Household appliance shopping needs to olshop

Asti Nidya

Jombang, Indonesia

100% repaid



Asti Nidya

Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

106 installments  •  56%

About Me

Let me introduce myself, my name is Asti Nidya Agustin. I was born on August 10, 1987 and live in Jombang. I come from a family that is quite good in my opinion because my parents can send all their children to college, and we are very happy, because we feel like we are not I have never felt deprived, because we are always grateful for all the gifts of the Creator. I have 4 siblings, all of whom are married. All of them have their own homes. Thank God, I am married and have two children who are 11 years old and are already in elementary school and will graduate this year, the other is only 9 months old. I hope I can send my children to school until they achieve their dream of becoming a doctor.

My Business

My business is selling online and my main job is working as a teacher in a school, now I am starting to open courses and collaborate with school agencies. At home I also open a tutoring business Ahe and on the side I open a shop at home and also an online shop. In the shop I sell various things. household needs. While sitting at home I try to upload my merchandise on social media. So that my shop can develop both at home and online shop.

Loan Proposal

For household appliance shopping. Pan. Thermos. Pan. Glass. Jar. Dll__keuntungannya yes sold well, many friends. Naturally profits will increase if the father IBH invertor willing to say a loan because I can wholesale goods ssemakin much.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Perkenalkan,nama saya asti nidya agustin.Saya lahir pada tanggal 10 agustus 1987 dan tinggal di Jombang.Saya berasal dari keluarga yang lumayan cukup menurut saya karena orang tua bisa menyekolahkan semua anaknya sampai ke perguruan tinggi,Dan kami sangat bahagia,karena kami merasa tidak pernah merasa kekurangan,karena kami selalu mensyukuri semua pemberian sang pencipta.saya mempunyai 4 saudara semuanya sudah menikah.Semua sudah mempunyai rumah masing2. alhamdulillah saya sudah bersuami dan mempunyai 2 anak yang berusia 11 thn dan sudah sekolah di SD akan lulus tahun ini,yang satunya baru berusia 9 bulan.semoga saya bisa menyekolahkan anak hingga tercapai cita-citanya menjadi seeorang dokter.

My Business

Usaha saya adalah jualan online dan Pekerjaan pokok saya yaitu bekerja sebagai guru di suatu sekolah,sekarang saya sedang merintis membuka kursusan dan kerjasama dengan instansi sekolah.Dirumah saya juga buka usaha bimbel Ahe dan sampingan saya buka toko dirumah dan juga olshop.Ditoko saya jual berbagai kebutuhan rumah tangga.Sembari duduk dirumah saya mencoba mengupload dagangan saya di media sosial.Sehingga toko saya bisa berkembang keduanya antara toko dirumah dan juga olshop

Loan Proposal

Untuk belanja alat rumah tangga.Panci.Termos.Wajan.Gelas.Toples.Dll
keuntungannya ya terjual laris,banyak teman.Tentu keuntungan akan meningkat apabila bapak ibh invertor bersedia memberikan say pinjaman karena saya bisa kulakan barang ssemakin banyak.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 18, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

8 weeks


The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States

Ask Asti Nidya a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.


