 2015

    Thank zidisha loan already liquid and already I traded instruments already existing compressor. Once again thank you for funders

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  • Ruchsha    Aug 13, 2015

    Thanks to funders who have given pinjamanya. I will use your faith to me and my business. Please pray that my furniture business can run smoothly. Slowly but surely. I will use this loan to make up the shortfall of funds to buy equipment for furniture such as compressors. And I will pay the mortgage in a timely manner.

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