Loan to help with childbirth costs


Cimahi, Indonesia

52% repaid




Member since

May 2015

On-time repayments

237 installments  •  93%

About Me

I am a housewife who is trying to look for extra income for the household. I live in a nice location with friendly neighbours. I have started my business since 2013, starting from selling bed linen, which is made from patchworks sewed by a tailor. After that, I try to expand my business by selling deep fried tapioca (cireng). However, I am having a problem with the capital. Cireng is a unique snack that people like. I hope I can expand my business by selling cireng with the help of Zidisha.

My Business

I am going to use the loan from Zidisha to add my business capital for selling cireng. Cireng is one of the original food in my town, Bandung. It is special because it is chewy, tasty, spicy and topped with a delicious peanut sauce. My revenue can be around 3 million rupiah per month, with a profit of 1 million rupiah. This profit will be used to pay for the household expenses and to add more capital to the business.

Loan Proposal

In 3-4 weeks I will give birth to our third child, and for that I need the cost for hospital delivery, hope with the help of the funder will make it easier for me in payment and also some supplies for baby that I need to buy, please help , The estimated cost of hospital deliveries is around Rp. 4000.000- Rp. 5000.000, and for mmebeli baby needs about Rp. 1,000,000

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About Me

Saya seorang ibu rumah tangga biasa yang mencoba mencari penghasilan tambahan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan rumah tangga , saya tinggal di lingkunagn yang baik dengan para tetangga yang ramah , saya memulai usaha ini pada tahun 2013 dengan menjual sprei perca yang saya jual dengan meminta bantuan penjahit untuk membuat dan saya menjual nya , setelah itu saya mencoba mengembangkan usaha saya dengan menjual cireng isi buatan saya , namun masih terkendala dalam permodalan , cireng ini merupakan makanan unik yang sangat di gemari , semoga dengan bantuan dari zidisha saya dapat memperluas usaha saya di bidang makanan ringan ini (cireng)

My Business

dalam waktu kurang dari 4 minggu ini saya akan melahirkan putra ketiga, dan saya membutuhkan biaya buat persalinan dan membeli beberapa perlengkapan, semoga dengan pinjaman ini dapat memudahkan saya untuh membayar biaya rumah sakit, dan barang yang saya butuhkan untuk kelengkapan bayi ketika sudah lahir

Loan Proposal

dalam 3-4 minggu ini saya akan melahirkan anak ketiga kami, dan untuk itu saya membutuhkan biaya untuk persalinan di rumah sakit, semoga dengan bantuan dari pendana akan lebih memudahkan saya dalam pembayaran dan juga ada beberapa perlengkapan buat bayi yang harus saya beli, mohon bantuan nya, perkiraan biaya persalinan di rumah sakit sekitar Rp. 4000.000- Rp. 5000.000, dan untuk mmebeli kebutuhan bayi sekitar Rp. 1.000.000





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 19, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

31 months


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States


Geneva, Switzerland

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

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  • Ifen    Dec 28, 2017

    in a few months back, we have financial difficulties, apologize for the delay, hopefully we can pay early in the future.

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  • Mahfudin    Oct 20, 2017

    Dear, lender, I"ve mediated him, I"ve sent a message via Messenger, to finish and review his payment schedule, Thanks!

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  • Mahfudin    Sep 14, 2017

    Hello , . Ifen Andina, please redeem your payment schedule if there are any difficulties or other obstacles you can contact us __Thank you!

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  • Ifen    Jul 13, 2017

    Alhamdulillah, was born safely our third daughter, weighing 3.9 kilos and 50 centimeters long, with a normal delivery

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  • Ifen    Jul 13, 2017

    Putri ketiga kami Kanaya Himawari Dania

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  • Ifen    May 29, 2017

    Alhamdulillah, my loan has been accepted, and some have been used to buy some supplies, some of them I save for labor costs, thanks the funders who have helped me

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  • Ifen    May 19, 2017

    thank God, thank the funders, may benefit you smeua Diba olleh gods, and I hope to help me will also facilitate the financing of labor

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  • Ifen    May 14, 2017

    Alhamdulillah, with the help of the funders, I can sell cookies and produce cireng as expected, and this is very helpful to me, thanks to the lenders, and hopefully this time loan can facilitate me in paying hospital fees for the cost of childbirth

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  • Ifen    Apr 19, 2016

    A few days ago, I received a text message informing her that the contents of zidisha loans can be availed through my wallet account, I do not think faster than a week, thanks to the funders, soon I will use these funds to buy materials cake,

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  • Ifen    Apr 15, 2016

    Thanks to all who have helped to fund me, may the common good of you, I will use these funds to the best of his fine, thank you

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  • Ifen    Apr 12, 2016

    I am grateful to the assistance of zidisha help me in trying to sell, and now my loan has been paid off, hopefully my submission his following will be facilitated __Terima you to funders who has been supporting me, and the team zidisha which always reminds me of the date of maturity, again thanks .

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  • Ifen    Dec 12, 2015

    It is one of the mountain scenery near the house, the air is still cool with a waterfall, which certainly fresh

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  • Ifen    Dec 12, 2015

    I am very grateful for the assistance provided by donors, as long as I got help in the form of a loan I"ve been several times to sell goods according to the season, effort cireng I have not developed as expected, but I tried to divert capital into the business of selling food that others pending if there is an order cireng __Sekali again thanks for the help given.

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  • Ifen    Jun 2, 2015

    Alhamdulillah , terima kasih kepada para pendana yg telah membantu saya ,
    Saat ini saya menggunakan uang itu untuk menambah modal menjual coklat dan kue kering untuk lebaran tahun ini , dan hasil nya lumayan , sudah banyak yang pesan coklat dan kue kering pada saya

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  • Ifen    May 24, 2015

    Alhamdulillah, Pinjaman yang saya perlukan sudah diterima , terima kasih kepada para pemberi pinjaman, semoga saya bisa amanah dan usaha saya bisa bertambah maju

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  • Annah    May 13, 2015

    Nice work keep up i wish you all the best in your business venture.

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