School fees


Banyuasin, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

June 2017

On-time repayments

113 installments  •  27%

About Me

my name is Bisri basara I live in Banyuasin regency, South Sumatera province, Indonesia I am married and have 2 children, my wife is a kindergarten teacher

My Business

my business is currently engaged in construction services and currently I am working on the installation of piles and welding water pipes and I need additional capital for my business.

Loan Proposal

To pay school fees for children, home loans, spending money, increase business capital and the necessities of life

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

nama saya Bisri basara saya tinggal di kabupaten Banyuasin, provinsi Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia saya sudah menikah dan mempunyai 2 orang anak, isteri saya seorang guru taman kanak-kanak

My Business

usaha saya saat ini bergerak di bidang jasa konstruksi dan saat ini saya sedang mengerjakan pemasangan tiang pancang dan pengelasan pipa air minum dan saya membutuhkan penambahan modal untuk usaha saya ini.

Loan Proposal

untuk membayar biaya sekolah anak,kredit rumah, uang belanja, menambah modal usaha dan kebutuhan hidup





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 8, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

7 months

Other loans


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Bidr a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Bidr    Dec 2, 2018

    I currently have no job

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  • J    Mar 7, 2018

    The unrecorded payments from November are now (since 1 month) recorded.

    Please make a payment on your Zidisha loan. Lenders loaned to you with good faith that they would be paid back in a timely manner. Zidisha is a powerful tool when used correctly to grow a business. Do not throw away an opportunity to prosper in the future.

    Please also post a photo of *yourself* as the profile picture, at the very top of the screen. This is a Zidisha requirement. Please take care of this, as soon as possible. Thank you!

    Kind regards,
    Team Zidisha

    Ps. This is a place to communicate with lenders. If you need help from Zidisha staff about your account then you should always create a support ticket using the help menu (

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  • Bidr    Mar 7, 2018

    now I am having financial problems

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  • Bidr    Nov 26, 2017

    I have paid zidisha installment on 20 November 2017 for 6 weeks installment of Rp. 120.000, why today is November 26, 2017 I got an email that I have not paid the installment. Here I attach my zidisha application screenshot. thank you

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  • Bidr    Nov 17, 2017

    because the bill for my work is often late I received

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  • Bidr    Nov 10, 2017

    thank you for your loan aid.

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  • Bidr    Oct 26, 2017

    thank you for your loan assistance, thanks to your help my child"s school fees can be paid off. Once again, thank you.

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