Buy rice


Sidoarjo, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

10 installments  •  100%

About Me

introduce me siti munawaroh. born in sidoarjo on 18 june 1981. I am the fourth child of six siblings. now i have 2 children. the first age of 5 years and the second age of 1"5 years and both are women. I sekararang still working in pt wings surya surabaya since 1997. did not feel already 20 years of service and close to the retirement period of 5 years.

My Business

I worked in pt wings surya surabaya since 1997. did not feel already 20 years of service and close to the retirement period of 5 years. I started thinking to start a business after I retired. and at the start of the moment .. my business choice falls on the trade .. but i have a constraint on the capital where the trade need money not a little money. but that does not mean stop or wait for big capital. but I want to start with a minimal capital in accordance with the circumstances. and I want to apply for a loan for this venture capital. My business is small trades covering household needs .. like bath soap. laundry detergent. toothpaste. up to the needs of babies .. I do not have a big store and a house that is strategic to sell .. but I am sure my business will look fluent because I am able to compete in terms of price .. because customers will remain faithful if I can give a cheap price .. as for how I can give a cheaper price because I get my merchandise from promo-promo which I value cheaper than the agent price atoupun factory price .. here a lot of big store stores and minimarkets that often give big discoun and I want once exploited it. although a little profit but have many subscriptions with a fast turnover. then the profits will rise.

Loan Proposal

To meet the needs of our family meal. The loan we use to buy a sack of rice for the needs of a month of daily necessities. thanks. This loan is very helpful to my family and our family.

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About Me

perjenalkan saya siti munawaroh.
lahir di sidoarjo tanggal 18 juni 1981. saya anak ke empat dari enam bersaudara. sekarang saya memiliki 2 orang anak. yang pertama usia 5 tahun dan yang kedua usianya 1'5 tahun dan keduanya adalah perempuan. saya sekararang masih bekerja di pt wings surya surabaya sejak 1997.
tak terasa sudah 20 tahun mengabdi dan mendekati masa masa pensiun 5 tahun lagi.

My Business

saya bekerja di pt wings surya surabaya sejak 1997.
tak terasa sudah 20 tahun mengabdi dan mendekati masa masa pensiun 5 tahun lagi.
saya mulai berfikir untuk memulai usaha setelah saya pensiun nanti. dan di mulai dari saat ini.. pilihan usaha saya jatuh pada dagang.. tapi saya ada kendala pada modal yang di mana dagang butuh
dana uang tidak sedikit. tapi bukan berarti berhenti ato menunggu modal yang besar. tapi saya ingin memulai
dengan modal yang minim dulu sesuai dengan keadaan. dan saya ingin mengajukan pinjaman untuk modal usaha saya ini.
usaha saya adalah dagang kecil - kecilan meliputi kebutuhan rumah tangga.. seperti sabun mandi. sabun
cuci. pasta gigi. hingga keperluan bayi.. saya memang tidak mempunyai toko yang besar dan rumah yang
strategis untuk berjualan.. tapi saya yakin usaha saya akan tatap lancar karena saya mampu bersaing dalam segi harga.. karena pelanggan akan
tetap setia bila saya bisa memberikan harga murah..
adapun bagaiman saya bisa memberikan harga yang lebih murah karena saya
mendapatkan barang- barang dagangan saya dari promo-promo yang saya nilai lebih murah dari harga agen atoupun harga pabrik.. di sini banyak toko toko besar maupun minimarket yang sering memberikan discoun besar dan saya ingin sekali memanfaatkannya. walaupun untung sedikit tapi punya banyak langganan dengan perputaran dagang yang cepat. maka keuntungan akan meninggkat.

Loan Proposal

Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan makan keluarga kami. Pinjaman kami gunakan untuk membeli se karung beras untuk kebutuhan selama sebulan kebutuhan sehari - hari. Terima kasih. Pinjaman ini sangat membantu keluarga saya dan keluarga kami.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 15, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 weeks


Stefano Bertolo

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Ask Siti a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Siti    Dec 9, 2017

    I have difficulty when transfer through bank bni. because I"m just bca az. so I pay it all off, because every bank transfer is different from my cash 6500. thanks for the loan

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  • Siti    Nov 27, 2017

    Thank you. We have received the loan.

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  • Siti    Nov 15, 2017

    Thank you .. The loan is very helpful to my family

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  • Siti    Jun 11, 2017

    thanks. Loan I have received. Hopefully blessings for Lebaran this year. . Aminn. .

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  • Siti    May 26, 2017

    gratitude. . There is a fortune to immediately pay off my debt. thank you

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  • Siti    May 22, 2017

    thank you. The loan has been received.

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