Shopping complementary restaurants


Jakarta, Indonesia

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $78 goal


days left




Member since

July 2017

On-time repayments

16 installments  •  6%

About Me

My name is 31 years old with 2 boys and girls. . Sya pnya sumai yk work as security tp sya jg pnya own effort. . . Jd beside husbands sya work jg sya have personal income sendri

My Business

I am a business diner in jln worm raya KM 29 .. my business name wrng mother maryati_Ibu Maryati is the elder sya woman who is currently her business has been in sma sya karna mother sya yk condition is old must istrahat. . . By running this business also family sya jd responsibility jwb sya smua. . . Sya sell nasik and side dishes there are eating faforit in my wrung condro soup and duck most in gemarin sma consumer according to my consumer is faforit. . In addition to selling rice there roko and drinks to complement the contents of wrung, roko sya bungkusan sale and ketengan blanja roko quite expensive tp lucky few tp x lumayan. . . . Sya need funds for additional venture capital sya, sya want to buy roko slop slopan for shari enough shari skali alone all back to the agent because capital fund sya yk minimal

Loan Proposal

Make shopping for the needs of kitchen spices, vegetables, fish lauw, eggs. Which is in priority mature cuisine for food stalls sya kelolah.

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About Me

Nama ku erna usia 31 tahun mempuanyai 2 anak laki laki dan perempuan.. sya pnya sumai yk bekerja sebagi security tp sya jg pnya usaha sendiri... jd di samping suami sya kerja jg sya punya penghasilan pribadi sendri

My Business

saya usaha rumah makan di jln cacing raya KM 29.. nama usaha ku wrng ibu maryati
Ibu Maryati adalah orang tua perempuan sya yang saat ini usahanya sudah di serahkan sma sya karna kondisi ibu sya yk sudah tua harus istrahat... dgn menjalnin usaha ini pun keluarga sya jd tanggung jwb sya smua...sya menjual nasik dan lauk pauk ada makan faforit di wrung ku yaitu sop kondro dan bebek paling di gemarin sma konsumen menurut konsumenku itu faforit .. di samping jualan nasi ada roko dan minumannya untuk pelengkap isi wrung, roko sya jual bungkusan dan ketengan blanja roko lumayan mahal tp untung sesikit tp x lumayan.... sya membutuhkan dana untuk tambahan modal usaha sya, sya ingin sekali beli roko slop slopan agar blanja cukup shari skali saja sekalian tdk bolak balik ke agen karna modal dana sya yk minim

Loan Proposal

buat belanja keperluan bumbu dapur, sayur-sayuran, lauw ikan, telor. yg di utamakan masakan matang untuk warung yg sya kelolah.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 12, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

2 months

Other loans




United States

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  • Erna    Jul 22, 2017

    Quick get paid. . . In order to be able to loan next and add contents of my shop

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  • Erna    Jul 13, 2017

    Thanks zidhisa investors. . . Bgd useful funds for additional shopping roko complement wrung contents. . . Little bit of quick turnaround. . . . _trimakasih bnyak zidhisa. . .

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