The cost of my son"s hospital


Kabupaten Semarang, Indonesia

9% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

58 installments  •  19%

About Me

Introduce my name clara born in klaten 27 years ago. I have 4 sisters who are very dear to me. . My mother died when I was 3 years old because of blood cancer and since then my father remarried. After my father remarried I was living with my grandmother and my life was financed by my aunt who works in Semarang. Because I do not want to always bother my aunt, I decided to work side by side after coming home from school as a seller of pulses on the roadside. But it all does not interfere with the value of my school with the proven value of my graduates got a flat 9.0 .__ After I graduate school I moved to semarang work as a restaurant employee. . Do not want to stop here, in 2012 I opened my online shop online business with the name clara shop according to my name. In 2013 I married after acquaintance for 3 years in 2015 I gave birth to my daughter asyifa and since that time my online business, I named asyifa shopp until now. __Then in august 2015 i opened my offline store for the first time with initial capital of only $ 250. In late 2015 I gave birth to my second child alfarizky, I gave the name alfarizky because his birth brought fortune to me.

My Business

I opened a business with my husband in a doll trade bidamg online and offline. Starting from a capital of approximately 2.5 million I bought a mixed doll ranging from a small jumbo and responsibility, why I chose to open this business than the culinary business that was growing rapidly? ? yes. . Because I see great opportunities in my business. And again its main ingredients can last long without having to fear expied. In addition I also see a lot of his enthusiasts among the people who like to be puppets. I am not maximized in sales because the absence of business premises is also limited to existing funds but thank God in one month I can sell almost 50-100 dolls from small to jumbo with a net profit of almost $ 150 per month. . Although there are times when my merchandise is quiet. . But I never forget to set aside my 3% profit for people in need and every month we also provide free groceries for our poor sodara and free monthly dolls for underprivileged children in buying their favorite dolls. My net profit, I am collecting for the future of children next day in the future hopefully and happiness of those who always pray for me

Loan Proposal

I would like to use the funds from zidisha for medical purposes and my second child care alfarizky. . My child suffered from low pulmonary and albumin infections that caused his lungs and his whole body to fill up with fluids that had to be removed immediately so as not to clog my child"s breathing. . For the cost of treatment per day mmbutuhkan approximately $ 20-35 per day. . And it"s not yet an outside drug to buy like supplements or vitamins. __I hope the zidisha is willing to give me a loan so that I can do the treatment as much as possible__I hope the investors are willing to help me to provide loan funds. . Before and afterwards I say thank you very much.

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About Me

Perkenalkan nama saya clara lahir di klaten 27tahun yang lalu. Saya mempunyai 4 kakak perempuan yang sangat sayang kepada saya. . Ibu saya meninggal dunia saat saya berusia 3tahun karena kangker darah dan sejak saat itu pula ayah saya menikah lagi.
setelah ayah saya menikah lagi saya hidup bersama nenek saya dan kehidupan saya dibiayai oleh tante saya yang bekerja di semarang. Karena saya tak ingin selalu merepotkan tante saya,saya memutuskan bekerja sampingan setelah pulang sekolah sebagai penjual pulsa di pinggir jalan. Tapi itu semua tak mengganggu nilai sekolah saya dengan terbuktinya nilai lulusan saya mendapat rata 9,0.
Setelah saya lulus sekolah saya hijrah ke semarang bekerja sebagai karyawan restoran. . Tak ingin berhenti sampai disini,tahun 2012 saya membuka usaha online shop saya dengan nama online clara shop sesuai nama saya . Tahun 2013 saya menikah setelah berkenalan selama 3tahun di tahun 2015 saya melahirkan anak perempuan saya asyifa dan sejak saat itu usaha online saya, saya beri nama asyifa shopp sampai sekarang.
Kemudian di bulan agustus 2015 saya membuka toko offline saya untuk pertama kali dengan modal awal hanya $250. Tahun 2015 akhir saya melahirkan anak kedua saya alfarizky, saya beri nama alfarizky karena kelahirannya membawa rejeki bagi saya.

My Business

Saya membuka usaha bersama suami saya di bidamg perdagangan boneka baik secara online maupun offline. Dimulai dari modal kurang lebih 2.5juta saya membeli boneka campur mulai dari yang jumbo kecil dan tanggung,kenapa saya nemilih membuka usaha ini daripada usaha kuliner yang saat itu berkembang pesat??ya. .karena saya melihat peluang besar di usaha saya ini. Dan lagi bahan utama nya bisa bertahan lama tanpa harus takut expied. Selain itu saya juga melihat banyak nya peminatdi antara masyarakat yang suka akan boneka. saya memang belum maksimal dalam penjualan dikarenakan belum adanya tempat usaha juga dibatasi dana yang ada tapi alhamdulilah syukurilah dalam satu bulan saya bisa menjual hampir 50-100 boneka dari yg kecil sampai yang jumbo dengan laba bersih hampir $150 tiap bulannya. .walau ada kalanya dagangan saya sepi. .tapi saya tak pernah lupa untuk menyisihkan hasil keuntungan saya 3% untuk orang yang membutuhkan dan setiap bulan kami juga memberikan sembako gratis untuk sodara kami yang tak mampu dan boneka gratis tiap bulannya untuk anak yang kurang mampu dalam membeli boneka kesayangan mereka. Keuntungan bersih saya, saya kumpulkan untuk masa depan anak say besoknya diwaktu mendatang semoga dan kebahagian mereka yang selalu mendoakan saya

Loan Proposal

Saya ingin menggunakan dana dari zidisha untuk keperluan pengobatan dan rawat inap anak kedua saya alfarizky . . Anak saya menderita infeksi paru2 dan albumin rendah yang menyebabkan paru2 nya dan seluruh tubuhnya terisi cairan yang harus dikeluarkan segera agar tak menyumbat pernafasan anak saya. . Untuk biaya pengobatan perhari mmbutuhkan kurang lebih $20-35 tiap harinya. .dan itu belum obat luar yang harus dibeli seperti suplemen atau vitamin.
Saya berharap pihak zidisha berkenan memberikan pinjaman untuk saya sehingga saya dapat melakukan pemgobatan semaksimal mungkin
Saya berharap para investor bersedia membantu saya untuk memberi dana pinjaman. .sebelumnya dan sesudahnya saya mengucapkan trima kasih banyak.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 17, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

11 months

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  • Angga    May 5, 2024

    Sorry, for all this time I have not been able to pay the loan installments because my finances or income is not sufficient to pay, with my current condition I am still in the process of treatment in hospital, God willing, after I recover I will start paying the installments again, please understand. Thank you

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  • Petrus Haryono    Sep 1, 2017

    Keep trust. ontime installments let the credit limit go up and more useful

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  • Ratna    Jul 31, 2017

    I have contacted him, and will make payment soon, tomorrow 01 August 2017

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  • Angga    Jul 25, 2017

    Good morning I say__Sebelumnnya I want to apologize because I have not paid the installment because I was again in the hospital almost 15hari this day taking care of alpha. . Next week my husband will pay again. . I"d just say thanks for your help

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  • Angga    Jul 12, 2017

    Sorry I can not comment on a lot but I am always grateful for the help given to me__I ask my prayer for my children

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  • Angga    Jun 28, 2017

    Sorry I seem to want to reduce my installment amount because next week I will take my child for control on 4th

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  • Angga    Jun 28, 2017

    Good night I say to the donors zidisha who has helped me. . Alhamdulilah Alfa was able to return home and I took him straight to Klaten to visit his grandmother"s grave (my mother) asking for her prayers and blessings. Alfa back control on 4 July I begged all to pray for my son hopefully no serious problems or disorders and should not be treated again at rs karyadi

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  • Angga    Jun 22, 2017

    I thank you again for the zidisha donors. . This time the alpha has improved. . Kmrn just had a head usgn and the result was just 4 o"clock and because the doctor was off till 4th I wanted to bring the alpha home first. .

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  • Angga    Jun 17, 2017

    Once again I would like to say many thanks for the loan that was given to me. , I received the amount of loan idr976 .000 and this will I use for ultrasound rogsen stomach and chest to see if the liquid has reduced paru2 my son. , May the Lord repay all donors to me. I would like to say many thanks

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  • Angga    Jun 17, 2017

    First of all I say a lot of thanks to the zidisha donors who have trusted me once more. __With the aid of funds from zidisha I will do some action for alpha that I have not been able to fulfill before. . . Once lg i thank you very much

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  • Chris    Jun 17, 2017

    I hope your son gets better! My son had fluid in his lungs when he was born and it was a scary thing for us.

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  • Angga    Jun 17, 2017

    One of tansu dong menu is in enjoy kak syifa

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  • Angga    Jun 17, 2017

    In addition to selling the doll I also have a tansu (ketan susu) stall which I named TansuDong fafa which means the sticky milk ketan its alfa syifa. . And has been running almost 4bulan this. . Our shop is open from 5pm-9pm

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  • Angga    Jun 17, 2017

    Nebull__Tiap Alfa in the morning and afternoon so that breathing is not smooth seams. ,

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  • Angga    Jun 17, 2017

    Due to my child drop back I want to use my second zidisha loan for my son"s medical expenses. . Hopefully soon be approved to be funded

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  • Angga    Jun 16, 2017

    On this second loan I want to buy doll stock before Eid arrives. . I hope hopefully can be funded before Eid so I can display on time

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  • Angga    Jun 15, 2017

    Some examples of small asyifa shopp dolls (our online store name). . And thank God we always give the best for our customer

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  • Angga    Jun 15, 2017

    This is my youngest child. . Alfarizky. . There are times when I have to stop selling because my child is sick with lung infections and low albumin but I am still trying to carry out my responsibilities. Because I do not want to disappoint my investors who already trust me. Thank you for the opportunity

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  • Angga    Jun 14, 2017

    Alhamdulilah before my Eid sales more or less more than ever. Therefore I can nelunasi my loan sebwlnyanya and I intend to apply for more loans to purchase more doll stock before Lebaran because of the exact shipping expedition will be a lot of holidays. Thanks zidisha

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  • Angga    Jun 12, 2017

    Alhamdulilah my sales akhir2 is more increased. . So I can add my installment value

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