Cost for home renovation


Surabaya, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

26 installments  •  58%

About Me

Hello Zidisha introduce my name heri my man is single, how do i build this business ?? stems from me being laid off from the workplace and finally receiving pesangong and from there I use my best to open a business selling meatballs until now and alhamdulillah to be able to open the branch again

My Business

I chose a business selling meatballs because I used to work in my factory to help my uncle who has a business selling meatballs, from there I have the intention to open my own business that originally also learned from my uncle, and thanks to the effort and prayers my parents can open a branch again , and the results of selling little by little I collect for the cost of home renovation

Loan Proposal

Of this loan I will use for the cost of my personal home renovation because my goal before marriage I was able to renovate and then I can stay with my wife here zidisha very help me because I think it is zidisha who can help the lower classes and for the deposit is not burdensome Hope I am here hopefully my loan application mendaptkan approv and acc soon and my business more smoothly and forward to its fore

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Hello Zidisha perkenalkan nama saya heri saya laki-laki masih lajang,bagaimana saya membangun bisnis ini?? bermula dari saya di PHK dari tempat kerja dan akhirnya menerima pesangong dan dari situ saya pergunakan sebaik mungkin untuk membuka usaha berjualan bakso sampai sekarang dan alhamdulillah sampai bisa membuka cabang kembali

My Business

saya memilih bisnis berjualan bakso karena dulu waktu masih bekerja di pabrik saya sempat membantu paman yang mempunyai usaha berjualan bakso,dari situ saya mempunyai niat untuk membuka usaha sendiri yang awalnya juga belajar dari paman,dan berkat usaha dan doa orang tua saya bisa membuka cabang lagi,dan hasil berjualan dikit demi sedikit saya kumpulkan untuk biaya renovasi rumah

Loan Proposal

dari dana pinjaman ini akan saya pergunakan untuk biaya renovasi rumah pribadi saya karena tujuan saya sebelum menikah saya sudah bisa merenovasi dan selanjutnya bisa saya tempati bersama istri di sini zidisha sangat membantu saya karena saya rasa zidisha lah yang bisa membantu golongan bawah dan untuk setoran tidak memberatkan harapan saya di sini semoga pengajuan pinjaman saya mendaptkan persetujuan dan acc secepatnya dan usaha saya semakin lancar dan maju untuk kedepan nya





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 29, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 months



Sandy, Utah, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States





Paul Graham

United States

John Minges

United States

Craig Newmark

United States

The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



Arlington, United States

Helen and Denis

Global citizens, United States

Ask Heri a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Aug 22, 2017


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Jul 11, 2017 $4.61 Jul 10, 2017 $4.61
Jul 18, 2017 $4.61 Aug 6, 2017 $4.61
Jul 25, 2017 $4.61 Aug 6, 2017 $4.61
Aug 1, 2017 $4.61 Aug 16, 2017 $4.61
Aug 8, 2017 $4.61 Aug 16, 2017 $4.61
Aug 15, 2017 $4.61 Aug 16, 2017 $4.61
Aug 22, 2017 $4.61 Aug 20, 2017 $4.61
Aug 29, 2017 $4.61 Aug 22, 2017 $4.61
Sep 5, 2017 $4.61 Aug 22, 2017 $4.61
Sep 12, 2017 $4.61 Aug 22, 2017 $4.61
Sep 19, 2017 $4.61 Aug 22, 2017 $4.61
Sep 26, 2017 $4.61 Aug 22, 2017 $4.61
Oct 3, 2017 $4.61 Aug 22, 2017 $4.61
Oct 10, 2017 $0.58 Aug 22, 2017 $0.58
